Thursday 27 January 2022

Pork Chops in Grape Tomato Gravy with Quinoa

 Vaccinated supper tonite…  Live from NYC…

Bright sunshine streaming through the windows… temps in the mid 30’s… light breeze… squirrel 🐿 family out and about fattening up before the big storm…  

Breakfast on the run…  the hubs downing yogurt and blueberries… a quick glass of water and off we go…  

First time for a complete eye exam… been experiencing large globular floating clouds in the field of view… making sure the eyeballs are okay…  spent about an hour looking away from the VERY bright light shining into dilated pupils…  finding out that… aside from frustration at the large floating clouds… all is normal and okay with the eyeballs 👀 

So very glad the hubs came along… just in case… stepped outside into the BRIGHT sunshine and 💥 pow 💥 sunglasses not nearly enough!!  Straight home to avoid searing the now totally dilated pupils…  ever take an overexposed photo in a sunlit room?  How the light seems to glow around objects and expand from the windows?  Yup… spending the remainder of the day out of the office…  too many windows!!  Didn’t matter...  can’t read…  life is blurry…  hubs looking in the eyeballs 👀 getting creeped out 🤣

Supper tonite…  carefully slicing grape tomatoes for the sauce after searing the pork chops…  still blurry…  farro was easy…  didn’t need to see much… putting it all on the plate… tried chopping the blurry parsley 🌿 Got it all on the plate and even took a photo!  Looking blurry tonite?  Sorry…  couldn’t really see much… but tasting pretty good 😋

Sarah Palin on the news tonite… positive for covid… dining in NYC in an outdoor enclosure on the upper west side…  please folks… if you KNOW you’re positive… please stay home… be selfish… don’t share your germs 🦠 

#GetYourJabOn  mask up… limit interactions… fly through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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