Wednesday 29 July 2020

Spicy Chicken Thighs, Watermelon Salad & Fresh Tomato Harvest

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC... We made it! It’s after 10pm and we didn’t have a power outage... seems like a humongous victory after the last two nights... the hubs got to relax and enjoy his TV time after supper... watch a little news... then off to bed without any drama. Little things... it was hot today, just shy of  90°F which was a welcome break after the last three days of broiling in the heat... and an additional blessing of low humidity... a delightful combination leaving us feeling human... The greenhouse is beginning to yield results... a small bowl of cherry tomatoes and one beautiful big boy which will be sliced and served with fresh mozzarella and basil in a few days... fresh tomatoes are surely the delight of the summer. All the babies swaddled in their grow bags are coming along nicely as well... Tonite we enjoyed spicy grilled boneless skinless chicken thighs pinned into rounds with toothpicks and roasted on the grill at 400°F for 30 minutes while an eggplant and two ears of corn roasted alongside... the hubs did a fabulous job of keeping the temperature stable and the results showed his effort... juicy and flavorful with a few grill marks for a touch of crispness. Mexican street corn with mayonnaise and queso fresco (didn’t have cojita cheese) and the remaining queso mixed into the soft warm eggplant were fitting sides. A watermelon, feta, cucumber and onion salad made a refreshing dessert on this hot day. As the pandemic claims more Americans we are worried about kids, teachers and staff returning to school for the upcoming semester. It seems unwise to send children and staff into danger as the virus continues to spread unabated nationwide. We hope that reason triumphs over emotion and that everyone makes the decision to wait for safer times. How was your day? What’s on your plate? Thoughts?

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