Wednesday 30 September 2020

Cajun Chicken Thighs, Crimini Mushrooms, Pita & Applesauce... Post Storm Greenhouse

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

The rains stopped early this afternoon...  the sun peeked out from behind broken clouds as if checking to see if we were all okay after last nights furious storms.  Winds howled...  driving rain pounded against the window panes running down the side of the freshly painted house... washing away the dust and grime.  Chairs slid on the deck...  running out to stack them against the wall, the wet shirt stuck to my back...  plants nestled in the corner behind benches...  out of breath and soaked the wind ripped the back door from my loose grip trying to tear the it from the house...  slamming it closed I dripped quietly onto the clean kitchen floor.  Whew...  what a storm! 

Today save for the leaves and small branches scattered throughout the property it was not apparent that there had even been this howling monster.  Sunshine graced the deck drying the repositioned tables and chairs.  

Checking the greenhouse...  post storm... tomatoes continue to grow and ripen...  turnip greens ready for a second harvest...  baby arugula coming along nicely...  spicy basil and radish sharing a home...  table squash blossoms appearing beneath each leaf...  eggplant flowering...  leeks thickening their stems...  carrot tops filling out... nasturtium vine trailing... all is well within...  my little green heart is pleased.  

After work the hubs went for his flu shot (the last of us to get it) while I played in the kitchen.  Chicken thighs with Cajun herbs and spices roasted in the oven while mushrooms in garlic and olive oil were tended on the cooktop... a delightful pan sauce of red onion, yellow pepper, basil and chicken stock reduced nearby.  Whole wheat pita bread warmed in the oven and homemade applesauce completed the meal...  Sauvignon Blanc for me... Pinot Noir for him...  just right for a Wednesday night supper.

We have recovered from the trauma that was last nights debate... 

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 29 September 2020

Meatless Tuesday - Warm Farro Asparagus Salad

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC... 

Weather today was rainy and cool...  kids splashing in puddles... laughing as Mom’s take their hands...  pulling...  trying to keep those pants dry...  acorns  becoming marbles that skid underfoot...  squirrels huddling in their nests...  soggy fur drying among the leaves and branches...  it’s fall in the Big Apple...

The grass and bushes loving the drink...  I could swear they were smiling...  storms continue throughout...  by tomorrow afternoon the sun will allow her countenance to shine down upon us...  her reflection sparkling like diamonds among the wet grass...  It’s just the right time for rain too as the trees need water to display their beautiful fall foliage.

Just finished watching the debate...  what a disappointment...  it was impossible to learn anything with the constant interrupting...  talking over and button pushing...   the American people would have preferred some discussion of actual issues...  plans to help out small businesses...  deal effectively with covid...  rebuild our infrastructure...  address climate change...  discuss civil unrest...  the economy...  but no...  felt like work...  watching a couple on the verge of divorce trying to hammer out an agreement...  it was difficult to watch...  traumatizing...  

Thank goodness for the mute button...  

Supper tonite was meatless Tuesday...  since we ate our spatchcocked (love saying that word) chicken last night.   It was a warm salad of farro, roasted asparagus, eggplant and peppers...  caramelized onions...  chopped fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and red onion...  chick peas...  shredded Parmesan...  lime juice and and a mustard vinaigrette.  Delicious and so filling...  made for an excellent supper...  even the hubs enjoyed it...  Yay!  He’s coming along in adapting to more frequent meatless meals...  makes me happy.

Mom received her absentee ballot today and will have voted by the end of the week.  We spoke with her pre-debate...  she asked for a summary tomorrow...  wasn’t interested in watching it...  she is wise...

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 28 September 2020

Spatchcocked Grilled Chicken, Roasted Eggplant and Peppers & Tomato Jam

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Today was a last breath of summer feel...  warm... light breeze... humid...  except for the acorns cracking under my feet trotting out to the greenhouse to open the vent for fresh air.  Tomorrow the rains arrive with late day thunderstorms...   by midweek October brings with it clearing skies and temperatures in the low 60’s...  squirrels busily collecting nuts for their winter storage...  geese beginning to fly in gaggles bracing for their flight to Canada (how I wish I could join them) leaves dancing in the breezes soon to flutter to the ground...  autumn is upon us.

Last nights spatchcocked chicken hit the grates today with a satisfying hiss as the hubs stood watch...  tomatoes roasted into jam in the afternoon graced our supper table along with eggplant and peppers soft and pliant from the oven.  Mr Sam stood alongside patiently (many meows, begging and pawing) waiting for his plate...  chicken his favorite.  We ended with a disappointing fruit salad of empress plums (delicious) and white peaches (flavorless)...  the plums have been consumed...  the peaches may be headed for a dessert...  they will surely need sweetening.

Last Thursday I wrenched my back (don’t ask how... I don’t know) a few really bad days later and I’m making slow progress (back brace, gentle stretching and hot showers) standing is finally somewhat comfortable...  thank goodness...  cause cooking means standing...  and cooking is my go to for relaxation...

We have a grim milestone ahead...  we are about to grieve the loss of one millions souls to covid worldwide.  One in thirty three have perished from this pandemic...  and yet there is no end in sight...  tomorrow we hear from the two people who wish to guide us into the next years...  much is riding on the outcome.   Tune in...  make a plan...   vote...

How was your day?  What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

A Series of Unfortunate Events Salad with London Broil, Chicken, Feta, Olives and Clementines

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Today was a series of unfortunate events...  we have a mini fridge that was originally purchased when our son went to college.  He didn’t take it to his home and since the pandemic we have used it for Mom’s groceries (I shop for her and bring her groceries to her the next day). It needed defrosting and so today we emptied it and placed it outside on the deck to defrost and drain...  first time defrosting a mini fridge...   

We took Mom for her flu shot, visited for a bit then came home.  Mini fridge looked dry and empty.  The hubs carried it into the kitchen and placed it on my cooking mat so I could clean it up...  suddenly a couple of gallons of water flowed onto the floor...  apparently it has a tray beneath the freezer...  who knew???  all the melted ice had accumulated therein.  Following clean up...  involving lots of cussing and many towels...  the fridge is back in its appointed spot...  no harm no foul.  

Our dinner got completely derailed since it was now well past cooking time...  and thus a “clean out the fridge salad” became supper.  Leftovers from our Japanese Hibachi takeout...  leftover london broil...   feta...  clementine segments...  olives and a robust mustard vinaigrette made for a quick and satisfying supper.  Guess I’ll make the spatchcocked chicken tomorrow night...

Taxes anyone?  NYTimes article was highly informative and probably irritated The Emperor’s New Clothes a great deal...  

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 25 September 2020

Chili Night with Sam Adams IPA

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Today it was vanilla skies once again... Beta approaches from the southwest bringing with her humidity...  scattered afternoon showers and cloud cover.  Got my flu shot this morning...  no issues save a sore arm for about two hours...  glad it’s done! 

The squirrel attack has begun in earnest...  both pumpkin and watermelon plants have been eaten...  leaves, flowers and stems...  gone!  The little furry thieves can’t get into the greenhouse, but they sure can nibble up anything in the garden.  Fortunately they don’t eat herbs...  not sure why...  so...  no pumpkin or watermelon this fall.  

We have more crickets this year than ever before...  apparently they love basil, Gardenia and sweet potato leaves.  There are chomps on most of the basil leaves where their hungry little mouths have nibbled away leaving enormous holes  ~sigh~  the Gardenia and sweet potato have been similarly assaulted. 

Tonite was chili night...  nothing warms the tummy like beef and bean chili with an IPA...  this one was Sam Adams...  perfect accompaniment to spicy chili.  The hubs added hot sauce to his bowl...   enough to create a light covering of sweat droplets atop his bald pate that shimmered in the kitchen light.  He was a happy camper.  Mr Sam doesn’t like chili...  he enjoyed his chicken and liver dinner without complaint...   warm apple crisp finished up the meal for us humans. 

Covid cases are once again rising in states all across the US...  amid the fires, floods, viruses and political animus there is a great deal of stress on us all.  Let us remember to practice self care...  time away from the news...  fun activities with folks we love where possible...  lots of long phone and video chats to keep social interactions going...  and of course...  cooking and baking...  and lastly something we all love to do... EAT! 

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Garden Salad with Chick Peas, Grilled Corn and Nasturtiums, London Broil and Apple Crisp

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

80°F...  what a delight...  with low humidity and bright sunshine it was a day to enjoy being alive.  Between work and chores made time to play outside... Mr Sam sprawled on the warm boards of the deck soaking in the sunshine...  I swear he smiled at me as I walked back and forth on the deck tending to the plants...  reveling in the warmth...  the sun on my face.

By supper time feeling energized... apples beginning to show softness were peeled and cut...  ready for baking...  the scent of cinnamon and allspice filled the kitchen... the crisp bubbling away.  The hubs grilled our london broil...  a quick salad came together...  greenhouse tomatoes...  chick peas...  grilled corn...  radish,  arugula and nasturtium leaves giving a peppery spice to the base of romaine.

We continue to monitor the wildfires in the west hoping for cooler weather  and rain to ease the heat and dryness...  the gulf coast endured another monster storm dumping enormous amounts of rain on communities still not dry from the hurricane just a few weeks back...  and amidst it all the covid crisis flaring up once again in the US passing the devastating mark of 200,000 lives lost...  please mask up and stay safe 💞😷

The US Census ends in a week...  have you been counted?  41 more days until the Election ...  are you registered to vote?

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Grilled Za-tar Chicken Thighs, Grilled Peppers, Mushroom Stuffed Tomatoes & Baked Orange Marmalade Plantains

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Today was bright, sunny high of 72F...  light breeze...  perfect day for running errands and doing outdoor activities.  Tomatoes are ripening in the greenhouse slowly but surely as the days shorten and the temperatures slip into the 50’s at night.   

Five neighborhoods in NYC have seen a slight uptick in covid infections since Labor Day...  gives me the willies...  hoping the track and trace folks can get it under control.  Today’s awful milestone of 200,000 lost to the virus...  so many families...  such devestation...  our hearts ache for them.

Tonites supper...  (inspired by the NYTimes Middle Eastern Grilled Chicken Thighs) grilled za-tar chicken thighs with roasted peppers, mushroom stuffed roasted tomatoes and plantains baked in orange marmalade...  the counterpoint of the sweet plantains against the savory flavors of the chicken and tomato worked particularly well.  

Following our supper the hubs built a small fire in our fire pit...  we relaxed on the deck for an hour enjoying the warmth...  a delightful end to our day.

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 21 September 2020

Roasted Eggplant, Pepper and Cauliflower tossed with Cacio e Pepe

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Today was another cool blustery fall like day...  bright blue skies graced the Big Windy Apple...   the sun shining down in all her glory warming the greenhouse and our chilly souls.

Spent some time in with the vegetables today nipping off dead leaves...  checking hydration... humidity...  temperature.  Using one light bulb in a reflector next to the tomato planters keeps them above  50°F at night... today was delightful and warm...  a moth fluttered away each time another plant was examined...  shy fellow.  Incredibly...  the cool nights (mid 40’s) and mild days (mid 60’s) tomatoes are still producing...  beyond pleased with results thus far...

Researched cold weather growing...  found many vegetables that love the winter...  lettuces...  cabbages...  root veggies...  peas... chard... parsley...  thrilled to keep growing as long as possible.

Today’s dessert was a use up of nectarines in a delightful clafoutis by Julia Child (link: the custard was steeped in vanilla and we both found its perfume truly enhanced the dish (always make dessert first...  right?)

Supper was another successful meatless Monday...  roasted eggplant, peppers and cauliflower tossed with Cacio e Pepe (  delightful...  no disagreement  from the hubs this time...  necessary after our grilled hamburger and chips meal last night...  our son and a few of his friends spent the day disassembling a dead maple tree we had taken down on Saturday...  they want the firewood...  huge sawing job...  three of them plus the hubs... 16 burgers later... 
How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts

Friday 18 September 2020

Zucchini Onion Mozzarella Bake & RBG Passes

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...  

update...  RBG wouldn’t have wanted me to quit so here goes...  

This is one of the hardest posts to write...  

Just as supper was brought to the table we found out that RBG had passed.  Isn’t it the truth that everything in life can change in an instant?  And so it has...  an indomitable soul has shaken off her mortal coil...  it is said that when someone passes on Rosh Hashanah they have been a special blessing to those who knew them...  we certainly can say that about our beloved RBG...  she was a champion for human rights...  women’s rights...  she will be sorely missed...  rest in power RBG 💔

Our neighbor gifted us a humongous zucchini a few days back and although we used much of it...  half remained...  tonite’s supper brought to you by ginormous zucchini...  a bake...  shredded the beast, added one shredded red onion, salt, pepper, dill, eggs and shredded mozzarella...  topped with panko and Parmesan...  baked the 9X13 almost overflowing pan at 350°F for about 75 minutes till done...  probably enough left for another two dinners at least.

It’s windy tonite...  temperatures descending into the 60° range...  tomorrow’s high near that same mark.  Autumn has arrived and brought her blustery days...  seems fitting for tonite...  

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 17 September 2020

Greek Chicken Stew with Cauliflower, Kalamata Olives and Eggplant & Baby Brussels Sprouts

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Today was a warm 80°F and humid...  a reminder that summer is still with us here in the Big Muggy Apple...  tomorrow the temps dive into the high 60’s with rain possible and by Sunday will hover near 63°F as the cool air arrives from Canada.

Found teeny little Brussels sprouts growing on the stalks of my plants in the garden...  they’re so small but have time to get bigger as fall weather encourages their growth.  Incredible how they grow right out of the side of the stalk underneath the rosette of leaves at the top providing shade and protection as they get larger.  

Had an invader in the greenhouse this past week and couldn’t catch the little thief...  a cricket found his way in... probably when I left the door open during watering and pruning...  and was munching away on the tomato leaves...  turnip greens and generally making himself a nuisance.  Today I saw him against the wall of the greenhouse resting on a tomato leaf...  the hubs caught him and we released him into the wild to find his own food and stop scrounging off our labor!  😂  He flew off into the neighbors yard...  so glad to see him GONE...  what a muncher! 

Tonite’s supper Greek Chicken Stew with Cauliflower and Kalamata Olives by Martha Shulman...  so delicious...  the taste of the cinnamon against the acid of the vinegar is mind blowing...  used the leftover grilled chicken kebab meat...  added eggplant, since we had them...  why not...  and used fresh tomatoes instead of canned tomatoes...  such a simple recipe...  but the taste complex and warming.  Served with whole wheat pita...  the hubs must have loved it...  he ate four bowls!  Needless to say...  will make it again.

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Vanilla Skies, Spicy Chicken Kebabs and Veggie Kebabs

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Today we had Vanilla skies...  high level haze from the smoky fires in the west infiltrating the jet stream...  all the way to Europe...  temps in the low and mid 70’s...  the sun a blurry orb trying its best to shine through.

Left the light on in the greenhouse most of the day to generate heat and light for the plants...  they’re certainly getting the chill at night as the temps dip into the 50’s.  High 70’s tomorrow then the temps fall into the 60’s...  fall fell...  summer didn’t even have a chance to cool us down a bit...  just gone.

Supper tonite was kebabs...  spicy chicken kebabs...  veggie kebabs...  grilled by the hubs...  served alongside leftover slaw, farro, tomato jam & applesauce...  a glass of Sauvignon Blanc along for the ride.   Made enough to have leftover chicken for some kind of repurposed dinner tomorrow.  Going to have to think about that one... maybe a hash.

Funny story...  ran into a friend at the market yesterday...  she laughingly said... “Hey there Julia Child”...  I thanked her for the compliment...  what a nice thing to say...  she accused me of having waaaay too much fun with food...  loved it 😅😂🤣

With five named storms in the Atlantic hurricane season is churning along...  so far the Northeast is not in the crosshairs...  finger crossed 🤞 

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Hot Cocoa and Apple Crisp

 It’s getting colder out there tonite...  57°F...  

Hot cocoa and warm apple crisp to ease the chill 💞😷

Pernil, Red Cabbage and Carrot Slaw and Soft Poppy Seed Kaiser Rolls

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Today the temperatures plummeted into the mid 60’s...  the smoke from the fires out west slowly drifting across the country and leaving a haze over NY skies.  Luckily the greenhouse door and vent are closed so the temps inside climbed into the mid 70’s...  tonite will be a cold one...  thermometer and incandescent light bulb keeping the temps above 62°F...  just enough to keep the tomatoes and cukes comfie.  

The next couple of days will be warmer...  but by the end of the week the nights will dip into the 50’s.  It’s time to give the greenhouse a blankie...  the hubs is already concocting a plan...  I can’t wait to see what his imagination dreams up...  I’m sure it’ll be incredible.

The new cabinet arrived today...  it’s 12” wide...  12” deep and 72” tall.  I’m calling it the pandemic cabinet...  it’s going to relieve the dining room from its current state of storage bin for all the additional supplies we have purchased for cleaning...  masking up...  gloves... hand sanitizer...  peroxide and of course... bleach.  Of course you KNOW I’m also going to store non perishables inside as well.  I’m thinking of making it into a baking cabinet for all the flours, sugars, chocolates and accompaniments needed for my “projects” as the hubs likes to call them.  It arrived flat packed...  thank goodness the hubs is handy...  the instructions we so muddled... some of the drawings were inside down...  but he managed to put it together in record time...  so pleased.  

Tonite was leftover pernil with red cabbage slaw, tomato jam and soft poppy seed Kaiser rolls followed by summer fruit salad with lime juice squeezed over the top and chocolate chocolate chip cream cheese cookies (just one each 😩).  After installing the cabinet...  we were HUNGRY for sure! 

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 14 September 2020

Slow Cooker Pernil & Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cream Cheese Cookies

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...  

Today was a taste of autumn...  blustery...  temps in the low 70’s...  bright skies...  few clouds...  opened the roof vent in the greenhouse for just a few hours in the afternoon sun but by 4pm it was getting too chilly and the vent was closed.  It stays nice and warm in there...  the fan running to keep a breeze moving and ward off mold or fungi.  

The cucumbers have begun hanging from the inner roof twining their tendrils around the center beam...  incredibly strong to support the weight of the fruit...  turnip greens getting thick once again (almost time for a haircut)  tomatoes still producing...  radishes, beets, collards, carrots and arugula all coming along nicely.  So much to learn...  an interesting experiment... gives me great respect for farmers.

Around noon it was time to set up the slow cooker for pernil.  Bought  a small pork shoulder...  seasoned it (NYTimes Cooking - Mark Bittman) and placed it in the slow cooker for 5 hours on high...  while it simmered away in its own fat and juices it was time to care for the plants...  bake the cookies...  video chat with a client...  clean two bathrooms (yuck!)...  cook the farro and roast tomatoes into jam...   a productive day to be sure.  

Can’t help but think about the fires in the west...  the Cameron Peak Fire has not spread further since the snow and rain fall...  cooler temperatures are helping Colorado hotshots manage the blaze...  so far...  fingers crossed 🤞 

Meanwhile on the west coast devestation in California... Oregon and Washington...  hoping the rain expected will help get the fires under control and save lives 💞😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

Leftover Frosting Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cream Cheese Cookies

 Update:  found a recipe, Leftover Frosting Cookie Recipe...  to 1 1/2 cups chocolate cream cheese frosting add...  4 oz more cream cheese to equal 2 cups, 1 jumbo egg, 2 c flour, 1 tsp baking soda, 10 oz 60% cacao baking chips and 1/2 c shredded coconut...   make small 1” balls and flatten with fork in crosshatch pattern...  bake at 350°F for 10 minutes...  

DELICIOUS...  came out slightly cakey... very chocolatey...  moist and tender... like tiny cakes... so thrilled with this weird project’s outcome 💞😷

Frosting leftover over from Mom’s 90th birthday cupcakes...

I used about 1/3 of the frosting for the cupcakes.  

I have a chocolate cream cheese cookie recipe I would like to use but need help figuring out exactly what to add to make the cookies work?  I’m not tied to the recipe I have... never made it before...  so any chocolate cream cheese cookie recipe is appreciated...💞😷

Shrimp Tacos, Grilled Asparagus and Black Beans with Bacon

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Sunday...  our day to visit Mom...  the weather cooperated nicely...  high 70’s...  partly cloudy...  a bit humid...  but nice enough for Mom to have her best friend over in the early afternoon for a visit...   they sat out on the balcony and chatted in the warm sun and delightful breeze.  By the time we arrived in the mid afternoon she was in good spirits.  We were thrilled to find out she has been having friends up to her apartment...  sitting out on the balcony with her sliding glass doors open several times this past week and has plans to visit with a few more this coming week.  

Although the ladies can’t yet play bridge, they can come together one on one and catch up.  It’s been a long lonely spring and summer and with NYC covid stats remaining under 1% for the past couple of months Mom is slowly rebuilding her social network.  We are so pleased to see her reaching out and having fun again.

By the time we headed home it was nearing supper time...  we called our son and Andrea to see if they wanted to join us for dinner out.  Instead they invited us to join them for shrimp tacos at their place.   Delicious flavors of lime...  sour cream...  garlic...  and scallions made a fabulous salsa verde mixed into a red cabbage slaw and spooned over the top of our tacos of grilled shrimp...  slaw... queso fresco... and lime...  the flavor combination was intoxicating...  or was it the delightful wine...  who knows???  Grilled asparagus and savory black beans simmered with bacon (OMG - double yum) as sides made the meal a huuuuge hit!  Who knew that dinner would be so fabulous...  two talented chefs!!  One proud Mama!!

Our friends on the west coast are in dire straights tonite...  we hope that Monday’s forecasted rain is enough to stop the spread of the wildfires and give firefighters the help they so desperately need...   sending light and love to all in harms way 💞😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

Empañadas, Pork Chops, Applesauce and Shishito Peppers

 Quarantine activities tonite...   Live from NYC...

Family...  food...  and a well controlled fire...  on our deck tonight feeling the first stirrings of Autumn...  temperatures dropped into the lower 60’s as the sun set...  the chill palpable giving us a reason to don long pants, socks, shoes and sweatshirts for the first time in over four months.  

Danicha  and Eduardo brought delicious empañadas which we gobbled up hot and savory with just the right poke of heat.  Grilled pork chops with ginger and za-tar was the perfect foil for the homemade applesauce and apple crisp made last night from my 20 pound apple score at the market.  Roasted cauliflower and grilled shishito peppers along with a lovely Pinot Noir rounded out the meal.  

The sun fell and the temperature plummeted...  we lit a fire in the hubs new fire pit and enjoyed the crackling flames as we chatted and laughed regaling one another with hilarious stories of verbal blunders while trying to spit out words.  

Today after digging toad stools from the lawn the hubs needs to put his shovel away in the garage...  as I came into the kitchen off the deck I said... “ I’ll open the garage so you can put your squirrel away”...  laughing I said...  “What just came out of my mouth?”  The hubs shrugged, chuckled and said... “Okay, I’ll go put my squirrel away now”...   brain spasms for sure.

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

One Hundred Eighty Nine Days

 One hundred eighty nine days since the quarantine began...

One hundred eighty nine days since I hugged my Mom...

One hundred eighty nine days watching... waiting...  

hoping the virus would ease...  

One hundred eighty nine days not seeing most of our friends... 

One hundred eighty nine days of astonishment at the incredible loss of humanity...  917,000 dead worldwide... over 190,000 here in America...

One hundred eighty nine days that didn’t have to happen... 


Saturday 12 September 2020

Apple Crisp

 It’s finished!   The Apple Crisp ( Ina Garten’s recipe is almost the exact same ingredients as NYTimes Mark Bittman’s Apple Crisp) delicious... smells like heaven 🍏 🍎 

My own tweaks... for the crisp...


1 cup rolled old fashioned oats

1 cup flour

1/2 cup brown sugar

Pinch salt

3/4 stick butter 1/2” cubed cold

2-3 tbsp ice water 

Place oats, flour, sugar and salt in food processor...  pulse a few times till well mixed.   Drop in cold cubed butter and pulse about 10 times till butter is pea size.  With processor running drizzle in ice water till topping clumps. 

Do the apples first while the oven preheats...

For the apples... into a large mixing bowl... 

Peeled and cubed 9 various apples (at least 4 Granny Smith)

Cinnamon, allspice and ginger sprinkled over the apples liberally

Toss with hands... pile into baking dish...

Cover the fruit as much as possible with the crisp topping to protect the fruit...  bake at 350°F until apples are bubbling and topping is browned and crisp...  took about 45 minutes for this huuuge one...  normally takes less time... maybe 30 minutes or so... cover with loose foil if getting too dry or browning too fast... I did for the last 15 minutes...  still very crispy

Grilled Kielbasa with Pickled Onions, Roasted Fennel & Tomatoes, Fresh Greenhouse Tomatoes & Basil and warm Cornbread

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Today was errand day...  running here, there and everywhere... trying to get it all done before the weekend...  bank, post office and finally the market...

It’s almost autumn here in the Big Ripe Apple and that means APPLES...  

Fall in NYC is awash with all varieties of crisp apples from the tart Granny Smith to the sweet Honey Crisp and everything in between.  Score at the market today...  5 pound bags of damaged and bruised apples for $1.99...  how could anyone resist?  So, of course, I bought 20 pounds of apples...  eeeek...  as I sit here typing there is a big 8 quart pot of applesauce puck puck pucking away on the stove as well as a huuuuge apple crisp baking in the oven  (Thanks Ina Garten ❤️)  It’s divine...  the smell of fall wafting across my nose as the applesauce caramelizes and the crisp bubbles.  

The weather was bright cheerful and chilly today under blue skies after a deluge last night that brought more than 3 inches of rain to the metropolitan area...  I wish I could send it west over to Colorado, California and Oregon where the world is burning 🥵 and people are terrified...  

Simple supper tonite of grilled kielbasa, pickled onions, homemade pickles, roasted fennel and tomatoes, fresh greenhouse tomatoes with basil, cheddar jack, and warm cornbread...  

What is it about cooking at 2 am?  It’s quiet... no one is up...  just me and my kitchen quietly creative in the stillness...  

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?