Wednesday 9 September 2020

Grilled Porterhouse, Dad’s Home Fries & Garden Salad

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Today was the last of our stunning weather...  the humidity crept up a nudge but not enough to make us uncomfortable.  Blue skies sported high fluffy clouds and the wind sighed at a slow leisurely pace as if to say “I’m resting up for Autumn”.

As Labor Day weekend passes and folks return to work...  the unofficial end of summer...  teachers returned to their classrooms today here in the Big Nervous Apple...  students not for another almost 2 weeks...  it’s life slowly grinding out some odd sense of normalcy as we all wear our masks and hope the virus doesn’t come roaring back.  

The hubs returned from work today looking tired and grim...  “the traffic”, he grumbled, as we sat on the deck to relax in the late afternoon sun.   With an additional 75,000 folks on the road today, traffic snarled and delays abounded leading to frustration and long lines.  

Supper was a welcome treat (the hubs is a meat and potatoes kind of guy) as we shared a porterhouse (filet side for me...  NY strip for him) potatoes (grilled yam for him...  Dad’s home fries for me) and a crisp green salad with basil, tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden.  A glass of Chardonnay rounded out the meal for me...  coffee for the hubs.  

Amidst all the fire chaos in California and Colorado...  we wish all our dear friends safety and prudence in evacuation should it become necessary...  property can be replaced...  lives cannot...  stay safe & healthy 💞😷

How was your day ?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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