Saturday 17 October 2020

Baked Monkfish, Roasted Peppers & Onions, Roasted Beets & Eggplant, Glazed Plantains

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC... 

Today was sunny...  bright...  temperatures stayed quite cool requiring a light jacket in the shade...  the birds chirped noisily grouping together and flying in unison...  getting ready for their winter migrations...  Mr Sam lazed in a patch of sun warming his fur...  squirrels chased one another up and down the tree trunks...  chattering and flicking their tails.

Planted the last crop of buttercrisp lettuce in the greenhouse...  curious to see if we get a crop. The hubs worked on a low plant stand for the thyme...  baby radish sprouts are already 2” tall...  tomatoes still going strong...  tonite the chill is fierce...  45°F...  the real test.

Supper was a delightful filet of monkfish...  baked at 350°F for 30 minutes in olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper and Turkish oregano...  poor mans lobster was sweet, firm fleshed and delicious.  Alongside we enjoyed roasted beets, eggplant, peppers & onions and glazed plantains...  a Pinot Noir capped off our supper. 

Trying to relax and forget the fires in Colorado and in our politics we enjoyed a movie...  Charlotte’s Web...  following our dinner...  sweet... a happy ending making us feel a bit of hope.  

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Nasturtium flower in the middle of October on full display in the greenhouse...  stunning in scarlett...

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