Tuesday 20 October 2020

Vegetable & Andouille Paella and Jicama Slaw

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Light rain fell during the morning hours blanketing the street with a veil of fog.   Tiny droplets accumulated on the deck...  just enough wetness to confine Mr Sam to the house.  As the day progressed the sun eventually burning through the cloud cover...  the drops sparkled like tiny lenses reflecting a spectrum of color in the afternoon light.  Mr Sam snoozed on the mat near the back door intermittently looking up to sniff supper as it cooked... then tucking his head into his paw as if to block the light.   

Vegetable paella was an exceptional dinner last week and thus we enjoyed it once again (I remembered to take a photo before we ate 🤣) with andouille, zucchini, broccoli, yellow peppers, peas and onions.   Tried elephant garlic for the first time...  humongous cloves...  thought it might be overwhelming but the taste was mellow and soft...  member of the leek family... who knew.   Roasted the broccoli and peppers first for that sweetness...  made a delightful difference.  Served with lemon wedges for needed acid.

Last weeks trip to the market found three large jicama in a reduced bag for $1.99 and couldn’t resist.  Have had it in salads many times...  loved the crunch...  this time tried a slaw with red onion, salt pepper and fresh lime juice.  Perfect accompaniment to the savory paella with its fresh acidic bite.  Have two jicama left... and two more slaw recipes to try...  will see which one is the winning combination...  so far delicious! 

Covid is kicking butt and taking names...  don’t become a statistic...  wear a mask...  wash those dirty hands...  limit personal interactions...  stay alive!

Worldwide 40 million cases 1.1 million deaths...  3% mortality rate (flu is below .1%) Get a flu shot...  be smart ❤️

Fourteen days until the election...  early voting has begun...  make your voice heard...   VOTE! 

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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