Tuesday 10 May 2022

Veggie Cheese & Fruit Board and Grilled Pork Chops… Grilled Red Pepper… Roasted Potatoes and Butternut Squash

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

A stellar day… bright blue skies…  72°F on the thermometer 🌡 light warm breeze… a pleasure to be outside… birds making the most of the day… robins snagging insects in the lawn… mockingbirds squawking in the trees… our pair of cardinals busily selecting nesting materials… found a small pile of acorn 🌰 shells on the deck today… mama squirrel back on the hunt… will probably see her babies soon 🐿  always so cute when small… hopping about in the grass 🌾

Breakfast for three… Mr Sam lounging on the warm boards with kibble and water available… us sitting nearby sipping coffee… hot for him ☕️ with cottage cheese… iced for her🧋with a banana 🍌 

Very important appointment today… mammogram time… not the favorite exam… but vital for continued health…  get those ladies checked every year 🩺👩‍⚕️

Off to the market for Mom’s groceries… picking up a few items for us as well… caught a couple of good sales on pork chops, ground turkey and chicken… as prices soar really watching the budget 💰 sales make the difference 👍🏼

Supper tonite… finally got the hubs to fire up the grill… grilled pork chops and a red pepper on the grates… with roasted potatoes and butternut squash… love the smokey flavor of the grill 😋

Mother’s Day was a delight… had the family over for brunch… quiche… bagels… smoked salmon… variety of cream cheeses… whitefish salad… sliced cheeses… coffee… tea… desserts:  tiramisu… cream puffs… sacher torte & ice cream 🍦 By supper time not really very hungry… made a veggie fruit and cheese board to satisfy our appetite 🧀🥭

Watching the reaction of women to the SCOTUS draft opinion… feeling very concerned about the future of personal liberties in America… hoping the court remembers we are not a theocracy 🥺

Ukraine 🇺🇦 suffering under the wrath of an ineffective onslaught… our hearts ache for the people of Ukraine as they battle for their very existence #peaceforukraine

Covid cases rising again… got our 2nd boosters this week… over 50?  Work in healthcare?  You’re eligible…  be proactive… practice self care and #GetYourJabOn  Mask up and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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