Monday 10 January 2022

Chili Night… Cranberry Corn Bread and Salsa Verde

 Vaccinated supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

Cold clear skies… light winds… bright sunshine… temps climbing to just above  40°F 🌡 Warm enough to melt much of the snow…  icy on the back deck… squirrels 🐿 and birds seemingly oblivious to winters chill 🥶 

Breakfast… hot coffee ☕️ for two… the hubs enjoying his cottage cheese…  not feeling hungry just yet…  watering houseplants… slipping out to the icy deck to check on the greenhouse ahead of tonites frigid temps…  harvesting the last of the snap peas and radishes… so crunchy and fresh… giving all the plants a quick drink before dashing back inside…  heat lamp keeping the temps just barely above freezing

A bit of playtime in the kitchen…  bag of tomatillos needing attention…  making salsa verde…  it’s chili night…  baking cranberry corn bread to go with…  popping an ale in the fridge to accompany the chili…  sautéing  onions…   garlic…  2 lbs ground pork...  lots of spices…  28 oz can of tomato purée…  more seasonings…  adding in 12 oz beer…  28 oz dark red kidney beans…  simmer about 30 minutes…  topping with grated sharp cheddar…  mmmmm…  like a hug in a bowl 🤗 

Covid pandemic has negatively effected our nations blood supply…  hospitals are in dire need of blood 🩸 If you are healthy and able…  please donate…  give someone the gift of life…  take care of yourself as well #GetYourJabOn  in the interim… mask up… limit interactions… trot through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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