Thursday 27 January 2022

Winter White Bean & Sausage Soup

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Shopping at the market… done ✔️ 

Snow shovels brought in from the garage… done ✔️ 

Water greenhouse plants… rosemary and thyme… done ✔️ 

Situate deck furniture against strong winds… done ✔️ 

Fill up car tank with gas… done ✔️ 

Ready for our nor’easter bomb cyclone 🌀 

Our area in north queens near the Long Island Sound expecting roughly 12” snow accompanied by winds about 35 mph… possibly gusting to 50 mph

We will be dealing with the snow tonite through about 2pm Saturday…

Eastern Long Island up through Boston area expecting about 24” snow and winds at about 50 mph gusting even higher dealing with the storm until about 10 pm Saturday 

Breakfast… coffee for two… his hot ☕️ with eggs and toast… hers iced🧋with a turkey mini wrap… the hubs off to his workshop to clean & repair our leaky washing machine…  finally able to see clearly after dilation wore off… took care of remaining mail and calls that couldn’t be done yesterday…

What to do when a storm bears down on NYC?  Make Winter White Bean and Sausage soup… so warming and comforting on this blustery snowy night… served alongside toasted whole wheat pita and a frosty Modelo Negro 🍺 

Covid still a risk… new infections declining slowly across the US…  hospitalizations and deaths expected to follow in the next weeks… fingers crossed that this wave will end soon 🤞 #GetYourJabOn  mask up… limit interactions… buzz through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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