Sunday 26 July 2020

Shortbread & Summer Fruit Salad

Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...
Today was fun day...  spent time doing what I love...  baking cookies... making food...  playing in the garden...  seeing friends...

This is what makes life worthwhile...   even during a pandemic...  finding something to give us joy...  to take us out of ourselves...  out of our own heads for just a little while...  to remind us that life is to be treasured even during difficult times...

Special thanks to Manuela Roth for the shortbread recipe...  it was simple and delicious and made a perfect 2 dozen cookies...  just enough to share...
The sole addition I made was vanilla extract for this batch cause the hubs adores vanilla... it was a perfect accompaniment to coffee after supper...

The fruit salad courtesy of peaches, nectarines and blueberries...  the perfect summer dessert...   it followed a grilled appetizer of sausage bites...  main dish of grilled spicy chicken legs, braised and grilled ribs, homemade potato salad (courtesy of Danicha) that was soooo delicious, grilled zucchini & eggplant and elote...

It's easy to become complacent and forget that we have to keep ourselves and those we love safe and healthy during this crisis...  we can become overwhelmed by the constant need to be on guard...  we must not allow ourselves to become exhausted with the burden of being safe... it is our life and the lives of those we love that hangs in the balance...  stay safe...  wear a mask...  be compassionate and kind...  we are all stressed 💞😷

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