Wednesday 15 September 2021

Shrimp Salad… Composed Salad… Bialys

 Resurgence supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Vanilla skies… clouds… haze… a dull dreary day in the Big Apple… humid… mid 70’s… even the birds and squirrels staying in their nests today… 

Today is Yom Kippur… day of atonement… a day to reflect on our behavior over the past year… the quality of our relationships… our interactions with our family… how we treat our neighbors and friends…  how we interrelate with those with whom we disagree… how we react when we fail to respond… 

a solemn day set aside for meditation and reflection…

And so the question… how do we measure up?  Are we satisfied?  Is there room for improvement?  In what areas can we do better?

Breakfast… water, of course… and iced coffee🧋non functional without water and caffeine… food can wait till dusk… the hubs enjoying his omelette… toast… coffee ☕️ 

Much of the day on the telephone 📞 confirming appointments… writing letters…  paying bills…  the hubs tending to his new hydroponic set up… balancing pH… letting water stand for chlorine evaporation… planting seeds… should be productive in the coming weeks and months 🥬 

Supper tonite… shrimp salad with dijonaise dressing… composed salad of romaine 🥬 baby cherry tomatoes 🍅 cucumber 🥒  toasted onion bialy 🥯 alongside a glass of Sauvignon Blanc…  perfect dinner on a humid dreary day

Hospitals in several states now overwhelmed with covid patients… practicing triage care… please folks… make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  💉 no reason to wait any longer…  be brave… until then… mask up… limit interactions… jog through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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