Thursday 16 September 2021

Tagliatelle in Tomato Cream & Tomato Basil Queso de Frier Salad

 Resurgence supper tonite… Live from NYC…

A much better day… bright skies… a bit lower humidity… temps in the mid 70’s… pair of mockingbirds squawking in the trees… sparrows taking dust baths at the bottom of the drive…  a lone dove sitting on a wire over the middle of the avenue… 

Breakfast for the hubs a quick dish of cottage cheese with black pepper before his early appointment for PT… back in the groove after vacation… excellent results… therapist pleased 😃 Iced coffee🧋and a trip to the local market… fridge empty once again…  grocery prices up 300% on fruits, meats & berries… sticker shock!  Seeing the effect of climate change in our wallets 😢

Spent the afternoon in the greenhouse… thinning and tying up tomatoes 🍅 staking peppers 🫑 checking carrots 🥕 and leeks….  sweet potato vines healthy…  parsley 🌿 and basil bushy… cucumbers 🥒 almost finished… new plantings of sweet peas and radishes producing seedlings… still waiting for lettuce to pop… another week or so to pull carrots… planning greens and turnips for late fall harvest 🥬

Supper tonite… greenhouse tomato & basil salad with queso de freir and balsamic…  fresh tagliatelle in a delicious tomato & wine cream sauce… longaniza sausage on the side… Sauvignon Blanc alongside to complement the meal 🍝 

Covid is still a serious risk… delta variant is highly transmissible and infectious causing serious disease in unvaccinated folks… filling up hospital ICU’s and Emergency departments… please folks… this is not over… #GetYourJabOn  before you end up gasping for breath… mask up… limit interactions… gallop through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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