Sunday 26 July 2020

Salad and Leftovers

Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...
It's Sunday and that means a visit to Mom...  she looked happy and healthy today as we sat and chatted... distanced and masked (us, not her) while we regaled her with the weeks news.  She is doing very well...  increased her daily laps to two sets of six around the apartment.  We brought a few extra veggies for her to enjoy...  rainbow carrots...  broccoli and a pound of mushrooms to sauté along with supper.  She was thrilled with the schrooms...  love those little fungi...  

Following our visit the hubs took a brief nap while I fussed over my plants in the green house...  on the deck and in the herb garden... everyone looks healthy and pest free thus far.  I added a pot of bee food (a specific seed packet that grows flowers that bees enjoy) to the deck near the greeenhouse door opposite the crimson clover...   should be beautiful when  they bloom.  The seedlings are doing well...  growing about 1/2" per day and looking healthy...  we have sprouts of arugula, turnips, cucumbers & carrots in the greenhouse... and seedling of beets, collards, a few more tomatoes &  acorn squash on the dining room server.   It's veggie heaven over here in NYC...

The hubs has planted about two dozen heads of lettuce in his hydroponic garden in his office...  it's doing well...  he is getting more and more adept at this difficult form of growing plants.

The lemon tree is about four feet high in my office...  to young for flowers or lemons yet...  maybe in a year or two...  but the scent of the lemon leaves is heavenly...  the only challenge are the 2" thorns that feel like spikes when I forget to watch for them...  ouch!!

It was too hot to cook today so we made a fresh salad and ate leftovers from last night...  tomorrow it is supposed to be 99°F...  yiiikes....
How was your day?   What on your plate?  Thoughts?

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