Thursday 30 July 2020

Tuna Salad Platter

Quarantine supper tonite... live from NYC... Today was very warm... afternoon high clouds gave a break from the suns heat... rain seemed to be approaching but never materialized... should arrive sometime tonite and stick around for most of tomorrow... the grass is in desperate need... been mostly dry here for over a week with roasting temperatures... Two young tomato plants put on their big girl panties today and found new digs... one in a 7 quart grow bag... the other in a planter... both outgrowing their cribs ready to move on... the bee feed have peeked their tiny heads above ground and nasturtiums are waving baby leaves... the greenhouse is alive... Another one in the books tonite... no power outages... the hubs is finally getting some much needed rest after two days of fretting and annoyance... Supper was a tuna salad (not pictured) dressed with mayo, Dijon mustard and the juice of a whole lemon... sardines... dolmas... roma tomato... four minute eggs... Brie... a crisp Sauvignon Blanc and a few triscuits... a quick and satisfying meal on a very warm night... As the November election approaches voting by mail, one of the safest, most reliable and easiest ways to cast a ballot, has become a political football... Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, Washington, US military and now Michigan all employ voting by mail with excellent results... high voter turnout... almost zero voter fraud... safe & reliable... this voting cycle the hubs, myself and Mom will all be casting our ballots via absentee... permitted in NY... How was your day? What’s on your plate? Thoughts?

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