Wednesday 22 September 2021

Tuna Salad, Composed Salad, Jammy Eggs & Whole Wheat Bagels

 Resurgence supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Is there a word to describe humidity more uncomfortable than muggy? 

Sultry… sticky… steamy… oppressive… damp ..moist… on the verge of rain…

Heavy clouds drooping over the Big Steaming Apple 🍎 most of the day… finally descending into thunderstorms ⛈ this evening…  

Breakfast… toast with homemade marmalade and iced coffee🧋the hubs grazing through the morning… cottage cheese… hot coffee ☕️ apple 🍏 beef jerky…  almonds…  cheese stick…  mini wrap… plum… whew 😅 

Tried out Amazon grocery delivery from Whole Foods…  excellent prices… everything arriving in perfect condition…  and on time 😄

Picking up Mom and her sweet aide for her cardiologist visit…  good report…  Mom is doing well…  stable… no edema…  weight steady  💝  see you in two months 😁 so pleased 

Mr Sam is improving… appetite increasing… voice still croaky but returning… energy up… our boy is on the road to recovery ❤️‍🩹 seems that his bout of attention in the intensive care unit of “Mom” has turned things around for the better… he still has a way to go… but we are pleased with his progress 😻

Supper tonite…  Genova tuna with chopped celery, red onion and dijonaise sauce (mayon, dijon mustard and lemon juice)  a composed salad 🥗 jammy eggs 🥚 and toasted NYC whole wheat bagels 🥯 with havarti cheese 🧀 refreshing on a hot humid day 😋

Delta variant of covid is kicking our American butts… we are losing about 2000 souls daily to this pandemic… not vaxxed yet?? Duuuuude #GetYourJabOn  those of us 65 and up… at risk jobs… underlying health issues…  been 6 months since your last jab?  Time for a bonus round… mask up… limit interactions… glide through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

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