Thursday 9 July 2020

Cauliflower Frittata

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
The weather Gods gave the Big Droopy Apple a break today... the daily high was a cool 82°F...  the sticky, however, remained...  the skies didn't break from overcast until late in the day...  Made most of my calls indoors where there was notably less humidity and the temperature was a delightful 77°F.

Ever have one of those lightbulb moments?  The other day when I was sitting in my office paying bills I realized we had run out of checks on one of our accounts.  I was appalled at myself for being so careless and not reordering them a month ago...  so today I went to the bank to get a bank check for the one monthly bill we pay from that account and I discovered that all this time I could have been getting my checks directly from the bank for FREE...  whaaaat???

I had no idea that was possible any longer (banks LOVE fees for everything these days) but apparently via some miracle we qualified for free checks...  who knew? The teller was very gracious and offered me a few counter checks to hold us over for the two weeks till the new checks arrive...  quarantine brain   ~sigh~   So grateful for little things... like a charming young lady at the bank 😊

Someone on the NYTCC made a gorgeous asparagus quiche last night... I neglected to note their name...   and it inspired me to make this cauliflower roasted red pepper and cheddar frittata tonight.  The hubs commented yesterday that he felt the herbed bread would really compliment an egg meal... I agreed, and that spurred my desire for a frittata.  Normally we eat half at supper... but tonite we ate 3/4 of it...  the remaining 1/4 will be the hubs breakfast tomorrow.

Listening to the president demand that schools reopen for the fall semester made my heart drop...  kids do need to be back in school, not just for their education but for socialization as well...  how do we do that safely?   I am without ideas...   kids don't have the ability to adequately process the ramifications of failing to follow protocols...   they're too young...  how do we place our teachers, administrators and other professionals at risk along with all the parents, grand parents and siblings?   I have no answers....
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

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