Friday 27 May 2022

Salmon, Haricots Vert, Broccoli, Carrots, Kasha and Tomatoes… Vichyssoise

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Sunny skies… mild temps… low 70’s…   mid afternoon… clouds gather… humidity ramps up… cocktail hour… rains begin ☔️ a pitter pattering on the windows and awnings… by nightfall a cloudburst… winds picking up… another cloudburst late night…  it’s over for now… a break in the action until tomorrow mornings next round 🌧☔️

Breakfast for three… egg and cheese on an English muffin for the hubs along with his hot java ☕️ iced coffee🧋and banana 🍌 as per usual… Mr Sam scarfing up his kibble… hungry boy today 😻😽

Babied the babies today… greenhouse tending and watering… flowers beginning to sprout 🌱 zinnias and morning glories… still waiting for nasturtiums to show their gorgeous faces… tomatoes 🍅 cucumbers 🥒 chard and beets doing extremely well… parsley leafing out…  peas and radishes on track 🥬

Tending to houseplants… rains pouring down… removing dead leaves… trimming and shaping…  in the kitchen sink for a good soak  🛁 

Received a delicious treat from our neighbor Luis… Magnolia Bakery’s Banana Pudding… gifted him some of our homemade mango sorbet in return… a dessert swap if you will…  both of us delighted with the outcome… this famous pudding actually a trifle… banana pudding folded with whipped cream layered with vanilla wafers and fresh banana slices… can’t wait to taste it 😋

Supper tonite… home made vichyssoises (made from a bag of leeks snagged at the market for $2) served hot…  roasted salmon served alongside haricots verts… roasted broccoli & carrots… buttered kasha with roasted tomatoes atop… a glass of Sauvignon Blanc 🥂and… wait for it…  Magnolia Bakery’s banana pudding… so incredibly delicious 😋 Thank you Luis 💛

Haven’t posted since the shooting of 19 babies at the elementary school in Uvalde Texas…  What kind of society allows their babies to be slaughtered?  We stop folks from eating tainted food with emergency recalls… why to we do nothing to stop this carnage?  We beg folks to get vaccinated against covid #GetYourJabOn but we allow our babies to be murdered in their schools 🏫 

There have been 229 school shootings since Columbine in 1999…

My heart is broken 💔

How was your day?   Whats on your plate?   Thoughts?

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