Wednesday 30 September 2020

Cajun Chicken Thighs, Crimini Mushrooms, Pita & Applesauce... Post Storm Greenhouse

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

The rains stopped early this afternoon...  the sun peeked out from behind broken clouds as if checking to see if we were all okay after last nights furious storms.  Winds howled...  driving rain pounded against the window panes running down the side of the freshly painted house... washing away the dust and grime.  Chairs slid on the deck...  running out to stack them against the wall, the wet shirt stuck to my back...  plants nestled in the corner behind benches...  out of breath and soaked the wind ripped the back door from my loose grip trying to tear the it from the house...  slamming it closed I dripped quietly onto the clean kitchen floor.  Whew...  what a storm! 

Today save for the leaves and small branches scattered throughout the property it was not apparent that there had even been this howling monster.  Sunshine graced the deck drying the repositioned tables and chairs.  

Checking the greenhouse...  post storm... tomatoes continue to grow and ripen...  turnip greens ready for a second harvest...  baby arugula coming along nicely...  spicy basil and radish sharing a home...  table squash blossoms appearing beneath each leaf...  eggplant flowering...  leeks thickening their stems...  carrot tops filling out... nasturtium vine trailing... all is well within...  my little green heart is pleased.  

After work the hubs went for his flu shot (the last of us to get it) while I played in the kitchen.  Chicken thighs with Cajun herbs and spices roasted in the oven while mushrooms in garlic and olive oil were tended on the cooktop... a delightful pan sauce of red onion, yellow pepper, basil and chicken stock reduced nearby.  Whole wheat pita bread warmed in the oven and homemade applesauce completed the meal...  Sauvignon Blanc for me... Pinot Noir for him...  just right for a Wednesday night supper.

We have recovered from the trauma that was last nights debate... 

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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