Monday 12 October 2020

French Apple Cake & Afternoon Latte

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Rain... rain... rain... today the remnants of Delta graced the Big Drippy Apple with her sloshy presence.  Fortunately the winds did not accompany her on her visit to our city.  It was gray...  dreary...  downright chilly and gloomy...  the drip drip drip off the eaves splattering onto the deck...  the passing cars hissing through puddles as the cool rainwater hit the heat from their mufflers.

Mr Sam roamed the kitchen...  a caged lion...  back and forth...  uninterested in human activities...  trapped by the storm.  Sipping latte thumbing through ideas for our meatless Monday repast...  he complained loudly at the lack of activity...  patting his head nodding in agreement.  

The chill finally gave way to my favorite supper...   pea soup...  warm and comforting served alongside olive focaccia and red cabbage slaw...  both left from our Saturday meal.  A bag of four apples sitting sadly on the edge of the kitchen table....  long past crispness they glowered at me...  don’t waste us...  BAKE!  

French Apple Cake by Jennifer Segal (Once Upon A Chef) has been on my list for weeks...  today is the day I cried out...  Mr Sam looked up and cocked his head...  and thus dessert was born...  

Cooks notes: I do admit to a couple of changes...  not a fan of rum so I subbed Sauvignon Blanc...  had more apples than the recipe called for so added 50% more dry ingredients... used jumbo eggs, so only added two as I increased the dry goods...  also tossed the apples with cinnamon and allspice before adding to the batter... delicious!  Serve warm...  Highly recommend ❤️

How was your day?   What on your plate?  Thoughts?

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