Saturday 21 May 2022

Ground Turkey with Roasted Tomatoes , Asparagus Coins, and Crimini Mushrooms… Home Fries and Roasted Asparagus

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Wowza… what a weekend… heat blast in the Big Baked Apple 🍎 Two days at  90°F 🔥 in a row… in May!!  Meanwhile Colorado recorded 12+” of snow ❄️ in the mountains 🏔  One of you delightful ladies once said that we women don’t perspire… we glow… well… this gal spent the weekend glowing 😥 

Breakfast for three… Mr Sam barely interested in his kibble… too hot for food… lots of cool water though… the hubs appetite unaffected by any weather patterns… cottage cheese with black pepper and roasted tomatoes followed by a turkey salami wrap and hot tea 🫖 the usual 🧋for yours truly… with extra ice 🧊 

Spending the day in the greenhouse…  watering all the babies… planting a few flower seeds…  nasturtium seeds in with each tomato plant…  zinnias in seedling pots…  morning glory seeds soaked overnight… planting in larger seedling pots… keeping the seeds moist… spraying the top of the soil as temps rise throughout the day… Mint looking healthy… ready for a trim… Swiss chard and beets perky in their new digs… waiting for basil seeds to arrive 🌱 

Supper tonite… fridge clean out… ground turkey sautéed with crimini mushrooms… roasted tomatoes… roasted asparagus stem coins… a bit of leftover eggplant tomato sauce… served alongside roasted asparagus and leftover home fries gifted to us by Mariya after Saturdays combined barbecue dinner 🥘  Served with a crisp cold Sauvignon Blanc 🥂

Baby formula shortages continue to plague parents as Abbotts factory remains shuttered… if you have formula or mothers milk to share please let your local pediatrician know ☺️

Covid infections and hospitalizations rising across America #GetYourJabOn and help end the scourge… meanwhile… mask up and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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