Tuesday 27 October 2020

Lime Chicken, Avocado Tomato Salad, Bitter Greens Salad with Oranges, Roasted Zucchini and Yukon Good Potatoes

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

🎶 Here comes the sun... FINALLY...  the sun peeked out today to grace us NYers with her presence...   always amazing how animals react to the sun just as we do...  squirrels running up and down trunks of trees...   leaping across branches...   birds chirping...   gathering in flocks...  preparing for migration...  local cats prowling the neighborhood between backyards...  on the hunt...   all beings expressing joy at the arrival of the sun.

The greenhouse continues producing...  greens getting larger each day...  tomatoes ripening...  carrots...  beets...  turnips...  nasturtiums...  all growing lovelier.  Although the external temperature was quite chilly (mid 50’s) the interior of the greenhouse maintains its humidity and some small warmth collected through the daylight hours...  the big difference is the stillness...  without a breeze the air, although cool, remains pleasant. 

Feeling energetic following sessions...  time to dive into the kitchen... with enthusiasm.  The NYTimes Lemon Chicken was to be the main...  until  seeing insufficient lemons in the pantry....  but, there are many limes to be had...  changed the flavor profile to south of the border...   chicken was moist, tender...  roasted in its marinade (adding ground chili, oregano and cumin) topped with lime slices... the clear juices poured off into a pan...  additional wine, butter and parsley added to create a delicious sauce...  served alongside roasted potatoes and zucchini. A fresh acidic tomato, avocado and red onion salad...  as well as bitter greens, cucumbers, red onion and tomatoes tossed with lime juice and olive oil were a pleasant counter to the roasted goodness of the potatoes and the sauciness of the chicken.  

The snow in Estes Park has temporarily stopped the spread of the fire giving Firefighters a chance to attempt to create a cold boundary along the eastern perimeter...  allowing some residents to return for brief moments for winterizing purposes.  We are hopeful...  but wary.

One week from tonite the barrage of political ads and robo calls will finally cease...  and the campaign will end.  The virus 🦠, however, will remain...  currently spreading more rapidly in America than ever before.  Please take precautions...  wear a mask...   limit personal interactions...  visit via video chat or phone call...  wash those germy hands thoroughly and often...  use hand sanitizer when needed.

This is a difficult time for all of us...  loneliness and isolation are difficult task masters...  practice gratefulness if you can...  journaling helps...  reach out to family and friends...  keep communication going...  try to laugh when possible.  Watch Borat 2 on Amazon Prime if you can...  very funny.  

We eat supper with Mom every night via phone...  she chats with us while we enjoy our supper and shares her day and ours...  it’s not what we’d like...  but it keep us all healthy and alive.  We can catch up and keep her safe.   

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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