Friday 31 December 2021

Happy New Year 2022…. Raspberry Chocolate Trifle

 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022 🥂🍾🎆

An end to one year…   a new beginning of another…  what have we learned over these past months of 2021…  

…we have learned to be patient…  

…waiting to see and hug people we love after being vaxxed…  

…we have learned to be kind…  

…reaching out through the loneliness to offer support… 

…we have learned to be compassionate…

…seeing family and friends cope with covid…

…we have learned to be consistent…

…wearing our masks in public… washing our hands… limiting contacts…

…we have learned to value alone time…

…delving into hobbies and interests more deeply…

But most importantly… 

…we have learned the importance of those we love…

…valuing their presence in our lives for however long they are with us…

Let us step into this New Year with intention… being kinder, gentler, more patient, more consistent… filled with compassion, gratefulness and love for the people in this life we have mananged to create together 🥂🍾

Below… a trifle created for a New Year Eve celebration we couldn’t attend…

It was delicious… layers of chocolate chip panettone… vanilla pudding… chantillí cream and raspberries… grateful for every bite 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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