Monday 27 September 2021

Spatchcocked Chicken, Napa Cabbage Slaw, Tomato Avocado Salad and Heart Shaped Potatoes

 Resurgence supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Temps inching up a few clicks… humidity as well… last breaths of summer before autumnal weather arrives… out on the deck… iced coffee🧋 and mini wraps… the hubs hot java ☕️ listening to the snap and crunch of acorns as tires squash them…  our three oak trees shedding nuts 🌰 as cooler weather approaches… squirrels busily scoffing them up for cold weather storage

Front stair railing installed today… looks terrific… custom made for us by Flushing Iron Works… excellent craftsmanship… reliable service and installation 😁

Market day…  picking up four bags of 5 lb produce bargains each $2… oranges… tomatoes… potatoes… lettuce and cabbages…  making the budget work 🧾 amidst rising prices…  the hubs clearing out debris from the garage… tools now accessible… 

Evening arriving with blustery winds cooling us off after a day of organizing and errands… a glass of Pinot Noir on the deck as the spatchcocked chicken grills under a brick…  napa cabbage slaw with dijonaise lime dressing… tomato 🍅 avocado 🥑 red onion salad with lime vinaigrette… two foil wrapped potatoes 🥔 on the coals…  dessert… espresso chip ice cream… vanilla bean ice cream and decaf ☕️ for the hubs

Covid delta variant kicking Americas butt… seniors and those ar risk getting boosters…  not vaxxed yet?  Time to #GetYourJabOn  avoid that hospital stay… meanwhile…. Mask up… limit interactions…. Trot through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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