Tuesday 11 January 2022

Chicken… Sprouts… Rainbow Carrots… Yams… Cream of Celeriac and Fennel Soup

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Coldest day in a looong time… afternoon high 19°F (- 7°C) nighttime low 11°F (- 12°C) just brutal…  the brisk wind feeling like icicles stinging exposed skin…  stepped out for under one minute to toss the trash 🥶 soooo cold…and yet… the mega flock of grackles arriving once again during late afternoon...  swooping down… hearing the pitter pats of their little feet… landing on roofs… lawns… sidewalks… chattering… pecking acorns… easily close to 500 birds… an amazing sight 😲

Breakfast… hot java ☕️ for two… the hubs enjoying his with a breakfast burrito 🌯 last piece of cranberry cornbread munched before flying out the door to the market…  didn’t score any 5 lb goodie bags in produce today… shelves were less full than usual… some items out of stock…  able to fill most items… over 90% of employees and shoppers fully masked… a few having noses out… don’t understand that one bit…  most aisles pretty empty… one or two other shoppers about… picking up for our needs and Moms… to be delivered tomorrow 🙃

Came home to find the hubs had emptied the dishwasher and fixed a shirt for me… he is the sweetest guy ever… just love him 💞

Supper tonite…  cream of celeriac and fennel soup… a find in the freezer…  mashed yams…  oven roasted sprouts and rainbow carrots…  baked balsamic and mustard chicken cutlets… just what was needed on a cold night 🍜 

Mr Sam snoozing by the radiator… trying to stay warm on this extremely cold night 🙀💕

Dr Anthony Fauci… head of the NIH and renounced virologist who has been keeeping us apprised throughout the pandemic…  announced today that Omicron is so infectious that those who are not vaxxed and boosted will ultimately contract the virus 🦠 He believes that many of us who are fully vaxxed may experience break through cases… probably experiencing it as a nasty cold #GetYourJabOn  don’t take the risk of contracting long covid… a debilitating form of the disease attacking internal organs and the brain… mask up… limit interactions… zoom though the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What on your plate?    Thoughts?

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