Wednesday 30 June 2021

Julia’s Welcome Back Gathering & Mom’s A-fib

 Restoration supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

The heat is ON here in the Big Sizzlin’ Apple… 97°F today… that expression… hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk… today was fryin’ day!  Mama robin has 4 healthy babies growing up in her nest… they tweet and cheep when she or papa arrive with a nice juicy bug or wiggly worm for lunch… their heads and necks visible above the nest edge even when mama or papa is gone searching for more food… their little sounds are adorable. 

Iced coffee πŸ§‹inside the cool house today with the hubs and Beth Benson… a quick breakfast of cottage cheese… it’s been a busy few days…  taking Mom to the doctor… she has been feeling poorly these last days… a quick assessment by our MD…  then off to the hospital for admission and an in-depth assessment… her heart beating much too fast.  Stabilized and medicated… she is resting comfortably as the cardiologists review her case.

A whirlwind weekend…  punctuated by the enormous excitement of having Julia Nusbaum arrive from Morocco Friday… Beth arrive from Michigan Saturday morning…  our gathering Saturday afternoon and evening… it was a weekend of heartwarming friendship and joy…. having both of these fabulous ladies stay at our home…  despite the intense heat of the last days we have enjoyed one another’s company so very much.   Beth has now returned to Michigan…  Julia remains until Thursday morning when she returns home…  their cheerful smiling faces will be missed so very much.

Our extended WhatsApp call with Liz Gutter Saturday early on was such fun!  We chatted and laughed…  the four musketeers πŸ˜‚ Then enjoyed a zoom call  organized by Dori Davenport Thexton which included friends from all over the country!  It was marvelous… a celebration for sure πŸ˜„πŸ’•

Some photos of our meal Saturday… asparagus plate by Joseph Bassin… delicious chocolate chip cookies by Randye Spina (and two bottles of bubbly) chicken, salad and pitas by us… delicious πŸ˜‹ So glad everyone made the effort to participate πŸ₯°❤️

Covid is still a risk folks… if you aren’t vaxxed… get it done!  Don’t be a statistic! Over 99% of new cases are among the unvaccinated!  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn   Until then… Mask up… limit interactions… fly through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜„πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 24 June 2021

Meat Lasagna, Fresh Green Salad and Fruit Salad…. Nachos from the week… Mama Robin & Mr Sam

 Restoration supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

Two days of delight… low humidity… cool temps… bright sunshine… Mama robin has been feeding her devouring hoard solo until yesterday… Papa finally arrived to help with the younguns…  the two parents have been busily finding worms and insects for them to munch… at first all that was visible were the tips of beaks peeking up over the edge of the nest… today we saw long wiggly necks and four bobbing heads straining to be fed… mama or papa returning with the goods… hearing them softly chirping when either parent arrives… they’re getting bigger by the day 🐦 

Iced coffee πŸ§‹and a banana out on the deck… the hubs enjoying his hot cup ☕️ with two 3 minute eggs πŸ₯š Mr Sam snuggled into an old blanket under a chair in the shade catching 40 winks… enjoying feeling relaxed enough to snooze while we keep him company…  spent time weeding the herb garden today… the lemon balm and mint no longer taking over… severe pruning necessary but the trash smells divine πŸ—‘ watered and fussed over the greenhouse… tomatoes πŸ… and cucumbers πŸ₯’ taking over the roof…

The hubs saw his orthopedic surgeon…  got a good report… recovery  moving along well… another month of PT could possibly be the last part of his recovery… hoping he is able to stabilize the knee a bit more 🀞Quick trip to the market for a few necessaries and a late client visit just before dinner… first in person session in 18 months… outside on the deck for additional safety…

Busy day…. supper tonite… meat lasagna (purchased from our local market) with a fresh  green salad and cantaloupe peach strawberry blueberry fruit salad… served alongside a crisp Sauvignon Blanc for yours truly and a Pinot Noir for the hubs… all in all a highly productive day

Covid apparently isn’t done with the US just yet… virtually all new cases currently among unvaccinated folks… some states beginning to see surges of the delta variant 😒 make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  don’t become a statistic…. Until then… mask up… limit interactions… jog through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜πŸ’•

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Pizza Night

 Restoration supper tonite…. Live from NYC… 

The most welcome rainy day ever…  why You ask?  Because behind the storm is the most lovely low humidity mid 70’s weather imaginable and after sweating (oh sorry… ladies don’t sweat… we perspire) through the last few mugwump days… we are soooo grateful for that change to arrive 😁

Mama robin super busy today… rainy wet grass bringeth forth the worms!!  Spent her entire day flying back and forth between raindrops bringing the most delectable wiggly worms to her devouring hoard…  little mouths wide open visible over the edge of the nest… by late afternoon when the rains came in earnest she sat on the nest… wings outstretched over the edges of the nest to keep her babies dry… it was a moment to witness… true devotion πŸ₯°

Iced coffee πŸ§‹and mini wraps for two at the kitchen table… the hubs enjoying his hot cup ☕️  Mr Sam in loaf position on the rug next to the back storm door sniffing the scent of rain…  pools forming on the deck as drops coalesce into larger and larger puddles…  grass and plants reveling in the moisture…  the steady rain soaking the dry earth 🌎 

Dropping the hubs off at PT… a few errands… chores…  scooting by to pick him up and hustle home before the deluge comes… and not a moment to soon… into the house just as the downpour begins in earnest

Pizza night πŸ• the NYTimes Cheesy Pan Pizza… a family favorite… tonite with freshly sliced beefsteak tomatoes…  broccoli florets…  thinly sliced shallots…  shredded mozzarella and grated Parmesan…  baked in the 14” cast iron at 450°F for 20 minutes…  rested for 10 minutes…  sprinkled with freshly picked chiffonade basil from the greenhouse…  delicious…  devoured… served alongside a crisp Sauvignon Blanc by Bogle πŸ₯‚

Covid delta variant now accounting for over 25% of all new cases among unvaccinated folks…  this variant more contagious and more virulent… patients carrying a heavier viral load for longer…  getting much sicker… please don’t risk your health… make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  until then… mask up… limit interactions… trot through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 21 June 2021

Grilled Kielbasa, Potato Egg Salad and Watermelon Peach Blueberry Fruit Salad

 Restoration supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

Hot and steamy…  sounds like the beginning of a romance novel πŸ˜‚  humidity in the sticky and muggy range… 86°F on the thermometer… 

Momma robin busily feeling her youngsters… growing hungrier by the day… little beaks visible atop the nest as momma appears with a tidbit… an insect… a wiggly worm… or some other delight as they open their mouths for a bite 🐦

Iced coffee πŸ§‹today… tried to sit out on the deck with the hubs… too humid and uncomfortable to stay very long…. Mr Sam enjoying the solitude as we fled into the coolness of the kitchen… too hot to eat for yours truly… the hubs enjoying an omelette and toast with his hot cup ☕️ that man can certainly eat! 

Popped off to the market for Mom’s weekly groceries then over to her place to deliver and chat for a while… she is back to her activities… bridge games Monday, Thursday & Friday each week… this week she successfully played a grand slam!  Chair yoga Tuesday & Wednesday… visits from her friends on Saturday and our visit usually on Sundays… she is one busy lady and we are so thrilled to see her back in action! Vaccines πŸ’‰ work!!  

Supper tonite… grilled kielbasa with potato and egg salad from the market and watermelon peach blueberry fruit salad…  served alongside a lovely Pinot Noir by Line 39… the hubs enjoying banana cranberry coffee cake with vanilla ice cream and decaf for dessert… refreshing and simple after a busy hot muggy day.

Covid delta variant from India currently accounting for almost 25% of new cases… rapidly becoming the dominant strain in the US amongst unvaccinated folks… more contagious and more virulent… expected to create new surges in states with low vaccination rates… make that appointments d #GetYourJabOn  don’t become a statistic 😒In the interim… mask up… limit interactions… fly through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜„πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Saturday 19 June 2021

Cobb Salad & Pulled Pork with Judy Lacher and her Sister at Pig ‘n Whistle

 Restoration supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

🎢 Here comes the sun 🎢 and the heat… 88°F and muggy… really feeling the humidity as the temps rise…  finally got a glimpse of mama robins babies today… returning from one of her many her food forays with a wiggly worm πŸͺ± little mouths visible above the edge of the nest… counted at least two… possibly three…  so exciting 🐦 

Had a delightful lunch in Manhattan today with Judy Lacher, her sweet sister and the hubs…  met at Pig ‘n Whistle on 36 street just off 7th Avenue…  what a fabulous treat to FINALLY meet in person after all these months of sharing stories and developing deep friendships via our cooking communities πŸ₯°

Food was delicious… Judy had yummy slow smoked brisket sliders on fresh buns (she let us share one… so good) with a glass of red wine…. her sister had a fabulous steak salad with a Baileys latte… the hubs enjoyed a barbecued pulled pork sandwich on a fresh bun with… what else… a Guinness & yours truly had a Cobb salad with a bright IPA… so fresh… loads of blue cheese and bacon πŸ₯“ mmmmmπŸ˜‹

Returned to enjoy iced coffee πŸ§‹on the deck… the hubs… of course… had his hot cup… his leg comfortable after our outing thanks to his efforts at PT his gait virtually normal 😁

Spent time in the greenhouse feeding and watering the babies… today was a hot day with afternoon sprinkles… inside the plants were a bit droopy…  a good dousing and misting perked them right up… followed by a feeding… tied a cord from the vent to the doorway to support the tomatoes as they reach the ceiling πŸ…

Took the Long Island Railroad into Manhattan… covid vaccines are being offered right in Penn Station daily from 3pm to 8pm… how convenient… walk ins welcome…  not vaxxed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  it couldn’t be easier or more convenient…  until then… mask up… limit interactions… sail through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 18 June 2021

SautΓ©ed Ground Chicken with Leftover Red Beans and Spanish Rice & Fruit Salad

 Restoration supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Creeping slowly back… inch by inch… degree by degree… each day a little warmer… until πŸ’₯ BAM πŸ’₯ the heat blast returns… today 84°F… sunny… pleasant… humidity still within comfortable levels… 

Mama robin guarding her nest… flying off for food more frequently to feed her babies… but back in a flash each time… being a single Mom is tough… doing all the work herself… feeding… watching… warming… her success based entirely on her efforts to raise her youngsters to carry on her genes 🧬 

Iced coffee πŸ§‹out on the deck after taking the hubs to early PT… running a few errands… needing “go power” after all the activity… refilling  the tank for  late afternoon trip to the market…  stopping off at the wine store for the most important part of the trip 🍷Picking up a few bottles for all the Dad’s in the family πŸ₯‚ the hubs resting up after his grueling workout… his leg a bit sore post PT

Supper tonite… picked up some ground chicken at the market giving it a quick sautΓ© then adding in the leftovers from our red beans supper… served over Spanish rice… finally getting to enjoy last nights honeydew 🍈 peach πŸ‘ blueberry 🫐 fruit salad πŸ˜‹ alongside… finished up the last of the New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc… glad there’s another bottle to enjoy

Covid delta variant spreading amongst unvaccinated folks… make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  protect yourself and those you love… this disease is sneaky and can attack without warning…  until then… mask up… limit interactions…  glide through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜„πŸ’•

How was your day?  What’s on your plate?  

Burger Night with Honeydew Peach Blueberry Fruit Salad

 Restoration supper tonite…. live from NYC…

Another stellar day…  77°F… low humidity… light breeze feeling delightful on the skin…  mama robin is now feeding her babies… haven’t been lucky enough to get a glimpse… yet… trying… she is bringing food to the nest… bending her head down… giving it to a waiting mouth…  also sitting up much higher… apparently her babies are getting bigger.  So exciting…  hoping for some peeks in the next days.

Iced coffee πŸ§‹and a mini wrap out on the deck… the hubs enjoying his hot cup ☕️ with a mini wrap as well… Mr Sam stretched out in the shade guarding the greenhouse door… eyeing us as we munch our food… hoping for a taste (of course he finally DID get some turkey… such a spoiled puss 😸 we have created) 

Spent time in the greenhouse today… tomatoes up to the ceiling… cucumbers covering the back wall… nasturtiums climbing onto the cucumbers for support…  found two baby tomatoes… marble size… so excited to see them…  pepper plants growing fast… gave away three of eight  plants to our sweet neighbors today…  hoping they enjoy them… the blackberry brambles have taken root in the back of the herb garden…  thrilled to think in a couple of years we will have fruit 😁 

All seven garlic cloves have grown into 15” high scapes…  does anyone know if scapes can be cut and continue to grow… like chives? And if I cut them… will they still grow a bulb at the end of the summer? 

Supper tonite… took out ground beef to make beef stroganoff… somehow the time flew by and suddenly it was getting late…  and so…  burger night πŸ” along with fresh cut corn 🌽 red pepper and peas sautΓ©ed in olive oil salt and pepper… cooked up quickly while the hubs grilled the burgers and warmed the buns…  honeydew 🍈 peach πŸ‘ blueberry 🫐 fruit salad was made… but not eaten… too full from supper…  perfect for tomorrow.

Had family over after supper for a fire πŸ”₯ on the deck… so pleasant to sit outside… have coffee… tea… apple pie πŸ₯§(which they brought from our favorite bakery)  relax… tell stories… and laugh…  something so very basic…  sorely missed during the pandemic πŸ₯°

This coming Sunday is Fathers Day… a special day set aside to celebrate how special Dads are in our lives…  if you are still fortunate enough to have your Dad don’t miss the opportunity to share your love with him ❤️

Covid delta variant is fast becoming the dominant strain here in the US… percentage of cases doubling every two weeks…  please make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  For those millions of Americans who have skipped your second dose…  the efficacy of your vaccine against the Delta variant drops from 83% to just over 35% without your second dose… please take care of yourself and get your second jab… not vaxxed? Mask up… limit interactions… trot through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜„πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 16 June 2021

NOLA Red Beans and Rice

 Restoration supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Perfect weather… today was THAT day… temps just below 80°F… low humidity… light breeze… such a relief from the days of 90°F+…  so many different bird songs…  in addition to the usual chorus of robins, cardinals, mockingbirds and sparrows… a mourning dove spent the day on the roof peak… cooing… such a gentle sound… she stayed until late afternoon then flew off into the horizon…  squirrel activity has been light… spotted a couple of juveniles with their characteristic short hops…  possibly curtailed by the local hawk and falcon families? 

Iced coffee πŸ§‹and a banana 🍌 out on the deck… the hubs enjoying his cottage cheese and mixed berries with green tea 🍡 Mr Sam spent the early afternoon snoozing πŸ’€ on his mat inside… finally making his way out onto the deck by cocktail hour…  work absorbing much of the day while the hubs spent time disassembling the washing machine for a tune up πŸ‘¨πŸ»‍πŸ”§

Supper tonite… one of our favorites…  red beans and rice with andouille and tasso…  a delightful reminder of our culinary adventures to New Orleans… must schedule another one soon πŸ˜‹

Covid delta variant is fast becoming the dominant strain here in the US… 60% more contagious and more virulent… it seeks out unvaccinated folks…  if you aren’t vaxxed yet please consider making it a priority… some states vaccination rates still remain below 40%… this worries scientists that another surge might occur in the fall… make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  take care of yourself and your family… until then… mask up… limit interactions… fly through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜„πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Roasted Chicken Thighs and Fingerling Potatoes with Avocado Tomato Red Onion Salad & Honeydew Peach Blueberry Fruit Salad

 Restoration supper tonite…. Live from NYC… 

🎢 It’s getting better all the tiiiime 🎢  Fireworks πŸ’₯ adorning the Big Apple tonite… celebrating New York reaching 70% of adults with at least one jab…  a monumental accomplishment in only six months… we are proud to be part of the solution joining California in re-opening our state 😁

Mild… 80°F on the thermometer with low humidity making it comfortable out on the deck…  iced coffee πŸ§‹a slice of rye toast smeared with homemade marmalade… the hubs enjoying his hot cup with cottage cheese and mixed berries… Mr Sam relaxing in the shade by the greenhouse stretched out on the warm boards…  mama robin taking more frequent breaks from her duties… popping off the nest to eat…  no beaks visible yet… still waiting patiently 🐦 

The hubs off to PT… doing well… his therapist quite pleased with his progress.  Meanwhile… decluttering…  purging years of accumulation… incredibly freeing… enjoying giving items to those who want and can use them.  

Supper tonite…  roasted chicken thighs with olive oil, onion, garlic, turmeric & paprika … roasted fingerling red potatoes with olive oil salt and pepper…  avocado, red onion and tomato salad with lime vinaigrette… served alongside a delightful Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand… dessert… honeydew 🍈 peach πŸ‘ blueberry 🫐 fruit salad 

As pleased as we are to be re-opening our state we are well aware that Covid continues in much of the world… many countries have yet to vaccinate their populations… the virus still taking souls every day.  

In parts of America we are fortunate to be able to resume some semblance of a new normal… however… the delta variant quickly becoming the dominant strain infecting young unvaccinated adults… please… make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn 

Today America passed 600,000 lost to covid… let’s not lose anyone else…  not vaxxed yet? Mask up… limit interactions… glide through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜„πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 14 June 2021

Ground Turkey Hash with Broccoli, Red Pepper, Potato and Shallots & Banana Cranberry Coffee Cake

 Restoration supper tonite…. live from NYC…

Rain… clouds… humidity… bit of sun… rain…  today was a rain sandwich… the west is broiling… the south is steaming…  we are humid in the mid 70’s…  grateful for our sandwich weather… everything else is on the weather menu is waaaay worse!  Our robin mama still sitting on the nest most of the day… thinking the eggs have hatched as she pops off for a bit of food now and then… probably keeping the hatchlings warm (they are born nekked and blind you know) she is dedicated.  Haven’t seen papa yet…  hoping he shows up to help feed the youngsters when their ready.  

Iced coffee πŸ§‹and a banana 🍌 out on the deck post rain showers… the hubs enjoying his hot java with steak and eggs 🍳  such a hungry fella!  Dinner discussions… Mexican? Took out some ground turkey and decided to “see what happens” 

Spent some time in the greenhouse… counted 5 baby cucumbers πŸ₯’ thus far… loads of flowers on the tomato πŸ… plants… fingers crossed 🀞 that they produce generously… the garlic have all grown into fat scapes… leaving them intact to become full heads over the course of the summer.  Nasturtiums getting quite tall…  leeks as well…  Mr Sam trying to munch the marigolds near the door… gave him some parsley to eat as a consolation prize.

Enjoyed late afternoon gin and tonics with loads of lime and salted roasted almonds while supper cooked.

Supper tonite… apparently not Mexican πŸ˜‚ instead decided to make ground turkey hash with broccoli, red peppers, cubed red potatoes and shallots… made a pan sauce for the turkey… came out delicious… now need to recall what was done to be able to repeat this meal we both loved. 

Who loves naked cakes? We do!!  This one a banana cranberry coffee cake with icing sugar sprinkled liberally over the top… 

Covid delta variant from India now accounting for 10% of all new cases…  more infectious…  more virulent… will most likely become the dominant variant in a short time…  if you aren’t yet vaxxed please make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  we are on the brink of passing 600,000 lost in America alone…  be part of the solution…  until then… mask up… limit interactions…  fly through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜„

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Saturday 12 June 2021

Grilled London Broil with Mashed Sweet Potatoes Red Potatoes with Butter Sour Cream and Chives & Salad with Avocado

 Restoration supper tonite…  Live from NYC…

The Big Steamy Apple cooling down these past few days making life a bit easier…  squirrels chasing one another up and down trees…  jumping from branch to branch… many bird songs to hear…  able to identify cardinals, robins, sparrows, mockingbirds, but more unfamiliar ones new to the ear.  Mama robin took a couple of breaks to find food for herself… the hubs dutifully watched over the nest while she was gone…  Mr Sam disinterested… napped under a chair 😽

Iced coffee πŸ§‹out of the deck today… the hubs enjoying his hot cup with an omelette…  such a pleasure to sit outside in reasonable temperatures.  Spent time in the greenhouse feeding and watering the ever growing hoard…  repotted the sweet potatoes… three eyes rooted and are growing vines…  moved the basil and several marigolds closer to the entrance for additional sun.  The greenhouse has a new resident…  we welcomed a ladybug 🐞 onto the tomato plants.  She is an aphid eating delight… we hope she give us loads of her little babies to munch aphids and keep the greenhouse aphid free 

Supper tonite…  London broil… rare please… baked red potatoes with butter, sour cream and chives… baked sweet potato mash…  crisp green salad with avocados and lime vinaigrette…  ice cream for dessert… vanilla bean for the hubs… coffee chip for yours truly

Vaxxed yet? Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn be part of the solution… keep those you love healthy and covid free… the Delta variant from India has been infecting young adults at an alarming rate…  mask up… limit interactions… sail through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜„

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 10 June 2021

Penne with Roasted Red Pepper, Broccoli & Fennel, Grilled Parsley and Cheese Sausage and Devils Horn Moon Sunrise

 Restoration supper tonite…  Live from NYC…

Devils horn moon sunrise…  stunning phenomenon caused by a partial solar eclipse…  tried to view it but clouds rolled in blocking the view 🀨 Luckily a friend… Andres…  rode out to eastern Long Island and captured the sunrise for all to enjoy…  he is a master of photography πŸ₯°

Weather pattern finally broke today… pleasantly warm with temps approaching 80°F…  tonite quite cool in the low 60’s… humidity down to comfortable levels…  grateful to no longer be broiling here in the Big Apple 🍎 Our tenant has yet to step off her nest… faithful as always… nurturing her clutch of eggs… regardless of temperature or conditions… we wait patiently for hatchlings to arrive 🐦

Iced coffee πŸ§‹out on the deck… the hubs enjoying his hot java with the last slice of leftover pizza…  Mr Sam snuggled under a chair napping in the shade…  dinner request…  something on the grill… sounds like a plan 

Supper tonite… penne with roasted red peppers, broccoli and fennel… olive oil… black pepper and Parmesan…  grilled sausages with cheese and parsley…  alongside Bogle Sauvignon Blanc…  sliced mango and kiwi for dessert with decaf coffee for the hubs ☕️ 

The delta variant has arrived from India…  make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution… until then… mask up… limit interactions… trot through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜„πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Pizza Night & Robin mama on her nest

 Restoration supper tonite…. live from NYC… 

Soooo… temps remaining steady with another at 90°F… our tenant showing  her feathers today… mama bird hopping off the nest briefly to stretch her little legs and POW… we have a Robin’s nest 😁  One of our favorite birds with their red breasts and perky hops…  no babies yet… mama still hatching her brood 🐦  so glad she chose the spot under the eaves since we had a whopper of a storm this afternoon… a thunder boomer with heavy downpours and lots of lightening strikes… only lasted two hours… following…  the humidity arrived 😩 oppressive is the word of the day. 

Iced coffee πŸ§‹no appetite in this heat… the hubs ever hungry… hot java with cottage cheese and black pepper… a few moments to chat then off to PT for the hubs… couple of errands to run meanwhile…  picked him up and zoomed home shortly before the skies opened up and the storm arrived.  Mr Sam not interested in going out in the storm…  poking his nose out the back door then off to nap πŸ’€ smart puss 😽

It’s pizza night!!  Broccoli πŸ₯¦ roasted tomatoes πŸ… roasted red peppers πŸ«‘ Kalamata olives πŸ«’ and lots of mozzarella…  the NYTimes Crispy Pan Pizza…  a winner… cooked in the 14” cast iron…  perfect crunchy crust every time πŸ• 

Heard on the news today… covid infections are down over 90% since January in the US…  woot woot…  vaccines work!  There is a new variant from India… more contagious… more virulent… seems to be attacking young folks in their 20’s and 30’s… not vaxxed yet? Oh dear… make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  don’t risk your health or those you love… in the interim… mask up… limit interactions… soar through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜„

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

Kielbasa, Mixed Roasted Squash, Roasted Corn, Avocado Tomato Salad & Fruit Salad

 Restoration supper tonite….  live from NYC… 

Another day of heat… just below  90°F… we are broiled! Wondering if birds feel the heat… they seem oblivious to changes in temperature…  caught a glimpse of our tenant… she sat on the nest all day… not close enough for a decent photo…  plus, don’t want to disturb her musings by getting too close.

Iced coffee πŸ§‹in this heat little appetite…. The hubs enjoying his hot cup with an omelette and toast… that man can eat!  Temperature be damned πŸ˜‚

Spent time in the greenhouse…  so steamy… but the babies need attention… repotted the lemon tree and Gardenia…  both seem happy in their new digs… no signs of shock 😁 Tomato plants are up to the roof… loaded with flowers… spotted a first cucumber… teeny little thing… pinky size… so pleased to see it πŸ˜„

Supper tonite… kielbasa on the grill… roasted corn… mixed squash roast… butternut and chayote with shallots and thyme… first time with chayote… thanks so all the folks who suggested recipes… it was delicious… kind of a cross between a cucumber and fennel… tomato and avocado salad… honeydew raspberry blueberry mango fruit salad for dessert πŸ˜‹

Not vaxxed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution… until then… Mask up… limit interactions… fly through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜„πŸ’•

How was your day?  What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?