Saturday 25 December 2021

Cranberry Cordial…. Roasted Chicken with Lemon, Brown Basmati Rice, Roasted a Brussel Sprouts and Biscuits

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Isn’t it always the case that the day we feast we end by saying something like… “I’m never eating again”  But of course… the next day comes and eat we must…  a cool and sunny 47°F (8.3°C) this afternoon…  bright cheerful Sunday…  buzzing over to the son and DIL’s house to pick up a couple of returns…  noticing the plethora of squirrels 🐿 out digging… still burying nuts 🌰 in preparation for the deep cold of winter to come…  flocks of birds gathering for their winter migrations…  few folks out and about… resting up for tomorrows return to work ☹️

Breakfast… coffee ☕️ for two… hubs hot java with cottage cheese and blueberries… iced 🧋and a corn muffin for yours truly…  off to the days adventures…  hubs in his worshop building another stand for a second hydroponic set up... this one for tomatoes 🍅 yum 😋  

Finally decanted the Cranberry Cordial (thanks so much Susan Pesznecker) it is absolutely delicious… planning to make Cranberry Cosmos 🍸in the very near future 😁

Glad the first floor office has five windows surrounding the desk… sunshine brightening the days paperwork… cards and letters to be answered…  bills to be paid and sorted…  birthday gifts… Christmas tips for Moms sweet aides… cookie swap with the neighbors… treats to enjoy after supper 😋

Supper tonite…  whole roasted chicken stuffed with a quartered lemon dipped in salt…  seasoned with olive oil… salt and pepper… smoked paprika… rubbed thyme… turmeric… onion and garlic… served alongside brown basmati rice… roasted brussel sprouts and biscuits… delicious treats from the neighbors…  Greek almond and walnut cookies from our sweet next door neighbors… rainbow cookies from dear friends around the corner… such deliciousness 😋

Covid spreading like wildfire here in NYC and across the US… 40 thousand  folks testing positive here in the Big Apple 🍎 on Xmas day…  give your family and friends the best gift of all for the New Year #GetYourJabOn  and get boosted… meanwhile… mask up… limit interactions… fly through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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