Thursday 9 July 2020

Greenhouse Time

Quarantine activities of the day...  Live from NYC...
So fired up...  so excited...  have wanted a greenhouse since I was a teen...
It arrived yesterday...  ordered from Amazon... on sale for half off...
After 10 hours of assembly (likened it to the IKEA project from hell) over the course of two days...  it is finished!!

Perched on the lower deck it has enough room to house our vegetable garden (sorry squirrels... no treats for you this year) and room to expand.
There is just enough room to walk along the deck to the entry which has a door that latches and can lock if needed.   It will lengthen the growing season by at least 6 weeks in both the spring and fall allowing time to grow a larger variety of vegetables.

I can't thank the hubs enough for all his work in assembling the greenhouse  with me...  #bestanniversarygiftever

How was your day?  Thoughts?

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