Tuesday 31 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day twenty two... Wednesday September 1, 2021

Waking fully rested... lazy morning... breakfast toasted multigrain seeded bread... love this bread... wish we could get it in NYC... Awake Tea by Tazo the hubs enjoying his cottage cheese with black pepper... fruit plate of sliced bananas... raspberries & blueberries with his hot java and of course... water

Gray day... skies smoky... clouds accumulating... thunderstorms expected tonite... the air feeling cool... deer out grazing early... sensing the coming rains... haven’t seen Henry the hare in days... hoping he’s surviving the ever prowling haws... hummingbirds at the feeder... dominant male chasing others away... only allowing his females access...

Off to the local thrift store... they support local charities in Estes Park... donating dishes... mugs... clothing... luggage... kitchen accessories... cartons and carton of goodies for them to sell... of course had to peek inside... picked up a couple more movies a sewing box... hand mirror and a fishing reel for the hubs... so glad to support their efforts

Back home... lunch... ham and turkey mini wrap for the hubs... peach to share... more water the air incredibly drying at 10% average humidity... restful afternoon... the skies hazier... the air cooling... becoming damp... the storm approaching... hubs out in the garage securing for our departure in a week. Our dear friends closing the greenhouse in anticipation of Ida’s wind and rain as it passes through NYC later today and tomorrow... 

Resurgence supper tonite... Greek Eggplant Stew with Caultiflower & Olives... a fabulous NYTimes recipe... adding in leftover chicken thighs and a bit of leftover farro...so delicious

Josh Cabernet alongside and of course... water

Movie night The Accountant with Ben Affleck and Anna Kendrick... action packed thriller... thought provoking study of autism spectrum disorders... excellent... well acted... another episode of Planet Earth off to bed... nighty night

Monday 30 August 2021

Estes Park, Colorado... Day twenty one... Tuesday August 31, 2021

Popping out of bed... quick shower breakfast iced coffee ciabatta roll... the hubs enjoying his hot cup with cottage cheese & black pepper... sliced banana... raspberries & blueberries... and of course... water

Taking off to the recycling center... three huge boxes of paper... plastic... glass and cardboard to donate... stopping at the post office... priority flat rate boxes to pack... venturing into the jerky shoppe... the hubs splurging on smoked elk, smoked venison and spicy smoked beef jerky... the elk salty but a good chew

Back to the house... packed up all the goodies to ship home... quick lunch... mini wraps... ham, turkey and havarti mini wrap for the hubs... mini cheese quesadilla for yours truly... and of course... water

Driving up to the Stanley Hotel... landmark in Estes... famous Whiskey Bar at the Cascade... treating the hubs to a Sazerac... his favorite New Orleans cocktail walking the grounds... spectacular views... lovely gardens... pine maze... the interior a dazzling display of old world charm... plush oversize couches... stunning mahogany woodwork... elegant staircases... pocket doors... relaxed outside adjacent to a waterfall and pond midst lush plantings... delightful

Resurgence supper tonite... involto di carne... Sicilian style stuffed meatloaf with ham and cheddar... oven roasted mustard red potato wedges... crisp green salad with avocado in a mustard lime vinaigrette... Josh Cabernet and of course... water

Movie night Fried Green Tomatoes with Kathy Bates and Cecily Tyson... terrific movie... munching a few cheese doodles... another episode of Planet Earth off to bed... nighty night 


Sunday 29 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day twenty... Monday August 30, 2021

Slept in... waking up to fire haze from western wildfires... hurricane Ida in New Orleans... a city of over one million without power...our troops fully withdrawn from Afghanistan leaving behind Taliban chaos... glad to be in peaceful Estes Park...

breakfast... iced coffee and of course... water

Collecting all the items to ship home... old photos... gifts... costume jewelry... Wedgwood commemorative cameos... ready to pack and mail in two priority flat rate boxes quick lunch of mini wraps... ham & salami for the hubs... turkey and salami for yours truly and of course... water

Off to Safeway for a grocery run... few goodies... chocolate chip cookies for the hubs to nibble... craft beers to try... Tripple... a Belgian ale... Fat Tire... brown ale... Voodoo...IPA & Odells... IPA... of course... water refills $.49/gallon a few grocery items and produce... best peaches and honeydew

Resurgence supper tonite... top round steaks rare please... cooked on the Forman grill... fire risk too high for bbq... farro... crisp green salad... a Guinness for the hubs... Tripple Belgian Ale for yours truly... an excellent choice... and of course... water

Movie night... Lucy... fascinating adventure into the human brain it’s capacity and function... excellent acting by Morgan Freeman and Scarlett Johansson... dessert... lemon zinger tea for the hubs... chocolate chip cookies another espisode of Planet Earth... off to bed nighty night

Saturday 28 August 2021

Estes Park, Colorado... Day nineteen... Sunday August 29, 2021

Lazy morning... waking well rested... bright sun through the haze from western wildfires... breakfast... toasted ciabatta roll and Awake tea by Tazo the hubs enjoying his hot java with ham & eggs and of course... water laundry last two washes...  Off to town... stopping at Estes Library needing new movies with our popcorn... picking up bits and bobs... gifts for those caring for Mr Sam.... gifts for our sweet aides caring for Mom... a delicious treat for the neighbor watering the greenhouse... dark chocolate toffee crunch an Estes hat for Eduardo and a new Estes hat for the hubs... stopped off for a chocolate ice cream

Going through old photos to bring back to NY... Mom & Dad when they were first dating and married... childhood photos of Mom... such terrific memories... fire risk in the mountains too great to leave them behind... just in case

Resurgence supper tonite... chicken thighs... yams crisp green salad... Josh Cabernet alongside... and of course... water double feature... Charlie’s Angels... cute... The Best Little Whore House In Texas with Burt Reynolds and Dolly Parton... romantic comedy... excellent acting... nibbled cheese puffs... off to bed... nighty night

Friday 27 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day eighteeen... Saturday August 28, 2021

Bamp bamp bamp... the alarm walking us out of sound sleep... 8 am.... the kids all packed and ready... loads of hugs and kisses... waving as they drove away... back to bed for a morning nap... waking later than normal but ready for the day... breakfast of toasted buttered multigrain seede bread and iced coffee the hubs enjoying his usual... cottage cheese with black pepper... along with his hot java... and of course... water a mid morning treat... the last donut scarfed down with his second coffee

Straightening up... laundry day... sheets... towels... folding and storing blankets... pillows... prepping their rooms for our exit in a week and a half... the hubs repairing a screen in the garage shop... he loves being out there... so roomy... tools galore... a real playground

Speaking with Mom each day we are gone... she is improving... becoming more stable each day... nurses visits... PT, OT and speech therapists visiting multiple times each week... helping her regain lost skills... her sweet aides managing her care perfectly

Resurgence supper tonite... leftovers from The Twin Owls Restaurant a few fresh sautéed shrimp rounding out the meal... bison... filet... asparagus... string beans scalloped potatoes... a bit of leftover Thai... roast pork fried rice... cellophane noodles... and of course... water and a modeló negro

Weather cooperating... bright azure skies... light winds... low humidity... cool evenings with blustery winds... perfect for sleeping... showers many late afternoons greening the mountains dusting the peaks with fresh snow

Double feature... Ransom... Mel Gibson & Renee Russo... an excellent Ron Howard film... and State of Play with Russell Crowe and Ben Afflek... also well done.... Off to bed... nighty night

Thursday 26 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day seventeen... Friday August 27, 2021

9am... garbage detail for the hubs... getting the trash out before the truck comes... but not too soon to prevent animal intervention... back to bed for a morning nap... waking well rested... quick breakfast of toasted multigrain bread and tea... the hubs munching toast with leftover tuna salad... hot coffee and of course... water

Off to the park for a the hubs first hike... Bear Lake... Nymph Lake... so exciting to enjoy the Rocky Mountain National Park’s stunning scenery... the Bear Lake Nature Trail mostly flat at 9000’... breathtaking views of surrounding mountains... a walk uphill for 1⁄2 mile to Nymph Lake... 9905’... the edges covered with patches of lily pads... so pretty... the backdrop of the mountains a stark contrast to the lush undergrowth at the lake. Dragon and damsel flies buzz across the top of the lake... their wings reflecting in the bright sunlight.

Bask to the house... quick shower for the hubs...hiked the trail beautifully... his knee strong... his thigh muscles holding well on the downhill climb... both of us able to manage the altitude well. Out to supper tonite with the kids... they’re last night in Estes...

Resurgence supper tonite... The Twin Owls Restaurant... very high end cuisine... almost all the kids and the hubs ordered 16 oz Bison rib eye on the bone... Elena... 7 oz filet... yours truly... 6 oz salmon... appetizers were fabulous... tuna crudo... elk kebab... New England clam chowdah... beet salad... seared diver scallops wrapped in bacon... all shared

Craft beers and a fancy cocktail for Drea... delicious... and of course... water desserts... carrot cake... vanilla creme brûlée... triple chocolate mousse cake...pigged out so worth it

To the house... kids packing for an early morning start home... chatting in the living room... enjoying their tales of adventure... so pleased they had a blast... another episode of Planet Earth off to bed... nighty night

Wednesday 25 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day sixteen... Thursday August 26, 2021

Sleeping in... waking to the hubs busily cleaning the fireplace... joined in... dusting... mopping... vacuuming... wiping down surfaces dotted where a bit of ash collected... the house bright in the morning sun... finally finished... breakfast... scrambled eggs... toasted multigrain seeded bread... black tea hot coffee for the hubs... and of course... water

a well earned brunch for two hungry scrubbers

Taking a walk behind the house across the hilltop... stunning views... a short visit with our neighbor... catching up... then across the street to visit our other neighbors... they’ve been busy commuting into Denver three days each week... such a joy to see everyone again...

Wild crafting mullein leaves from a first year rosette... drying them on paper towels to take back to NYC... the hubs continuing his watercolor of ponderosa pines... considering continuing Mom’s weave currently strung on her loom...

Resurgence supper tonite... spicy Italian sausages... baked penne with mozzarella... a crisp green salad and of course... water coffee chip and vanilla ice cream for dessert with Wild Sweet Orange tea for the hubs... a crackling fire and an episode of Planet Earth... off to bed... nighty night 

Tuesday 24 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day fifteen... Wednesday August 25, 2021

Waking once again to a quiet house... the kids out on their big hike... 8 miles total... Glacier Gorge Junction to Alberta Falls then up to Mills Lake... stunning views... breakfast... iced coffee and a coffee roll... the hubs enjoying his hot java with same... and of course... water a treat from the prior nights donut haul... by midday the hike completed the kids returning to gather themselves for their afternoon visit to the famous Stanley Hotel

enjoying cocktails and hors d’oeuvres at the elegant wooden bar... followed by a walk through town...

Taking a walk through the neighborhood... majestic mountain views ⛰ spotted a handsome eight point elk nibbling flowers in a neighbors garden... a female and her four fawns bounding through the tall grasses a few blocks away... our buddy Henry the hare munching flowers in the neighbors walkway...

Resurgence supper tonite... tuna with celery red onion and lemon dijonaise atop toasted multigrain seeded bread with cheddar slices... lettuce and grape tomatoes and of course... water light and filling after our big meal out the prior night...

Kids returning from their activities to relax and nap... weather finally descending into the low 60’s... time for a crackling evening fire Spending time chatting with Jesse & Elena while Mark & Drea napped... Drea joining after a couple of hours... Elena heading off to sleep... followed shortly by Jesse... the hubs Drea and yours truly chatting until about 1am... a bit of soot accumulating on the mantle needing washing down... such a delight to spend time with them all... as the fire burned down... off to bed... Nighty night

Monday 23 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day fourteen... Tuesday August 24, 2021

Awakening to a quiet house... kids already up and out... a day to explore town... breakfast on the hoof... hubs still sleeping... made a cup of tea opened the shades... a relaxing morning... no one about... watching the hummingbirds buzz back and forth to the feeder... resting in the crab apple tree between swallows... two males fighting over territory... swooping over one another in displays of dominance... soon the hubs waking... his hot java

awaiting alongside cinnamon challah bread pudding and of course... water for both...

A paved path encircling Lake Estes... blue diamond in the mountains ⛰ walking the lake providing an opportunity to see golden mantle ground squirrels scurrying between rocks... feasting on berries and bread scraps... pygmy nuthatches nibbling seeds from within the pine cones... hopping branch to branch chirping to one another... hanging upside down as they gobble seeds... hammering small holes in the trunk to enjoy the inner bark and sap... a blue flash of wings... stellar jay nibbling huckleberries... two crows atop a dead ponderosa pine... scoping out their supper... few folks about... couples picknicking... walking dogs

one gal playing fetch in the lake with her black labrador...

Returning to the house... hot and thirsty... our water bottles empty... downing a couple of glasses and a snack of trail mix for the hubs... a quick shower then ready for our next evening activities... early supper at La Cucina de Mama then off to the Estes Park Observatory for a special evening peek at the stars

Resurgence supper tonite... outside seating at La Cucina de Mama... delicious appetizers of queso... salsa... guacamole and. homemade chips... mouth watering dinner... shrimp taco bowl... spicy... flavorful... loaded with shrimp on a bed of mesculin... caramelized onions... red, yellow and green pepper strips... in a crunchy edible crust... the hubs enjoying his carne asada... picanté... with spanish rice... beans... guacamole... peppers and onions along with a Modelo Negro each... the kids ordering similar food... along with coronoritas... a margarita with a Corona nip inverted in the drink... and a Mexican Bloody Mary with a Corona inverted in the drink... vanilla ice cream with whipped cream and chocolate syrup for dessert in a taco shell Yummy

Estes Park Observatory... an 18” telescope allowing us to view Jupiter... Saturn... Andromeda... globular clusters... Orion’s Belt... and the moon fascinating to see the roof aperture open and rotate to accommodate viewing as the computer focused the telescope on each planet or galaxy... the kids enthralled as well...

Returning home with donuts... the kids enjoying... then off to bed... 5:15am wake time for their big hike on Wednesday... the hubs splitting an eclair with yours truly... along with his rare late night coffee... and of course... water lots of time left for a movie enjoyed A Beautiful Mind with Russell Crowe playing mathematician John Nash and Jennifer Connelly as his wife... based on a true story... stellar acting... off to bed... nighty night

Sunday 22 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day thirteen... Monday August 23, 2021

Waking refreshed and ready for the day... the kids off on their adventure in the National Park cup of tea bread pudding and banana for breakfast... the hubs enjoying his hot java with cinnamon challah bread pudding and of course... water

Time to cook... making sauce for the baked penne... low and slow... lots of tomato purée... tomato paste... onion... garlic... herbs... spices... a bit of white wine... all adding to an intense depth of flavor... par cooking the pasta... finally assembling the dish topping with a heavy sprinkling of shredded mozzarella...

Cooking and baking at high altitude taking some adjustment... consistently checking for doneness... adding time in 5 minute increments... for the last 7 minutes adding the jalapeño cheddar bread to warm through... supper for six... hot and ready

Resurgence supper tonite... baked penne rigate with homemade sauce and mozzarella... jalapeño cheddar bread... crisp green salad with chick peas... cucumber... red onion... tomatoes... Kalamata olives and avocado with lime vinaigrette... and of course... water

Relaxing post dinner... the kids regaling us with their photos and stories of the days activities... hiking from Bear Lake to Dream, Nymph and Emerald lakes... then off to Trail Ridge Road for stunning views and alpine walks... an exciting day tuckered out and off to bed for the four mountaineers... lots of time left for a movie night with the hubs... The Green Mile with Tom Hanks... thought provoking and well acted... ice cream for dessert... vanilla for the hubs... coffee chip for yours truly... a relaxing cap off to the night... off to bed... nighty night 

Saturday 21 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day twelve... Sunday August 22, 2021

Sleeping in... feeling well rested... toasted buttered multi grain bread coffee and of course... water The hubs setting up the stereo system... Mozart and the mountains with breakfast... divine. Watching the hummingbirds zoom back and forth to the feeder... their wings so fast they’re almost invisible.

So pleased... the kids making their morning flight to Denver... getting out despite the storm... seeing them later on today after their adventures in Boulder... they’ll scrounge their supper on the way up...

Hubs sketching out plans for next years re-do of our deck... front and back... currently crumbling from dry rot due to age and weather. Planning to replace with Trex... recommended by both the neighbors here and Jane Bennett as well... making tiny adjustments in height and size so as not to require a new CO...

Off to the market... picking up a few necessaries... a lovely late afternoon walk around Lily Lake to cap off our day... admiring the baby ducklings the last of the summer flowers... fall arriving early in the mountains ⛰

Mark... Drea... Jesse & Elena... arriving fresh off their flight and visit to Boulder... meeting us at Lily Lake for a peek... down to the house for a brief rest... a bit of chatting... then off to Lily Lake for a sunset hike...

Resurgence supper tonite... leftover Winter White Bean and Sausage Soup with turkey meatballs and additional beans... and of course... water one of our favorites to enjoy again...

Spent the evening chatting with the kids... sharing stories... lots of laughs... their park entry time... 5-7am... scooting off to an early snooze... couple of hours left to ourselves... movie

night... a comedy... What Women Want with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt... quite entertaining... off to bed... nighty night

Friday 20 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day eleven... Saturday August 21, 2021

The beep of the alarm pushing us out of bed... 7:00am... taking our guests... Eduardo & Daniche... to the airport... a flight back to NYC’s LaGuardia... lovely ride through the pass... on the trip back stopping off in Lyons to pick up a few bits and bobs at the dispensary... short while later they’re on their way and we are back at the house sipping coffee and enjoying toasted english muffins and water for breakfast in the bright Estes sunshine...

Lazy day... few loads of laundry... clean sheets and towels for all... enjoying a day of hobbies... the hubs... watercolor painting... yours truly writing... of course. Watching the approach of hurricane Henri with a bit of apprehension as we are not in NYC... nothing to do but trust our friends and kids to keep our greenhouse and home safe and sound... fingers crossed that we don’t lose power or have any damage

Resurgence supper tonite... winter white bean and sausage soup... delicious warming meal as the Estes winds are kicking up a bit... sunshine warming the living room as the afternoon progresses... outside 64°F and blustery...

Watched The Devil Wears Prada... terrific movie... enjoyed Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, Stanley Tucci and Emily Blunt... an excellent cast... off to bed... nighty night

Thursday 19 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day ten... Friday August 20, 2021

Bamp bamp bamp... the startling sound of the alarm waking us from our sleep... surprisingly late popping out of bed to begin the day... half the morning already gone... coffee delicious toasted multi grain bread with butter and a banana making a perfect way to start the day. Winds howled and rain pelted the house last night bending the trees and rocking the hummingbird feeder wildly in gusts up to 40 mph... the chill penetrating through each crack and crevice... grateful for the warmth of the fire and heavy blankets as temps dipped into the low 40’s.

By 11 am winds slowing... weather shifting... clouds parting... rain stopping...sun breaking through warming the mountain air into the high 60’s ⛰ A short trip to the market to pick up supplies... back to the house... ready by 3:30pm to watch our kids,... Mark & Drea... get married via FaceTime in a lovely civil ceremony in the home of a sweet officiant. So moving... seeing them take their vows among their best friends... after a long courtship... tying the knot... we are all so thrilled. It was extra special to be with Drea’s parents here in Estes to experience the moment together.

By 4:30pm it was all over... celebrating with a cheese board... cheddar... munster... sliced apple... trail mix and of course... water Happy hugs and kisses all around as we toasted our close friends truly becoming family

Time to relax before dinner... ordering in from a local Mexican spot we enjoy... chatting... nibbling... feeling great joy at the marriage of our kids... also celebrating Daniche’s brother and his wife... Santiago & Maria becoming grandparents two days ago... their son and his wife... Freddy & Caitlin... welcoming baby Vincente to their family... happy news

Resurgence supper tonite... shrimp ceviche... steak tacos... cheese quesadillas... shrimp taco salad... rice... black beans... refried beans... guacamole... chips and salsa. The food... delicious... ceviche surprisingly spicy making it too difficult for some of us to enjoy without a side of yogurt to cool the flames... specifically yours truly... such a heat wimp... Homemade chips and guacamole a big hit with us all...

Another crackling fire to warm our bones as the temps drop... Colorado dry air holding little heat in these mountains... ice cream for dessert... coffee chip for the ladies... vanilla for Eduardo and oreo cheesecake for the hubs... leftover from yesterday’s ice cream at Laura’s... another delightful day.... Off to bed... nighty night

Wednesday 18 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day nine... Thursday August 19, 2021

Eyes popping open a bit later than usual... chilly rainy morning... hot oatmeal on the menu for all accompanied by steaming cups of java and glasses of water a day to relax and recharge...

Mid afternoon... clouds lifting... a delightful hike around Lily Lake at 9000’... jackets required... sun streaming down reflecting off the calm waters... ducks nibbling the reeds... swimming to and fro... admiring the marshy breeding grounds on the southern side of the lake... teeny ducklings experimenting with their swimming skills... zooming back and forth among the reeds... mountain peaks visible on all sides... an hour into our walk... dark storm clouds rolling in... time to return... the first few droplets skittering across the pavement as we clambered into the car... just in time...

Sightseeing drive round Mary’s Lake Road... spotted a group of young elk munching on grasses and berries... onto Fish Creek Road... toward town... an ice cream stop at Laura’s for an afternoon treat... back to the house... a short respite before dinner... the hubs and yours truly walking the neighborhood and grounds...

Resurgence supper tonite... roasted fresh salmon with Old Bay Seasoning and fresh lemon slices... steamed broccoli... cheese bread... avocado slices and crisp green salad with lime vinaigrette... hot cocoa and a crackling fire to warm the cool night air... another delightful day in the mountains... off to bed.., nighty night

 Estes Pak, Colorado... Day eight... Wednesday August 18, 2021

Popping out of bed feeling rested and ready for the day... coffee yummy multi grain buttered toast... bananas... and... of course... water a hearty breakfast for all... the hubs enjoying his yogurt and berries as well... put together a quick lunch to go... four sandwiches a couple of apples granola bar... trail mix... four jackets... field glasses... four bottles of water and we’re off...

A delightful drive into Rocky Mountain National Park quick stop at Beaver Meadows Visitor Center to get our timed entry passes... and onto a new adventure! Trail Ridge Road runs along the tops of the mountains ⛰ up to an altitude of 12,500’ above sea level... a winding two way narrow road... speed limit 25-35 mph... loads of switchbacks and pull offs for photographs and short hiking trails. Beginning our drive at about 8000’ filled with anticipation and excitement... within 30 minutes massive thunderstorms ⛈ blanketing the mountains... deluges of rain obscuring the windshield... rivulets running across the roadway... crawling ahead at less than 10 mph.... suddenly the rain mixing with hail... bouncing off the car... accumulating on the sides of the roadway... in the trees and brush... creeping slowly around switchbacks... no guard rails... steep inclines dropping 500’ or more off the roadway edge... around a bend and... YAY... the storm is breaking ahead... sun beaming through the clouds... hail ending... rain slowing... pull out ahead... altitude marker... 10,300’... exiting the vehicle the breeze icy against warm skin... grateful for warm jackets...

Lunch stop... sandwiches and water sitting on the rock wall gazing out across the valley... storm hovering above opposite peaks... rain clearly visible... cascading down from dark clouds in sheets... chipmunks scurrying up begging for food... signs posted asking folks not to feed the animals... fat golden mantle ground squirrel sunning on a rock below... Clark’s Nutcracker brazen enough to come right up and hop along the wall pecking scraps... visiting the bathroom (pit toilets) then off to our next stop...

Storm hovering just off the road... rounding a few more switchbacks... poof... arriving above the tree line the tundra appears... another pull off ahead... stunning views amongst dwarfed pines and junipers... bright clusters of miniature flowers dotting the landscape... altitude 11,750’... air is thin and cold as we delight in the views... we have arrived at the top of the world. The short hike to Rock Cut... less than 1⁄4 mile... marred by rain... enjoying the view within the warmth of the vehicle... time to turn back...

The road back permits stops at cutouts not available on the drive up... next stop a sunny overlook with a short hike around stunted pines revealing stunning views of the valley below... our last stop back in Beaver Meadows... a group of young bucks feeding in the meadow... yearling... two year... three year... two adult males with handsome racks... white tailed deer such healthy specimens...

Driving home ooohs and aaahs flowing as we extoll the beauty and majesty of the Rocky Mountains and our drive along Trail Ridge Road.... a brief rest before supper along with many glasses of water to slake our thirst.

Resurgence supper tonite... leftover night... crispy fried chicken... moist meatloaf... Greek Eggplant Stew with Cauliflower and Kalamata Olives over brown rice... lots of water and the last of the most delicious ever blackberry pie and tea for dessert. Enjoying another crackling fire reliving the delights of the day… off to bed… nighty night 

Tuesday 17 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day seven... Tuesday August 17, 2021

Waking refreshed... feeling energized... a leisurely breakfast of yogurt and raspberry rhubarb preserves with water & hot coffee the hubs enjoying his cottage cheese & black pepper, water & hot java. Our guests filling their bellies with the delicious multi grain seeded bread... toasted with butter, water and coffee Everyone satisfied and pleased... such a delight to sit around the table chatting... relaxing... laughing... sharing stories...

The hubs and Eduardo trekking out into the side yard... pulling weeds... collecting dead fall wood sawing and chopping for tonites fire We ladies heading out to the market for a few bits and bobs... a very sloooow drive though town... Elkhorn Avenue’s six blocks bumper to bumper at 5 mph... giving us ample time to view all the touristy curiosity shops... a final stop at the Elizabeth’s Guild Thrift Shop picking up a couple of movies and a novel... 

Back in time for a late lunch... mini turkey wraps... banana apples and of course... water the altitude combined with very low humidity giving us all quite a thirst.

Spent the afternoon preparing Greek Eggplant Stew with Caulflower & Kalamata Olives... special thanks to Beth Benson for the recommendation... absolutely delicious... a riff on a NYTimes recipe... would definitely make it again... five stars

Resurgence supper tonite... Greek Eggplant Stew with Cauliflower and Kalamata Olives served over brown rice... a slice of meatloaf for meat lovers... water (of course) and for dessert... the MOST delicious blackberry pie ever with coffee and tea followed by another glorious fire

Another delightful day at 8000’... off to bed... nighty night

Monday 16 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day six... Monday August 16, 2021

That extra blanket making all the difference... sleeping like a rock... warm and snuggly... outside the temps dipping to 43°F... pretty chilly... feeling so much better... perky...

Quick breakfast of a banana and some water ... cottage cheese, water black pepper and a banana for the hubs... no coffee as we are driving to Denver International Airport to pick up our dear friends Eduardo & Daniche to join us in the mountains for six days... we are so thrilled to have them here... a chance to relax and recharge after the long hibernation of COVID-19 and quarantine... packing a couple of mini wraps... an apple and several bottles of water along with masks and hand sanitizer for the trip...

Arriving in good form... happy to be out of the city... looking forward to rest and relaxation... on the drive back smoke from the western fires obscuring the mountain views until entering the foothills. The drive up the pass... lovely as ever... such fun to see it through new eyes. Our first stop... a dispensary in Lyons picking up gummies... pain relief for Daniche... and a homemade blackberry pie for dessert

Over the pass and suddenly in the valley below... there it is... Estes Park... sparkling like a jewel in the mountains. Of course we must stop at Estes Rock for a photo of Daniche & Eduardo... now they are an official part of our Estes family. A quick stop at Safeway to pick up supper... it’s Cheap Chicken Monday... freshly prepared fried chicken at half price... 16 pieces for $14.... enough for two meals...

delicious and a real bargain...

Back to the house in time for lunch... mini turkey wraps for all along with our much missed coffees three hot and one iced for you know who

A delightfully lazy afternoon relaxing and chatting... catching up on family news... sharing stories and laughter. The gummy helping tremendously with the pain... tensions melting away. So very pleased to see Daniche relaxed and happy

Eduardo and the hubs in the garage chopping dead fall wood for the fireplace...

Resurgence supper tonite... FRIED CHICKEN crunchy... flavorful... perfectly cooked and juicy... served alongside a crisp green salad with lime vinaigrette and sliced avocado lots of water and sliced honeydew raspberries and blueberries homemade blackberry pie for dessert... probably the best pie ever... jammed full of ripe blackberries on a perfectly snappy short crust... tart... not too sweet... divine

Enjoying our first fire in the freshly prepared fireplace... a perfect end to a glorious day... off to bed... nighty night

Sunday 15 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day five... Sunday August 15, 2021

Feeling a bit off today... too much wine last night... no aged grapes today!!

Light breakfast of tea and water the hubs a banana yogurt with blueberries & raspberries and hot java.

Rainy day today... light showers on and off... scattered thunderstorms in the distance heard... laundry day... gave the hubs a haircut. Hubs removed gas enclosure from living room fireplace... we can now have a wood fire as no exterior fires are permitted due to wildfire risk... so pleased...

Lunch for the hubs... leftover chicken kebabs and a salad... yogurt, raspberries and blueberries for yours truly...

Spotted a red tailed hawk circling the mountains... looking for supper... Pygmy nuthatches swooping and soaring munching bugs in the afternoon... hummers found our feeder... they’ve been busily drinking from it all day to our delight... about 6pm a lone coyote walked up the road and across the lawn toward the open garage door... heard us chatting in the living room and high tailed it out of our yard... too quick for a photo... it was a healthy looking animal with gorgeous brown and blonde coat hubs spotted chipmunks in the back yard... so cute with their stripes from nose to tail...

Resurgence supper tonite... scrambled eggs... buttered multigrain seeded toast... water vanilla bean ice cream and hot tea for the hubs... coffee chip ice cream for yours truly... double feature... I Robot and Hitch... a Will Smith kind of night... off to bed... nighty night

Saturday 14 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day four... Saturday August 14, 2021

Woke feeling peppy... quick breakfast of water, iced coffee and a banana the hubs enjoying his cottage cheese with black pepper... strawberries on the side... water and his hot java.

A trip into town picking up a few odds and ends... stopping at the market for couple more groceries... few folks masked... masks on for us... shot over to the wine store for a couple of bottles of aged grape juice... a Sauvignon Blanc from Melbourne for yours truly... Josh Cabernet from California for the hubs... then on to the hardware store for a necessary gadget... fridge thermometer lovely to get out and explore a bit but melting ice cream forcing us back home...

Lunch... turkey mini wraps for us both... strawberries for the hubs... water for both

Had our dear friends, Cynthia and Jim over for a glass of wine before supper... so good to finally see them again after missing last season here in Estes.

Resurgence supper tonite... Turkey and beef meatloaf with roasted sweet potatoes, avocado slices, and a crisp green salad with lime vinaigrette and sliced honeydew... ice cream for

dessert with tea... vanilla bean for the hubs... coffee chip for yours truly.

Saw two does with two fawn each outside the living room and along the side yard... they came quite close... about ten feet from the picture windows... it was thrilling to see them return to the area... hubs spotted a white rabbit probably lost looking for Alice and the Mad Hatter.

Watched a movie... Mona Lisa Smile... a favorite... then off to bed... nighty night

Friday 13 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day three... Friday August 13, 2021

Slept late... both of us feeling the altitude just a teensy bit... breakfast for the hubs the usual... cottage cheese with black pepper, water and coffee not feeling very hungry today... just a banana water and cup of tea

Took it easy... completed remaining straightening up and organizing... a quick tip to the local thrift store to pick up some new DVD’s... a couple of towels and a blanket... hubs outside weed whacking the small patch of remaining tall grasses... pulling weeds... clearing debris...

Lunch... Greek yogurt with raspberry rhubarb preserves and water the hubs enjoying his yogurt with strawberries and water

Afternoon... laundry time... washing all the new (to us) towels and blankets... love supporting the local economy and the charity the thrift store supports.

Resurgence supper tonite... Marinated grilled chicken kebabs with warm cheese bread, avocado slices and a crisp green salad with lime vinaigrette...water on the menu

Both of us pretty pooped... watched a bit of Planet Earth then off to bed... nighty night

Thursday 12 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day two... Thursday August 12, 2021

Woke feeling refreshed... yogurt and peach preserves for breakfast with water and hot coffee... it’s lovely and chilly in the mornings... the hubs enjoying his usual cottage cheese with black pepper and a banana with his water and hot cup

Loads of laundry await... spending the day completing additional cleaning and preparation for our guests arriving on the 16th... put up the hummingbird feeder... waiting for them to find it and visit... love watching the little buzzers flitting from flower to flower in search of nectar. Haven’t seen any wildlife yet... waiting impatiently for them to show themselves.

Lunch... turkey sandwiches on delicious multi grain seeded bread... and water

Resurgence supper tonite... sautéed ground turkey with seasonings and tomato sauce over brown rice... avocado slices... and a crisp green salad with lime vinaigrette... loads of water... the climate and altitude very drying... excitement... the hubs spotted a white tailed deer in the distance.

A few more episodes of Planet Earth and off to bed... nighty night

Wednesday 11 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day one.... Wednesday August 11, 2021

Arriving in Denver with a flourish... these retired Navy pilots... slamming into the runway looking for that elusive hook so ubiquitous on aircraft carriers... then screeching to a sudden halt on the tarmac... glad to be safe and on the ground once again. A bit of turbulence en route... but overall a good flight. Passengers behaving themselves... wearing masks... no drama!

Picking up our rental car... heading up to Estes Park... a beautiful 90 minute ride... ordinarily. Unfortunately western wildfires have blown smoke and ash over the Rockies and the majestic mountains are invisible... regardless... the drive through the pass... a delight.

Arriving at the house discovering one of the two garage doors non-functional. The house however, in good order albeit a huge amount of dust and stale air. Opening the windows proving a new challenge... many painted shut but a quick slice with a razor knife and a bit of banging and they opened wide. Spending the next hours cleaning... vacuuming... dusting... washing sheets... towels... shaking out blankets... checking supplies. While the hubs attempts to repair the garage door... off to food shopping at the market.

Safeway is clean... bright... stocked and open until 11pm... how convenient for those like us arriving late to grab needed supplies... even selling small canisters of oxygen for those in need. Completing shopping... mask on... few others masked as it’s not required and the sign on the door reads “Vaccinated folks do not need to mask”... trust but verify our mantra... home to prepare a quick meal.

Resurgence supper tonite... frozen enchiladas and Spanish rice... what can we say... it’s food... nothing special.

Watched a bit of Planet Earth video then off to bed.... nighty night

Tuesday 10 August 2021

Shrimp Salad and Greenhouse Salad

 Resurgence supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

And the warm up begins… sticky today… high 80’s… the kind of warmth that doesn’t feel comfortable after just a few moments…  by evening thunderstorms arrived with bright flashes of lightening and rolling thunder… rain pounding the roof and cascading down the gutters… washing away the dust and grime of the day… winds whipping the tree branches to and fro as the storm raged…  after about an hour it was all over save a light pitter patter of raindrops on the leaves 🍃 

Iced coffee🧋the hubs downing his cottage cheese and hot java… scooting out the door taking Mom and her aide to her cardiology appointment… couple of changes in meds but overall stable.  Doctor will see her again in two weeks. Feeling greatly relieved to have her under the care of the hubs cardiologist whom we have known for more than 10 years… he is brilliant, thorough and gentle 🥰

Spent the rest of the day catching up on chores… so much left undone over  the last 6 weeks… both of us busy as bees 🐝 right up till dinner.  Mr Sam… apparently oblivious to the heat… sprawled out on the deck… napping under a chair in the shade next to the greenhouse… he is incredibly spoiled 🙀😻

Supper tonite… shrimp salad with celery and dijonaise sauce… tomato cucumber and red pepper salad with lime juice… salt and pepper and a hint of olive oil… ice cream… vanilla for the hubs… coffee for yours truly… for dessert 🍨 

Covid delta variant cases are increasing at a frightening rate… still unsure? Speak with your health care provider… have an open mind… and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution… mask up….  limit interactions… glide through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 9 August 2021

Skirt Steak, Horiatiki, Prassini, Grilled Zucchini & Onions & Corn

 Resurgence supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

🎶Rain rain go away… come again another day 🎶 the incessant drip drip drip of light rain on an off through the day… standing outside feeling as if it’s a light mist…  but shortly thereafter shirt and hair becoming soaked…  a good day for sparrows bathing in the puddle at the bottom of the drive… robins plucking worms from the wet grass…  plants enjoying the wetness as it soaks their leaves and stems running off into the soil…

Iced coffee🧋and a few cheese cubes.. the hubs enjoying eggs and toast with his hot cup…  stopping by to visit Mom at home… she is happy to be back in familiar surroundings.  A big smile attesting to her pleasure.  

Spent time in the greenhouse yesterday… missed a couple of days… found a surprise bonanza of cucumbers 🥒 and tomatoes 🍅 

Family supper tonite… two salads…. prassini salata… green Greek salad of chopped romaine… scallions… dill and a bit of mint in a lemon vinaigrette… so fresh and delicious… and horiatiki salata… Greek village salad… tomatoes 🍅 cucumbers 🥒 red onion 🧅 basil 🌿and Greek oregano… usually includes feta… but had none…  also with lemon vinaigrette…  served alongside fresh corn… grilled skirt steak and grilled zucchini and onions… 

apple tart for dessert from our favorite local bakery… delicious 😋

Been reminding folks to #GetYourJabOn mask up… sail through the market and wash those germy hands for months now… hoping the message is getting out… take care of yourselves… so important 😷💞

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 6 August 2021

Breakfast for Dinner… Mom Comes Home & A Bagel Thank You

 Restoration supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Humid… 88°F… not so comfortable today… air getting stickier… haziness… our local birds chirping… tweeting… squawking… calling to one another… loving the cacophony of song and voice 🎶 

Iced coffee🧋on the fly… the hubs grabbing his hot java and cottage cheese…  turkey sandwich, green apple, trail mix and water packed in his backpack… the man always ready for a serious outing!!  A few errands… picking up Mom’s wheelchair… stopping at our favorite bagel factory… grabbing bagels and cream cheese for the MD’s… nursing staff… PCA’s (patient care associates) and therapists… our way of saying “Thank You” for taking such good care of Mom 🥰

Brought Mom home today… exhausted but elated to be back in her own place… able to sleep in her own bed… dinner prepped by her sweet aide…  she said… delicious!  IT IS FINALLY OVER… the long hours at hospital and rehab… the worrying… the hyper vigilance… being ON all the time… the emotional toll… felt like 10 tons lifted 🥰  So incredibly relieved… and so grateful to all of you for your amazing support and outpouring of love through these six weeks…. Thank you… Thank you… Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

A glass of Sauvignon Blanc before supper…  Cabernet for the hubs… feeling light… joyful… pressure eased 🍷 

Supper tonite… buttered toasted bialys… herbed scrambled eggs… hot coffee for the hubs… coffee ice cream for dessert… light… quick… breakfast for dinner… one of our favorites 🥯 

Covid delta variant spreading like wildfire among the unvaccinated… still scared?  Speak with your health care provider about risks… learn the facts  #GetYourJabOn  don’t become a statistic… mask up… limit interactions… gallop through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 5 August 2021

Cucumber Tomato Avocado Salad with Feta & Cantaloupe with Raspberries

 Resurgence dinner tonite… Live from NYC…

Feeling’ it… that’s the humidity level today… temps bounced into the low 80’s… still comfortable… but getting stickier each day… 

So sad to report our very hungry caterpillar 🐛 has left the dill stalk… have no idea where she went…  apparently the dill stalk was not suitable for cocooning… hoping she has found a place that suits her needs… disappointed that we won’t see her blossom into a gorgeous black swallowtail butterfly but happy that she feasted and got fat on our deck 🦋

Iced coffee🧋and a buttered roll… breakfast of working folks here in the Big Apple 🍎 the hubs back to his cottage cheese and hot java…  scooted out to visit Mom today… she was in good form… a morning shower followed by a BIG workout in PT… another 90 minutes…  sneaking in a nap before supper… caught up with the MD’s… the nurses… all good reports.  Fingers crossed for continued success 🤞

Late supper after arriving home…  fresh tomatoes 🍅 and cucumbers 🥒 from the greenhouse… couple of avocados 🥑  simple lime juice and basil dressing… feta cheese with olive oil and a bit of oregano… sardines for the hubs… cantaloupe and raspberries for dessert.  Light and refreshing 😋

Covid continues its spread across the US… still unconvinced?  Speak with your health care provider about your risks and benefits  #GetYourJabOn  please don’t think you’re invincible…  virus’ don’t discriminate… mask up… limit interactions… jog through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Weeknight Bolognese with Rotini… Swiss Chard… Cantaloupe and Raspberries

 Resurgence supper tonite…. live from NYC…

Each day humidity inches up a smidge… temps follow… still relatively comfortable…  skies a bit hazy…  temps topping out near 80°F…

Ice coffee🧋and a banana 🍌 the hubs enjoying his hot cup with cottage cheese and blueberries 🫐 Scooting off to visit Mom… meeting with the doctors… discussing updated meds…  she did 90 minutes of physical therapy… snoozing 💤 catching a few winks before supper… so pooped… such a hard worker!! 

Getting back late… deciding to make supper to help relax… sautéed swiss chard with olive oil and salt…  weeknight bolognese with rotini and Parmesan… cantaloupe and raspberries for dessert… a glass of Line 39 Cabernet rounding out the meal… watching the Great British Baking Show… fun and informative🥰

The NYC Auto Show cancelled due to covid risk…  organizers recognizing the risk the delta variant poses…  still unconvinced?  Speak with your health care provider about your concerns and risks #GetYourJabOn  mask up… limit interactions… gallop through the market and wash those germy ha ds 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Roasted Salmon with Cowboy Caviar & Greenhouse Tomatoes and Avocado Salad

 Resurgence supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

Humidity a bit higher today… skies hazier… still a comfortable temp… in the low 80’s… found out our squirrel 🐿 has moved across the street and is decimating our neighbors vegetable garden… it’s a daily race to see who gets the tomatoes 🍅 so far our neighbor says she is winning 😋

Back to iced coffee🧋and a banana 🍌 today… tummy all better… the hubs enjoying his hot java with a cheese omelette.  Packed and ready to go pick up Mom at rehab… 

A call from the doctor…  Mom isn’t being released today 😔… edema isn’t fully cleared up… oxygen saturation level on room air too low.  Cardiology will examine and review her meds… make appropriate adjustments… she will need observation a few more days.  The hubs came with to rehab… we took turns keeping Mom company in between physical therapy sessions and her supper.  She is nervous but understanding that it’s too soon to go home yet… few more days to get her meds right… recovery… always three steps forward and two steps back… getting close 🥰

During one extended PT session… took a drive into town… shared lunch… hubs enjoying flaming hot Jamaican jerk wings with cole slaw and Bleu cheese dip… waaaay to hot for me… scrambled eggs on a roll with cheese and bacon on the side… sharing bacon 🥓 with the hubs.  He is in hog heaven… enjoying his mega spicy wings… beads of sweat collecting on his head… creamy cole slaw cooling the heat.  Just watching him enjoy his super spicy meal is fun! 

Supper tonite…  roasted salmon with the last of the cowboy caviar atop… greenhouse tomatoes with avocado and lime juice… just a touch of olive oil… incredibly sweet tomatoes 🍅 creamy avocado 🥑 and that hit of acid from the lime… perfect!  Watched The Fugitive with Tommy Lee Jones and Harrison Ford… excellent movie… great distraction 🎥 

NYC enacting vaccine requirements in September for indoor dining…. movies… theater… gyms… museums… concerts… visitors must show either vaccination card or NYS Excelsior Pass showing active vaccination status or be turned away….  still unconvinced?  Speak to your health care provider about your concerns and risks #GetYourJabOn it’s important… mask up… limit interactions… sail through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?  What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

Monday 2 August 2021

Cajun Andouille & Cowboy Caviar… Penne with Olive Oil Black Pepper and Parmesan & the Very Hungry Caterpillar

 Resurgence supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

Another stunning day… low humidity… temps in the high 70’s… Thanks Canada 🇨🇦 we really appreciate your delightful weather 🥰  Our squirrel 🐿 is MIA… haven’t seen her for at least two weeks… is she growing a new brood?  We aren’t sure… it is a puzzle 🧩 

No iced coffee today…  tummy troubles this morning… just a banana… luckily resolved by mid afternoon… the hubs enjoying his java and cottage cheese with banana & blueberries…  scurried off to prep Mom’s apartment for her return… appropriate food in the fridge…. our sweet aide cleaned and put fresh sheets on the bed… her cell phone and hearing aid charging…  Mom is coming home Tuesday!!  Early release for time served!!  We are all so looking forward to her being in her own space again… familiar surroundings… her own bed to sleep in 💤 🛌  a busy day 🥰

We have a new tenant on the deck…  a parsley caterpillar 🐛 has made her home on our dill plant.  She has been growing daily… can’t wait to see her cocoon… then burst forth as a Black Swallowtail Butterfly 🦋 How exciting 😃

Spent a bit of time in the greenhouse… giving the babies a good long drink… admiring tomatoes 🍅 and cucumbers 🥒 still growing… basil and parsley 🌿 filling out beautifully… several peppers 🫑 almost full size… today’s harvest… a bounty of tomatoes and cukes… yum 😋 

Supper tonite… leftover cowboy caviar with grilled Cajun andouille… spicy and crusty! The hubs enjoying every bite!  Meatless Monday for yours truly… penne with a bit of olive oil, black pepper and Parmesan along with cowboy caviar…  and a cup of hot tea 🫖 Happy tummy 😁

Covid Delta variant spreading like wildfire among unvaccinated folks… make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  Still hesitant? Talk to a health care provider about your concerns… no pleasure in getting sick 🤒 

Mask up… limit interactions…  glide through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Sunday 1 August 2021

Skirt Steak… Cowboy Caviar… Tomato Cucumber Salad… Focaccia… Watermelon & Marbled Banana Bread

 Resurgence supper tonite…. live from NYC…

A taste of autumn… low humidy… temps near 75°F bright blue skies…  picture perfect day… our friends out west suffocating with heat and smokey conditions.  Few animals out and about today… at night an opossum family meandering through the herb garden… spotted us then fled.  Temps cooling down enough for a fire after supper… such fun 🥰

Iced coffee🧋and a banana 🍌 the hubs taking his hot cup to go… he is visiting Mom today…  playing rummy… sharing a meal together… spoke with her via phone… she was ebullient… loves her son in law 🥰

tomorrow my day to visit… since we are only permitted on visitor at bedside alternating in the best choice...  

Tonites supper… grilled skirt steaks (thanks Danicha) cowboy caviar…  tomato 🍅 cucumber 🥒 salad with parsley and mint… focaccia… delightful Cabernet… watermelon cubes and marbled banana bread slices with coffee…. Delicious 😋 

Covid delta variant soaring in most of America… south broiling under extreme heat advisory… west burning out of control…  northeast experiencing the third wettest July on record…  climate change has arrived… while we wait for weather to stabilize (is that even possible any longer) #GetYourJabOn  mask up… limit Interactions… slide through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?  What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?