Monday 19 October 2020

Seared Pork Tenderloin with Oven Roasted Potatoes and Crisp Greenhouse Salad with one lone Nasturtium

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

The temperature climbed a bit today giving the Big Apple a rosy glow of warmth amidst the chill breeze.  The leaves are beginning to show signs of color...  bright yellow and fiery reds tipping the trees at the tops of hills where the colder winds blow through their branches.  The deck littered with acorn shells left by bands of marauding squirrels fattening up for their long winter naps.  

Standing inside the greenhouse...  enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun...  picking ripening tomatoes...  turnip greens...  nasturtium leaves...  giving a drink for dry souls...  the peace annoyingly shattered by a barrage of acorns bouncing off the roof...  the little thieves are on the march once again.  My bounty safe inside the kitchen...  greenhouse door locked... time to cook!

Tonites repast... a seared pork tenderloin rubbed with Cajun spice mix, garlic & onion powders, salt & pepper all in a bath of olive oil.  The cast iron sizzling as the loins crust.  In the oven a combination of red and Yukon gold potatoes roasting slathered with olive oil salt & pepper.  Fresh garden salad of romaine, nasturtium leaves, baby turnip greens, radicchio, the last of the greenhouse cukes, our tomatoes and sliced red onion... one lone nasturtium flower adorning (it was delicious...  sweet and spicy... what a treat) 

As covid winds it’s way back into our lives...  past the exhaustion of extended isolation and mask wearing...  we have a long cold season ahead...  please get your flu shot...  take precautions...  don’t become a statistic among the 220,368 who have already been lost to the virus 🦠 

And make certain that you VOTE!  

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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