Friday 3 July 2020

Tilapia & Tater Tots

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Thunderstorms cracked and lightening zipped across the sky today during a hot humid afternoon.  As it began to drizzle I opened up the sunsetter awning covering part of our deck and our new seedlings... protection to withstand the deluge to come.  Moments later the rains poured down in earnest drenching the thirsty grass and dusty trees.  Our garden almost glowed with happiness drinking in the rain and cooling down from the days soggy heat.  I stood under the awning enjoying the cool air and marveled at the intensity of the storm.  After only about half an hour the skies cleared for a short while and the sun returned giving each droplet in the grass a bit of sparkle.  But it was not to last... the rain has settled in for the night.

Mr Sam huddled under the awning next to me, secure in his box... the back against the house giving him a small cave.  He doesn't like thunderstorms and so I stayed with him until the crashing abated.  As he relaxed I went inside to make supper (he is leashed out on the deck as we live on a busy street)

Tonite's fare... tilapia in a bright wine sauce with tater tots and a big crisp salad.. accompanied by a cold glass of wine.  Our appetites wane in the heat and so a lite dinner was the choice.   Later on a dish of Haagen Dazs Coffee Chip ice cream cooled us off the rest of the way.

Watching the virus spread across this country we love is heartbreaking.  We hope that folks take the CDC warnings seriously and stay safe over this holiday weekend.  It is hard to skip beloved celebrations, but I keep my Mom in my thoughts as I know the longer it takes for everyone to comply... the longer she will be confined to her apartment and lonely...
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

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