Friday 31 July 2020


Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC... Last night I saw a post by Joel Mozersky for Kefta that looked delicious... don’t have the proper skewers, but it looked so moist and tasty... had to try. Not having all the ingredients substitutions were made... instead of the harissa, used tomato paste, marash pepper flake and zatar... didn’t have smoked sea salt but used extra smoked paprika, kosher salt and pepper... the lemon zest, sesame seeds & olive oil were added and patties were shaped and cooked in a skillet. Joel, the results were delicious... thanks for the recipe... we will surely eat this again 😋 Today was a blessing for us here in the tri-state... temperatures topped out just above  80°F following last night and this mornings deluge. The grass is once again happy and the garden had a good long drink that was sorely needed. The greenhouse withstood the battering rains and blowing winds without incident... all parties within are happy and growing... the red pepper plant got a new home today from her crib into a nice planter... she is getting tall... One tomato plant is not inside the greenhouse... it is on the deck in a cage... today our yard squirrel ate her last tomato for the season... snatched it off my deck tomato plant (which is now covered with chicken wire... no more snacks for you Ms Squirrel) New Jersey announced 2000 new cases of COVID yesterday... since they are our western neighbor it portends sad news for the region... the virus is slowly but surely creeping back into the northeast... makes us all nervous. Took some time off today to fuss around in the garden, follow up on a few phone calls, give myself a mani pedi and go through the mail... all in all a quiet day. How was your day? What’s on your plate? Thoughts.

Thursday 30 July 2020

Tuna Salad Platter

Quarantine supper tonite... live from NYC... Today was very warm... afternoon high clouds gave a break from the suns heat... rain seemed to be approaching but never materialized... should arrive sometime tonite and stick around for most of tomorrow... the grass is in desperate need... been mostly dry here for over a week with roasting temperatures... Two young tomato plants put on their big girl panties today and found new digs... one in a 7 quart grow bag... the other in a planter... both outgrowing their cribs ready to move on... the bee feed have peeked their tiny heads above ground and nasturtiums are waving baby leaves... the greenhouse is alive... Another one in the books tonite... no power outages... the hubs is finally getting some much needed rest after two days of fretting and annoyance... Supper was a tuna salad (not pictured) dressed with mayo, Dijon mustard and the juice of a whole lemon... sardines... dolmas... roma tomato... four minute eggs... Brie... a crisp Sauvignon Blanc and a few triscuits... a quick and satisfying meal on a very warm night... As the November election approaches voting by mail, one of the safest, most reliable and easiest ways to cast a ballot, has become a political football... Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, Washington, US military and now Michigan all employ voting by mail with excellent results... high voter turnout... almost zero voter fraud... safe & reliable... this voting cycle the hubs, myself and Mom will all be casting our ballots via absentee... permitted in NY... How was your day? What’s on your plate? Thoughts?

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Spicy Chicken Thighs, Watermelon Salad & Fresh Tomato Harvest

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC... We made it! It’s after 10pm and we didn’t have a power outage... seems like a humongous victory after the last two nights... the hubs got to relax and enjoy his TV time after supper... watch a little news... then off to bed without any drama. Little things... it was hot today, just shy of  90°F which was a welcome break after the last three days of broiling in the heat... and an additional blessing of low humidity... a delightful combination leaving us feeling human... The greenhouse is beginning to yield results... a small bowl of cherry tomatoes and one beautiful big boy which will be sliced and served with fresh mozzarella and basil in a few days... fresh tomatoes are surely the delight of the summer. All the babies swaddled in their grow bags are coming along nicely as well... Tonite we enjoyed spicy grilled boneless skinless chicken thighs pinned into rounds with toothpicks and roasted on the grill at 400°F for 30 minutes while an eggplant and two ears of corn roasted alongside... the hubs did a fabulous job of keeping the temperature stable and the results showed his effort... juicy and flavorful with a few grill marks for a touch of crispness. Mexican street corn with mayonnaise and queso fresco (didn’t have cojita cheese) and the remaining queso mixed into the soft warm eggplant were fitting sides. A watermelon, feta, cucumber and onion salad made a refreshing dessert on this hot day. As the pandemic claims more Americans we are worried about kids, teachers and staff returning to school for the upcoming semester. It seems unwise to send children and staff into danger as the virus continues to spread unabated nationwide. We hope that reason triumphs over emotion and that everyone makes the decision to wait for safer times. How was your day? What’s on your plate? Thoughts?

Tuesday 28 July 2020

Sausage, Potato, Mushroom & Onion Hash

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC... Today was another one for the books... a ‘cool’ 93°F... we sat down to our lovely hash supper of sweet & hot sausages, mushrooms, onions and potatoes with a side of home grown sugar snap peas (hubs ate half the dish before I had a chance to snap a photo 😂) and laughingly said, “ least we have power tonite...” and then... POP... off go the lights... we looked at each other in disbelief... AGAIN??? a quick call to the power company (a bit less polite tonite...yeesh) then lit a candle and enjoyed our supper.... Following supper we spent a lovely couple of hours with Mark & Andrea in the AC at their home, while we waited for power to be restored. By bed time we were back in business and returned home so the hubs could get to sleep. The greenhouse got new tenants today... the collard seedlings were ready for their exterior debut and joined their brothers and sisters outside after a 10 day stint on the dining room server in their crib (a low profusely perforated plastic take out dish) moving up to a big boy bed (a 7 gallon planting bag) Everyone withstood the heat magnificently... The cukes are getting bigger each day... more blossoms appeared... they reached over with their tendrils and tried to climb the basil... naughty cukes... had to disconnect their effort, move them away from other plants and redirect them toward the two stakes they have available for climbing... the basil were unmoved by the attempt... tomatoes are fruiting slowly but surely... we have a bowl full of cherry tomatoes and a few big boys and Roma’s on their respective vines ripening nicely. Carrots peeked their tiny heads above the soil today and the radishes are getting big. The COVID crisis seems to worsen with each passing day... NY’s Governor Cuomo is concerned that eventually we will see the virus spread back to NYC due to folks coming from other parts of the country... this is frightening news... it has been suggested that America shut down completely for one month... wait for the COVID crisis to ease then reopen slowly and carefully as we have done here in NYC... maybe we could get this crisis under control for good if we all pitched in together... How was your day? What’s on your plate? Thoughts?

Monday 27 July 2020

Taco Salad

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC... Today was a HOT one... 97°F on the thermometer... outside in the sun it was well over 100°F... short trips out on the deck to check on the babies in the greenhouse and back into the AC to avoid overheating... everyone survived the heat no problem... except of course the power grid... 8:07pm... pop... lights go out and the hubs and I look at each other... not again... last Monday same thing happened... called the power company immediately and reported the outage but this time we were ready and hooked up the generator within two hours to keep the food cold, run a small fan and one lamp. By 11:10 pm power was restored and we undid our noisy set up... the hubs showered and went right to bed. Whew... lucky this time for sure... Supper tonite was make your own vegetarian taco salad (YAY for another meatless Monday) with chopped romaine, tomatoes, dark red kidney beans, shredded nacho cheese mix, homemade guacamole, mango peach salsa, crema and Street corn taco shells... it was cool and bright with lots of lime juice in the guacamole and additional lime wedges to squeeze over the top... we finished just in time before the power failed... How was your day? What's on your plate? Thoughts?

Sunday 26 July 2020

Salad and Leftovers

Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...
It's Sunday and that means a visit to Mom...  she looked happy and healthy today as we sat and chatted... distanced and masked (us, not her) while we regaled her with the weeks news.  She is doing very well...  increased her daily laps to two sets of six around the apartment.  We brought a few extra veggies for her to enjoy...  rainbow carrots...  broccoli and a pound of mushrooms to sauté along with supper.  She was thrilled with the schrooms...  love those little fungi...  

Following our visit the hubs took a brief nap while I fussed over my plants in the green house...  on the deck and in the herb garden... everyone looks healthy and pest free thus far.  I added a pot of bee food (a specific seed packet that grows flowers that bees enjoy) to the deck near the greeenhouse door opposite the crimson clover...   should be beautiful when  they bloom.  The seedlings are doing well...  growing about 1/2" per day and looking healthy...  we have sprouts of arugula, turnips, cucumbers & carrots in the greenhouse... and seedling of beets, collards, a few more tomatoes &  acorn squash on the dining room server.   It's veggie heaven over here in NYC...

The hubs has planted about two dozen heads of lettuce in his hydroponic garden in his office...  it's doing well...  he is getting more and more adept at this difficult form of growing plants.

The lemon tree is about four feet high in my office...  to young for flowers or lemons yet...  maybe in a year or two...  but the scent of the lemon leaves is heavenly...  the only challenge are the 2" thorns that feel like spikes when I forget to watch for them...  ouch!!

It was too hot to cook today so we made a fresh salad and ate leftovers from last night...  tomorrow it is supposed to be 99°F...  yiiikes....
How was your day?   What on your plate?  Thoughts?

Shortbread & Summer Fruit Salad

Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...
Today was fun day...  spent time doing what I love...  baking cookies... making food...  playing in the garden...  seeing friends...

This is what makes life worthwhile...   even during a pandemic...  finding something to give us joy...  to take us out of ourselves...  out of our own heads for just a little while...  to remind us that life is to be treasured even during difficult times...

Special thanks to Manuela Roth for the shortbread recipe...  it was simple and delicious and made a perfect 2 dozen cookies...  just enough to share...
The sole addition I made was vanilla extract for this batch cause the hubs adores vanilla... it was a perfect accompaniment to coffee after supper...

The fruit salad courtesy of peaches, nectarines and blueberries...  the perfect summer dessert...   it followed a grilled appetizer of sausage bites...  main dish of grilled spicy chicken legs, braised and grilled ribs, homemade potato salad (courtesy of Danicha) that was soooo delicious, grilled zucchini & eggplant and elote...

It's easy to become complacent and forget that we have to keep ourselves and those we love safe and healthy during this crisis...  we can become overwhelmed by the constant need to be on guard...  we must not allow ourselves to become exhausted with the burden of being safe... it is our life and the lives of those we love that hangs in the balance...  stay safe...  wear a mask...  be compassionate and kind...  we are all stressed 💞😷

Thursday 23 July 2020

Za-atar Pork Tenderloin & Roasted Potatoes and Onions

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Today we had a phenomenal thunderstorm just around supper...  thunder cracking while lightening zipped across the sky... Mr Sam and I watched from inside the back storm door as the rain came down in sheets...  the wind wailed as it blew bending the trees over with its power... gusts up to 60 mph and sustained winds in excess of 40 mph...  it was wild...  and it was all over in 30 minutes... followed by a nice steady drizzle.   It was like having the drums and horns playing the hunters in Peter and the Wolf only to be followed by the flute as the bird.

Our intention was to cook the pork loin on the grill, but the storm made that impossible and so into the cast iron it went...  crusty and delicious paired with oven roasted potatoes and onions, a crisp green salad and a sweet dessert of sliced cantaloupe.  Today I made my own za-atar for the first time... I bought the ground sumac, the sesame seeds and used my thyme and oregano...  rubbed it all over the pork with a generous glug of olive oil... salt and pepper...  it was delicious!

Made time yesterday to mess around in the greenhouse after we got our power on...  planting bags arrived... picked up soil from the local nursery... planted four seven quart  bags...  carrots, arugula, cucumbers and collards...  can't wait to see sprouts...  also received the crimson clover seeds...  planted them in a big pot just outside the greenhouse for the bees...
How was your day?  What on your plate?  Thoughts?

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Power Outage

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
I'm baaaaack...  last night was an overheated experience...
Yesterday the high temperature of the day was 97°F...  of course every home and business had the air conditioning going full blast...  that puts a significant strain on the power grid here in the NYC area... we are, after all, a city of 8.5 million residents and 17 million in the tri-state (NY, NJ & CT) area many of whom commute into Manhattan every day for work...  so the draw on the power grid is HUUUGE...  especially on the hottest day of the year...

The hubs had just finished grilling up some fabulous chicken thighs that had been marinating for two days and we were just about to sit down for a late  supper at about 8:20pm when *boom* the power goes out...   of course we check to see if it's just us or the neighborhood...  it was the neighborhood...

Okay, okay... so dinner by candlelight (how romantic 😂) while the temperature slowly rises in the house...  at that point there's no more opening the fridge or freezer...  turning off wifi on phones to save battery life...  we eat, chat, enjoy our supper of chicken and a crisp green salad with a side of caprese salad and some herb bread...   and we wait...

Eventually we take a walk to see how far the power outage extends...  it's just a few blocks in either direction...  across the street the light are on... but it's HOT and muggy out (still about 90°F at 10:30pm)

The hubs is off to bed to try and sleep...  the house is about 80°F and not humid...  a call to the electric company reveals they don't expect the grid to be back up until 11pm the next night...   yiiiikes...  fridge and freezer in jeopardy...  apparently there are spotty outages all over the city...  ugh

12:30am... I wake the hubs...  thanks to superstorm Sandy we have a generator in the garage that can power both the fridge and freezer so we don't lose our food...  he agrees the time for repair is too far off and we set about hooking up the generator...   the hubs is the one doing all the work so I jet off to find gas for the generator (5 gallon gas can in the back  of the Hyundai) and snacks for us (White Castle is open 24/7 and the drive thru nets us 8 cheeseburgers and a giant ice cold vanilla shake...  mmmm 😋... so cold)

2:30am...  the fridge and freezer are back on line and we have one power cord into the living room that can handle a few watts...  we set up a small fan, one lamp and charger for my phone in case Mom pushes her button... we chat for a while then try to sleep on the living room couch... (the burgers and vanilla shake were perfect)

We were fortunate...  the power was restored by 12:30pm today and we got to take the most wonderful showers to wash off the sweat by 2pm when the house had finally cooled down again...  

It is amazing how an incident like this reminds us how grateful we are to have the luxury of electricity at our fingertips in virtually unlimited amounts...  we were sweaty and a bit tired, but none the worse for wear...
But more importantly we both recognized how lucky we are to have had the generator available...  especially during the COVID pandemic when we couldn't stay with anyone else...

Today was cool in comparison... only 91°F.... and we had tuna salad, romaine leaves, smoked provalone and cantaloupe for supper in a cool air conditioned kitchen...  profoundly grateful 💞

How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Thursday 16 July 2020

Baked Penne

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
First...  apologies for the photo... we were very hungry tonite and I forgot to take a photo before we ate... it was a pretty baked penne prior to our full on assault!!  Layered pasta mixed with some sauce on the bottom... layer of ricotta above then covered with remaining sauce and a nice layer of shredded Parmesan...  top was crunchy and cheesy... middle was pillowey and soft and the bottom was perfectly al dente.  It was a lovely supper following our wine on the deck with Mr Sam.

Today was cool and delightful...  temperatures stayed in the mid to high seventies and the humidity disappeared...  I was able to sit in the sun outside with Mr Sam between appointments in the early afternoon and enjoy the feel of warmth on my skin without becoming overheated.  What a blessing for a mid July day... enjoyed it thoroughly since the heat is ON for the next week into the 90's and muggy...

The hubs spray painted our new screen door green today to match the color of the greenhouse.  It looks excellent and lets the insects and breezes flow freely keeping the interior fresh and airy.  Tomorrow we plan to build a low bench to house the vegetable containers keeping them a bit off the deck for easier access.  We have a bunch of scrap wood to use...  looking forward to the results.

We nervously watch the news as the COVID crisis spreads like wildfire through our country and the world.  We hope that people come together to protect one another in this time of disease and fear...  please stay safe... wear a mask in public... take precautions 💞
How was your day?  What on your plate?  Thoughts?

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Flat Chicken & Watermelon Salad

Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...
Today was stunning... temperatures in the low 80's...  humidity in the feelin' great range...  blue skies with scattered threads of clouds and a light breeze...  perfect day.

The screen door is up and looks fabulous...  reminds me of an old fashioned door from my childhood and will be even more so when it gets painted green to match the greenhouse.  That's almost the exact screen door that was on this house when I was a kid...  The chicken wire is perfect... holes about an inch across allow bees 🐝 and other insects access without other uninvited guests.  I have ordered red clover seeds to entice pollinators into the area... should work well.

One of the hubs favorite suppers is a flat chicken with roasted peppers and potatoes...  so while he toiled away on the door the chicken cooked out on the grill under a foil wrapped brick.  We lost a bit of skin...  the price the grill exacts some days... but the bird was crispy and juicy with a nice spice from the turmeric, paprika, oregano, garlic and onion added to the olive oil , salt and pepper.  Three orange peppers blistered in the oven with diced roasted potatoes...  the watermelon salad was a refreshing end to our very late supper... punctuated by wine... red for him (a lovely french Pinot noir) and white for me (my favorite Sauvignon Blanc)  We enjoyed the lemon mousse while Mr Sam snacked on bits of leftover chicken (his favorite)

The tax crunch is almost over... Mom's taxes and ours are completed and mailed...  the son's taxes are next (just got the data 2 days ago... ooops)
But no worries... his refund will still arrive in due time...

The school debate rages on while more and more states mandate masks...  New York has joined the other states where COVID cases are increasing thanks to a very large party on eastern long island over July 4th where roughly 25% of attendees contracted the virus...  I am disheartened to see this development but not surprised...  too many are relaxing their behaviors and risking illness...  please stay safe & wear a mask when going out 💞
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Screen Doors, Pickled Tomatoes & Onions and Lemon Mousse

Quarantine activities of the day...  Live from NYC...
Excitement!  Today the hubs made a screen door for the greenhouse...  I am overjoyed... we need fresh air circulating and we need insects to pollinate our vegetables... but we DON'T need rocky the flying squirrel eating our produce!  He did such a fabulous job... looks perfect... fits like a glove... made the screening out of chicken wire so the holes are plenty big for bees and such...  but NOT for squirrels (no sharing this harvest season)

And so, while the screen door was hatching I pickled a few green tomatoes (from our plants) and a sliced red onion...  then made lemon mousse for dessert topped by shaved dark chocolate with cocoa nibs inside...  the mousse was tangy and acidic from the crème fraîche and the lemon...  the chocolate giving a pop of dark deliciousness to the light airy fluff.
How was your day?  Have any stories to tell?

Sunday 12 July 2020

Mexican Fiesta Supper

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Been feeling like Mexican food for about a week now... finally decided today was the day.  Had a few mangos languishing in the fridge... giving me the eyeball...  'use me up before I spoil'  it was meant to be.  After going to the market for supplies (it has become much simpler these days as the routine has become habit and the virus has lessened here in the Big Apple... for now  anyway) a batch of grape tomatoes were also giving me the ole stink eye being all wrinkly and such... thus the mango salsa arrived.  A quick sauté of ground pork... a jar of salsa... a can of rinsed black beans...  a couple of chopped romaine leaves... a sliced avocado and a package of queso fresco rounded out the meal.

I am pleased to report that Fay has left the building!  She was an unwelcome guest for two days... leaving 3" of rain in her wake...  (an aside... the grass is thrilled) luckily no real damage from her potent gusts which reached about 50 mph more than a few times...  and more importantly the greenhouse weathered the storm in good order!  The hubs and I secured it to the deck with rope and straps and it worked beautifully.  We are both grateful... the timing couldn't have been better to finish up before the storm arrived.  We have decided to make the attachment to the deck permanent as we live in a windy spot.

Listening to the news tonite my heart aches for the 30ish year old guy who stated from his hospital bed 'I made a mistake... I thought it was a hoax' just before he passed...  no one should have to learn a lesson like that.  Nurses and doctors are beginning to release footage of COVID units (with patients faces blurred when necessary and with their permission) to educate the public about the reality of the virus.  I encourage all health care workers to share their experiences with others to try and save lives.  Contact your local news outlets and tell your stories... do what you can to help 💞
Mask up... stay apart so we can beat this virus...
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Friday 10 July 2020

Roasted Marinated Chicken Legs

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
So, we all got to meet Fay today...  and tonite...  and tomorrow... she is a real wet blanket...  and a blow hard too...  she just ran up from North Carolina...  no two week self quarantine...  no consideration for others...  just shows up in town demanding ALL the attention and totally rains on everyone's parade.  I am fed up with Fay...  and she won't move on...  just hanging around making us all wait until Sunday to be free of her...  geez...

We were supposed to have barbecued chicken legs on the grill tonite but with Fay in town it was impossible...  so they got roasted in the oven.  After two days in marinade they were delicious...  moist... crispy skin...  spicy...  the cumin and turmeric giving them a warmth amidst the heat.  Served along side a Greek salad and baked potato...  accompanied by the last of our delicious Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon.   Coffee and tiramisu made for a delicious end to a lovely meal.

Yesterday we finished putting up the greenhouse...  this morning at 6am noting Fay's arrival, we attached it to the deck with rope...  I am happy to report that it is safe and secure... the 50 mph gusts would have blown it off the deck for sure.  We have decided to leave it tethered it to the deck...  we are in a windy spot and I don't want to be Dorothy lifting off to Oz one afternoon while gardening (what an image)

In speaking with one of my clients tonite (ICU nurse) I am saddened to say that too many folks are disrespecting our front line health care workers by refusing to mask up...  each time a heath care worker sees someone without a mask they feel angry...  disrespected...  unappreciated...  they don't understand why anyone would risk being infected with COVID...  they see just how horrific this disease can be every time they go to work risking their own and their families lives to help us.  Please do your part...  for them...  wear a mask in public and put away the ego...  for them ❤️
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Thursday 9 July 2020

Greenhouse Time

Quarantine activities of the day...  Live from NYC...
So fired up...  so excited...  have wanted a greenhouse since I was a teen...
It arrived yesterday...  ordered from Amazon... on sale for half off...
After 10 hours of assembly (likened it to the IKEA project from hell) over the course of two days...  it is finished!!

Perched on the lower deck it has enough room to house our vegetable garden (sorry squirrels... no treats for you this year) and room to expand.
There is just enough room to walk along the deck to the entry which has a door that latches and can lock if needed.   It will lengthen the growing season by at least 6 weeks in both the spring and fall allowing time to grow a larger variety of vegetables.

I can't thank the hubs enough for all his work in assembling the greenhouse  with me...  #bestanniversarygiftever

How was your day?  Thoughts?

Cauliflower Frittata

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
The weather Gods gave the Big Droopy Apple a break today... the daily high was a cool 82°F...  the sticky, however, remained...  the skies didn't break from overcast until late in the day...  Made most of my calls indoors where there was notably less humidity and the temperature was a delightful 77°F.

Ever have one of those lightbulb moments?  The other day when I was sitting in my office paying bills I realized we had run out of checks on one of our accounts.  I was appalled at myself for being so careless and not reordering them a month ago...  so today I went to the bank to get a bank check for the one monthly bill we pay from that account and I discovered that all this time I could have been getting my checks directly from the bank for FREE...  whaaaat???

I had no idea that was possible any longer (banks LOVE fees for everything these days) but apparently via some miracle we qualified for free checks...  who knew? The teller was very gracious and offered me a few counter checks to hold us over for the two weeks till the new checks arrive...  quarantine brain   ~sigh~   So grateful for little things... like a charming young lady at the bank 😊

Someone on the NYTCC made a gorgeous asparagus quiche last night... I neglected to note their name...   and it inspired me to make this cauliflower roasted red pepper and cheddar frittata tonight.  The hubs commented yesterday that he felt the herbed bread would really compliment an egg meal... I agreed, and that spurred my desire for a frittata.  Normally we eat half at supper... but tonite we ate 3/4 of it...  the remaining 1/4 will be the hubs breakfast tomorrow.

Listening to the president demand that schools reopen for the fall semester made my heart drop...  kids do need to be back in school, not just for their education but for socialization as well...  how do we do that safely?   I am without ideas...   kids don't have the ability to adequately process the ramifications of failing to follow protocols...   they're too young...  how do we place our teachers, administrators and other professionals at risk along with all the parents, grand parents and siblings?   I have no answers....
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Monday 6 July 2020


RANT: I'm angry...  and fed up...  and really pissed off...
I'm so tired of all the selfishness and ignorance...
I spend my days helping traumatized nurses and doctors cope...
people who save the lives of the IGNORANT when they go out and party and don't give a crap who around them might get sick...
who's parents or grand parents or 11 year old sister or 21 year old brother gets COVID and dies a horrible terrifying excruciating death ALONE with the traumatized nurses and doctors at their sides...

Those who think it's no big deal anymore in NYC because they're just so 'over this whole COVID thing' and it's 'too hot to wear a mask' and it's safe here...

NYC COVID numbers are inching up AGAIN... slowly but steadily a little at a time because people just can't follow directions... put their entitlement on hold until we get this virus past us...  WEAR YOUR DAMN MASK...  stay apart...   It seems IGNORANCE is more contagious than COVID...

How could you all forget...  the constant sirens...  the truckloads of body bags...  22,000 New Yorkers DEAD...  the hospital in the Javits Center... the hospital in Central Park...   the USNS Comfort Hospital Ship in NY harbor...  the mass graves on Hart Island...

The fear we all felt just being near one another when we had to go to the market for food...   disinfecting ourselves and our groceries and our Mail and packages...   shortages of paper goods, meat, staples...   does everyone have AMNESIA?
 ugh... rant over!!

Herbed No Knead Overnight Bread

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Today was the 3H club... hazy, hot and humid...  temperature topped out at 93°F here in the Big Steaming Apple.  There were supposed to be afternoon  thunderstorms but oddly enough we got the thunder and darkness for about an hour...  but no rain...  just a light drizzle for a few minutes...

It was a bread day... been wanting to make the overnight no knead bread into something more...  today something more happened with delicious results.  Once the dough rose and was ready I spread it out on the board in a large rectangle...  spread a mixture of basil, parsley and a bit of olive oil lightly processed  over it, then rolled it up the long way and baked it as usual.  It came out thoroughly scented by the herbs...  the hubs fussed over how good it was...  the olive oil making the bread a bit more moist than usual.  Must have been good...  we ate half the loaf at supper along with a crisp green salad and leftover grilled chicken.

I read once that at 92°F the brain begins to overheat and thoughts become less cohesive and more chaotic...  maybe that explains the behavior of those who say things like, 'I'm so over this virus' when asked by a reporter why no mask... or 'it's too hot for a mask'   ~sigh~

I spend my days helping nurses, doctors and other health care workers cope with the trauma of caring for COVID patients...  it is an honor to assist in any way I can.   I am infuriated by the casual indifference some take toward this virus.  It has stolen the joy of so many lives...  left so many dead and debilitated...  I am at a loss to explain this denial of reality and facts....
All I can say is PLEASE wear your mask...  take this pandemic seriously... don't become a statistic...
Stay safe & healthy 💞
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Sunday 5 July 2020

Grilled Spicy Chicken & Grilled Zucchini - Quarantine 4th

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
We had a very small celebration for the 4th...  socially distancing with the in-laws...  watching the locals...  so many folks had their own fireworks 💥 display in our area... it was LOUD...  Mr Sam hid in the basement 😿🙀...  the four of us enjoyed the view from the deck. The weather was kind...  temperatures in the high seventies during the evening with low humidity made for a delightful night.

We dined on typical 4th fare... hot dogs...  burgers...  baby back ribs slow cooked in the oven then briefly charred on the grill... red white and blue fruit salad (watermelon & blueberries in a white bowl 😂) red and white wines and delectable pastries...  (gifts from our guests)  mini cannoli & teeny fruit tarts... sweet and refreshing...  along with our coffee.

Today the heat came roaring back topping 94° in some areas...  humidity ramping up to 'sticky' as night fell.  Following our weekly visit to Mom   <she is healthy & safe>   the hubs and I were able to dine al fresco before the uncomfortability factor ramped up   <along with several not so distant buggies that insisted upon landing on us... ickkkk>  

Grilled chicken thighs rubbed with a combination of paprika, garlic, onion, red pepper flake, salt & pepper along with grilled zucchini a crisp green salad and wine... Sauvignon Blanc for me... Malbec for him... the chicken got rubbed on Friday and by today the flavors were bold and spicy.

As we tune into the news we are disheartened to learn that 40 of our 50 states are seeing a rise in COVID cases with hospitalizations soaring...  the Big Apple is also seeing an increase since NYC's re-opening at Phase 2.  Phase 3 begins tomorrow...  restaurants and bars will not reopen as previously thought...  much to our relief...  there has been a direct correlation between increases in dine-in restaurant spending and COVID cases rising as states have re-opened.  We worry for our loved ones in all parts of the US as the virus spreads unchecked throughout our population.  Please stay safe & healthy 💞
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Friday 3 July 2020

Tilapia & Tater Tots

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Thunderstorms cracked and lightening zipped across the sky today during a hot humid afternoon.  As it began to drizzle I opened up the sunsetter awning covering part of our deck and our new seedlings... protection to withstand the deluge to come.  Moments later the rains poured down in earnest drenching the thirsty grass and dusty trees.  Our garden almost glowed with happiness drinking in the rain and cooling down from the days soggy heat.  I stood under the awning enjoying the cool air and marveled at the intensity of the storm.  After only about half an hour the skies cleared for a short while and the sun returned giving each droplet in the grass a bit of sparkle.  But it was not to last... the rain has settled in for the night.

Mr Sam huddled under the awning next to me, secure in his box... the back against the house giving him a small cave.  He doesn't like thunderstorms and so I stayed with him until the crashing abated.  As he relaxed I went inside to make supper (he is leashed out on the deck as we live on a busy street)

Tonite's fare... tilapia in a bright wine sauce with tater tots and a big crisp salad.. accompanied by a cold glass of wine.  Our appetites wane in the heat and so a lite dinner was the choice.   Later on a dish of Haagen Dazs Coffee Chip ice cream cooled us off the rest of the way.

Watching the virus spread across this country we love is heartbreaking.  We hope that folks take the CDC warnings seriously and stay safe over this holiday weekend.  It is hard to skip beloved celebrations, but I keep my Mom in my thoughts as I know the longer it takes for everyone to comply... the longer she will be confined to her apartment and lonely...
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Thursday 2 July 2020

Taco Bell & Exponential COVID

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
It's getting hotter by the day here in the Big Sweaty Apple...humidity rising as well...  as the 4th of July approaches.  We are hearing less fireworks these days as people hold their stash to celebrate on the day.

Today was the day to pay bills  <ugh>  catch up on paperwork and calls... cell service is spotty at best  <thanks AT&T>  usually by the fourth attempt at least I can sometimes get through.  Took a drive to the waters edge tonite...  we have the Long Island Sound nearby...  the park was so crowded...  didn't get out to walk... instead used the opportunity to call Mom and chat while sitting in the AC car and watching the water.

It was getting late and so instead of cooking, stopped by on the way back and grabbed Taco Bell to go...  Mexican pizza, tacos & burritos later we sat outside and ate out on the deck.   It was nice to just relax and eat... the food was passable...  and I didn't have to cook or clean up... today was a day off.

Watching the news tonite I am saddened to see the scenario repeating that we experienced here in NYC back in March and April...  nurses and doctors running out of PPE...  long lines for tests...  hospitals running out of beds...  and the number of cases rising exponentially...  in excess of 54,000 new cases tonite.

We need the federal government to implement a nationwide strategy of promoting mask wearing, social distancing and hand washing.  This isn't rocket science...  we know what to do...   how many more have to die needlessly before we learn?
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Baba Ghanouj & Cajun Tilapia

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Tonite the weather is lovely...  temperature in the low 70's...  delightful humidity...  quiet outside...  no ambulance sirens whining...  the constant booms of fireworks subdued after weeks of crackles and bangs...  it is peaceful and calm here in the Big Apple.

Still no cell service here at home   ~thanks AT&T~   today was another 45 minute call to their tech support team asking for help in fixing the problem  ~sigh~

Supper was a two pronged affair... appetizer of charred and roasted eggplant baba ghanouj served alongside chips...  followed by Cajun style roasted tilapia...  spicy, moist and tender...  a crisp green salad graced with home grown radishes, their leaves chiffonade over the top...  a glass of Malbec rounded out the meal.

The news is sobering...  45 states report an increase in COVID cases...  the US exceeding 50,000 new cases for the first time tonight.  My heart breaks for the patients and their families...  the health care workers who are terrified of getting sick or infecting their loved ones but still show up for work every shift...

Please folks... take this virus seriously...  wear a mask...  wash those hands...  stay home if you can...  and don't forget to keep your distance.   Too many of us can carry the virus without showing symptoms for up to fourteen days...  we now have a new outbreak here in NY from a young gal who returned from Florida and infected her neighborhood.
Please stay safe & healthy 💞
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?