Friday 25 September 2020

Chili Night with Sam Adams IPA

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Today it was vanilla skies once again... Beta approaches from the southwest bringing with her humidity...  scattered afternoon showers and cloud cover.  Got my flu shot this morning...  no issues save a sore arm for about two hours...  glad it’s done! 

The squirrel attack has begun in earnest...  both pumpkin and watermelon plants have been eaten...  leaves, flowers and stems...  gone!  The little furry thieves can’t get into the greenhouse, but they sure can nibble up anything in the garden.  Fortunately they don’t eat herbs...  not sure why...  so...  no pumpkin or watermelon this fall.  

We have more crickets this year than ever before...  apparently they love basil, Gardenia and sweet potato leaves.  There are chomps on most of the basil leaves where their hungry little mouths have nibbled away leaving enormous holes  ~sigh~  the Gardenia and sweet potato have been similarly assaulted. 

Tonite was chili night...  nothing warms the tummy like beef and bean chili with an IPA...  this one was Sam Adams...  perfect accompaniment to spicy chili.  The hubs added hot sauce to his bowl...   enough to create a light covering of sweat droplets atop his bald pate that shimmered in the kitchen light.  He was a happy camper.  Mr Sam doesn’t like chili...  he enjoyed his chicken and liver dinner without complaint...   warm apple crisp finished up the meal for us humans. 

Covid cases are once again rising in states all across the US...  amid the fires, floods, viruses and political animus there is a great deal of stress on us all.  Let us remember to practice self care...  time away from the news...  fun activities with folks we love where possible...  lots of long phone and video chats to keep social interactions going...  and of course...  cooking and baking...  and lastly something we all love to do... EAT! 

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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