Tuesday 13 October 2020

Stuffed Arichokes Never Made It to Supper

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

And it rained...  and it rained...  and it rained...  the city is quieter when it rains...  less folks outside calling to one another...  less traffic on the street as errands get postponed for another day...  dog walkers hustle along not stopping to chat...  the pitter patter of steady droplets playing a tune on the metal awnings outside the window...   the sun napping as the rains fall.

Dashing between the rain drops...  splashing across the deck... slipping into the greenhouse...  it’s dry and cozy...  a few green souls needing a drink...  collecting ripening tomatoes...  checking new radish seedling peeking their heads above the soil...  the nasturtiums birthing a first flower...  collards and turnip greens progressing beautifully...  squash blossoming...  hurrying back into the kitchen Mr Sam sniffs the new arrivals...  he’s not interested in tomatoes but curious regardless.  

Spent the afternoon prepping the two artichokes for cooking...  caramelized the onions...  added the garlic...  parsley, olive oil and crumbs.... beautiful stuffing.  Gave them a good long soak in acidulated water...  spooned the stuffing inside the center and between the leaves...  popped them into the oven in a water bath covered with foil to steam.   Finished prepping the chicken thighs...  added them to the oven... heated up the leftover pea soup...  the hubs and I sat down to enjoy our artichokes...  they’re raw...  

after an hour in the oven (plenty of water & wine still in the cooking dish)  added them to a pot (with their liquid) and steamed them...  by the time they were finished (30 minutes later)  supper was over and we were both too full...  so disappointed 😞 we will have to enjoy them tomorrow...  hoping the stuffing isn’t soggy by then  ~sigh~

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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