Sunday 5 December 2021

Chicken Marsala, Brownies and a visit with David & June

 Resurgence supper tonite…. Live from NYC… 

Another chilly day in the books… fall nearing an end to her glorious colors… bare arms of trees flailing in the wind… welcoming the arrival of early winter… a few last hurrahs of warmth to come before the deep cold sets in during the height of the Persephone Phase… counting the weeks… two weeks from tomorrow the last of the shortening days… each day one minute longer from then on…  nine weeks left to the Persephone Phase ☀️ 

Breakfast… coffee ☕️ for two… toasted english muffin and munster alongside… the hubs enjoying an omelette and toasted dark wheat seeded bread with buttah…  Mr Sam… such a cheese head… nibbling tiny pieces of munster as the english muffin disappears 😸

Baking a pan of brownies to bring visiting… dark chocolate batter with a teaspoon of instant espresso… brings out that delicious chocolate flavor…

seeding the batter with dried cranberries… large 60% cocoa baking chips… 

and small semi sweet chocolate chips… the house smelling mighty delicious 😋 

Driving out an hour to visit with the hubs brother and his lovely wife…  brownies hot from the oven in the back of the car…  the scent of chocolate wafting through to the front seats…  a quick stop on the way at friends to feed and water their sweet puss while they’re vacationing… then on to a new adventure 😁

Arriving at the hubs brothers new home… stunning 9’ Xmas tree in the center hallway as we enter… the scent of holiday candles 🕯 greeting our noses at the door…  a crisp Josh Sauvignon in hand within moments as we catch up on family news…  the pandemic keeping us apart these past 18 months…  delicious supper of chicken Marsala… more wine 🍷 lots of laughs… coffee ☕️ and tea 🫖 along with brownies (came out so yum) and a delicious strawberry shortcake…  time passing so quickly and just like that… it’s time to drive back home 😩 such a fun evening #FamilyFirst

Mr Sam greeting us at the door pacing… announcing his displeasure at a late supper…  watered and fed… settling down to relax in the living room while we catch up on the latest episode of The Man In the High Castle 🏰 

Delta and omicron spreading across the world 🌎 get vaxxed and avoid the risk of serious illness and complications #GetYourJabOn  no excuses… too risky to delay any longer…  mask up… limit interactions… sail through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?   Brownie anyone?

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