Sunday 2 January 2022

Winter White Bean & Sausage Soup… Banana Cherry Chocolate Chip Spice Bread… Venison with Pearl Couscous & Roasted Carrots

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

And so it begins…  temps dropping from 59°F to 29°F from yesterday to today… wind kicking up… feeling like icicles against the skin…  mama squirrel and her kits no where to be seen… folks wrapped in scarves… hoodies pulled up… hands buried in gloves or pockets… heads down against the onslaught 🥶

Breakfast… hot coffee ☕️ for two…  the hubs cottage cheese and blackberries chilling his tummy…  snuggling on the couch to warm up while we chatted over plans for the day…  time to pay bills… pick up a few groceries at the market…  schedule appointments…  holiday break officially ending 🥺

Late afternoon buzzing over to the market… frigid wind taking its toll… grateful for the mask keeping the face warm…  few folks out…  perfect time to shop… no lines… picked up a few 5 lbs for $2 bags of vegetables… potatoes… bananas…  onions… tomatoes…  broccoli… tomatillos…  the bonanza 😄 making it worth the trip

Supper tonite…  winter white bean and sausage soup…  a satisfying mix of hot and sweet sausages…  cannellini beans…  homemade chicken stock… white wine…  sautéed onions and garlic…  and greens… this time arugula… wilted into the pot off the heat just prior to serving…  served alongside fresh biscuits… warming, simple and delicious 😋 (recipe in comments)

So proud of our son and DIL… made a delicious venison steak topped with chimichurri served alongside pearl couscous and roasted carrots… healthy and scrumptious… what terrific cooks they’ve both become 🥰

Dessert… playing with flavors… banana cherry chocolate chip spice bread… so moist and flavorful…  dried cherries…  overripe bananas…  dark and semi sweet chocolate chips…  cinnamon… felt concerned about the combination of flavors… but it was yummy… so pleased 

Covid infections out of control…  new cases in the US breaking records every day…  hospitalizations among the unvaccinated rising quickly overwhelming hospitals in many states…  this is the time to get boosted… not vaxxed? Value your health… it’s irreplaceable #GetYourJabOn   Meanwhile… mask up… limit interactions… fly through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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