Tuesday 28 July 2020

Sausage, Potato, Mushroom & Onion Hash

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC... Today was another one for the books... a ‘cool’ 93°F... we sat down to our lovely hash supper of sweet & hot sausages, mushrooms, onions and potatoes with a side of home grown sugar snap peas (hubs ate half the dish before I had a chance to snap a photo 😂) and laughingly said, “...at least we have power tonite...” and then... POP... off go the lights... we looked at each other in disbelief... AGAIN??? a quick call to the power company (a bit less polite tonite...yeesh) then lit a candle and enjoyed our supper.... Following supper we spent a lovely couple of hours with Mark & Andrea in the AC at their home, while we waited for power to be restored. By bed time we were back in business and returned home so the hubs could get to sleep. The greenhouse got new tenants today... the collard seedlings were ready for their exterior debut and joined their brothers and sisters outside after a 10 day stint on the dining room server in their crib (a low profusely perforated plastic take out dish) moving up to a big boy bed (a 7 gallon planting bag) Everyone withstood the heat magnificently... The cukes are getting bigger each day... more blossoms appeared... they reached over with their tendrils and tried to climb the basil... naughty cukes... had to disconnect their effort, move them away from other plants and redirect them toward the two stakes they have available for climbing... the basil were unmoved by the attempt... tomatoes are fruiting slowly but surely... we have a bowl full of cherry tomatoes and a few big boys and Roma’s on their respective vines ripening nicely. Carrots peeked their tiny heads above the soil today and the radishes are getting big. The COVID crisis seems to worsen with each passing day... NY’s Governor Cuomo is concerned that eventually we will see the virus spread back to NYC due to folks coming from other parts of the country... this is frightening news... it has been suggested that America shut down completely for one month... wait for the COVID crisis to ease then reopen slowly and carefully as we have done here in NYC... maybe we could get this crisis under control for good if we all pitched in together... How was your day? What’s on your plate? Thoughts?

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