Tuesday 21 September 2021

Tagliatelle in Spicy Tomato Cream with Shredded Chicken Thighs and Honeydew

 Resurgence supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Happy Autumnal Equinox to those who celebrate 🍂 officially fall…

muggy… today’s word is muggy… humidity over 80%… temps in the 70’s… 

skies mostly cloudy… blips of sunshine… insufficient to burn off the humidity rising exponentially through the day…  terrific day to be inside tending to chores and searching for the few dollars hidden prior to leaving for vacation… maybe should’ve left myself clues? No idea where it might be ~sigh~  

Iced coffee🧋and a plum… bananas all eaten… the hubs eating his cottage cheese with hot green tea…  LOTS of water… no coffee for him post wine dinner (too much wine 😂… hic)  hubs came home and crashed 🛌 

Laundry day… washing bath towels…  not drying after use in this humidity…  airing out the basement… making arrangements to take Mom to see the cardiologist tomorrow 🩺🥼

Supper tonite… tagliatelle in spicy tomato cream… fresh tomatoes sautéed in olive oil… salt, pepper, red pepper flake, thyme, basil, tomato paste and light cream… served alongside shredded chicken thighs 🍗 and honeydew melon 🍈 

Idaho and Alaska hospitals have begun Crisis Standard of Care…  meaning patients are triaged prior to admittance… those most likely to survive are treated… those unlikely to survive are given palliative care (made comfortable) if possible… many are sent home… no beds available… all this due to the surge overwhelming hospitals in these regions as Covid cases among the unvaccinated climb… 

Please folks… #GetYourJabOn  don’t be the person who causes someone needing dialysis or heart surgery to pass away for lack of hospital facilities… we are all in this fight together… mask up…  limit interactions…  gallop through the market… and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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