Thursday 10 September 2020

Tex Mex Chicken and Zucchini

 Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...

Today’s harvest...  eggplant...  heirloom tomatoes...  a gift of a humongous zucchini from our neighbor with scratches and tiny bite marks from the squirrel who tried to eat this massive prize...  still edible after cutting away the nibbled parts and giving it a thorough washing...  It became the centerpiece of supper...  Tex Mex Chicken and Zucchini...  delicious and only used half of the giant!   I see zucchini fritters in our future...

Can’t stop thinking about all the folks in danger from the fires in the west...  Colorado...   California...  Oregon...  so many more...  frightening...  seeing the results of climate change and fearing for those who may lose their lives...  their homes...  everything...

Part of our family in California... many friends there and in Oregon...  more in Colorado...  kids...  grands...  friends...  watching the news is overwhelming...  seeing the burned out towns... the devastation...  amidst all of this Covid lurks behind the scenes...  sneaking its grasp down people’s throats as they choke in orange skies...

Meanwhile here in the Big Wet Apple the skies opened this evening after supper and the rains poured down in earnest drenching the streets until rivulets filled the gutters and splashed into the storm sewers...  the pitter patter on the windows turning into a steady drumbeat as the deluge continued.  

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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