Sunday 11 October 2020

Grilled Burgers, Roasted Pepper & Onions, Tomato Jam, Broccoli Rabe & Mozzarella Sausage, Red Cabbage Slaw, Olive Focaccia & Apple Tart

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

76°F today...  a perfect opportunity to have our small group together outside for a meal.  Vanilla skies dominating the day... the sun playing hide and seek as the afternoon progressed.  Warmth remained throughout supper as we enjoyed one another’s company and delicious food.  As the evening wore on we donned light jackets and moved closer to the fire as the city cooled under a chilly fall breeze.  

We are all excruciatingly aware of the rise in covid stats in our great city...  apprehensive about the weeks ahead and the possibility of long dark winter months with FaceTime and WhatsApp as companions.  Tonite, however, we put aside our worries and enjoyed socializing and a fire on the deck.  

The slaw (red cabbage, carrots, onions... a dressing of mayo, Dijon mustard and lemon juice) fresh and a touch acidic...  complimented the juicy burgers...  served alongside roasted onions, peppers and tomato jam...  Andrea and Mark gifted us the beef for burgers and a delicious olive focaccia which we enjoyed with our appetizer of broccoli rabe and mozzarella sausage...  Danicha and Eduardo brought a delicious red wine, Lapostolle, smooth and supple... as well as an apple tart (fabulous crust) from one of our favorite local bakeries.  Wood for the fire compliments of our tree removed just three short weeks ago...  

The hubs spent the early part of the day cleaning and waterproofing the upper deck for the coming winter.  The annual ritual keeps the boards in top shape with least possible damage.  The plan is to move the greenhouse closer to the house for the colder months...  with many tomatoes still on the vines moving will have to wait a few more weeks to complete the harvest.  The remaining vegetables (turnips, arugula, carrots, acorn squash, radish, spinach, collards) are easily moved...  their grow bags sit upon benches which will accompany the greenhouse to its new location.  The prospect of using a cold greenhouse in the winter is exciting...  the last batches of spinach and radish seeds were planted yesterday...  an absorbing hobby will be vital this winter.

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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