Wednesday 1 September 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day twenty three... Thursday September 2, 2021

Sleeping in... waking to another chilly day in the Rockies... skies overcast... low clouds skimming the tops of Mt Meeker and Longs Peak... sun playing peek a boo every now and then... insurfficient to warm the atmosphere... scattered drizzle on and off...

Breakfast... toasted buttered multigrain seeded bread and Awake Tea by Tazo... the hubs hungry... eggs... ham... toasted multigrain seeded bread... coffee and of course... water

Doing some wild crafting... mullein growing prolifically on the property... drying the soft furry leaves... excellent expectorant for coughs... strengthenes weak lungs... freshly dried leaves have higher levels of active constituents

The hubs in his workshop... securing the house for our departure next week

Spending time checking in on friends and loved ones... hurricane Ida dropping extensive rain in the northeast... massive flash flooding... inundating homes... Mark & Drea... two inches of water throughout their basement... soaking flooring... messy clean up... our house had some minor water seepage in the unfinished basement... the kids able to clean it up early today... no damage... Mom experiencing no leaks... Daniche and Eduardo’s building flooded the lobby but their apartment fortunately untouched... hurricane Larry out in the Atlantic revving up to be a massive cat 4... hoping it remains a storm for the fishes

Late lunch... Greek yogurt with strawberry preserves and of course... water sitting out in the garage... enjoying the drizzle... Anne... neighbor and art gallery owner... stopping by with a loaf of cranberry walnut bread and a gorgeous giant tomato sending her love to Mom... inviting us to a jazz and wine evening Friday from 5 - 8pm at the gallery... sounds intriguing

Some good news... a flash of white poofy tail... gray fur... long stand up ears... Henry making a flash appearance... streaking across in front of Kathy & Rich’s house... so happy to see him.... Spotted two white tailed deer bucks eight pointers... handsome & healthy... nibbling grasses behind the house

Resurgence supper... chili night... 90/10 ground beef... vidalia onion... garlic... cumin... coriander... turmeric... chili powder... red pepper flake... dark red kidney beans... tomato sauce... salt... pepper... and the magic ingredient... beer Using Fat Tire IPA... delicious... hubs didn’t say much... too busy eating two huge bowlfuls... so yummy… His accompanied by a Guinness... yours truly finishing up the rest of the Fat Tire... cheers Dessert... sliced honeydew... refreshing and sweet

Movie night double feature... Lala Land... Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone... not sure what all the raves were about... dragged on... maybe just not our taste? Stealth... action packed... Josh Lucas, Jessica Beil, Jamie Fox and Sam Shepard... excellent storytelling... thought provoking discussion of drone warfare... off to bed.... Nighty night

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