Tuesday 31 May 2022

Plum Preserves, Pernil, Slaw and Claret

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

After yesterdays broiling heat (95°F) a delightful day with temps back in the mid 70’s…  a layer of clouds ☁️ keeping the sun ☀️ at bay…  early drizzle giving robins a chance to feast on worms and insects in the grasses… sparrows chittering in the oaks… morning dove cooing on the front roof… life returning to the Big Baked Apple 🍎 

Breakfast for three… kibble for Mr Sam lounging on the deck… the hubs enjoying his omelette with hot coffee ☕️ yours truly grabbing a banana 🍌 and iced coffeeπŸ§‹heading out the door to the market… groceries for Mom and a visit πŸ‘΅

Finding a bag of mixed summer stone fruit on the bargain shelves… red plums, black plums, empress plums, peaches and nectarines…  thinking about a tart… or maybe preserves? 

Mom is doing well… stable… fully vaxxed and twice boosted… playing bridge twice a week… visiting with her group of friends often… having friends up to her apartment… reading lots of books… getting an extra special visit from her granddaughter-in-law and great-granddaughter… her social life fully resumed… she is happy… sitting with her while she and her sweet aide ate their suppers… regaling her with stories and photos 🎞

Supper tonite… leftover pernil from our Labor Day supper with friends… red cabbage and carrot slaw… fresh fruit salad of plums, peaches and nectarines (some of the bag were perfect for eating raw) unfortunately all the corn muffins were finished 😟 paired with a delicious Claret 🍷 

Remaining plums, peaches and nectarines peeled and chopped (about 3 c) into the pot with lemon juice… simmered gently… covered… for about 15 minutes… stirred in 1c sugar whisked with 2 tbsp of powdered pectin till dissolved… brought back to a boil… cooked for one more minute then poured into clean Bon Maman jars… covered… cooled on the counter… labeled and popped into the fridge to gel… will be delicious on toasted english muffins for breakfast πŸ˜‹

Too many shootings over the week to count… our hearts are completely shattered… something must be done to curb the extreme violence… so many lost… so many traumatized… so many with life threatening injuries… our neighbors to the north in Canada beginning the process of buying back assault style weapons… as was done in New Zealand… we are at the breaking point 😒πŸ₯Ί

Covid still a risk… little ones 6 months and up may be eligible for vaccination by the fall as Pfizer and Moderna apply for emergency use authorization #GetYourJabOn  and since our NYC risk level is High… Mask up and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 27 May 2022

Salmon, Haricots Vert, Broccoli, Carrots, Kasha and Tomatoes… Vichyssoise

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Sunny skies… mild temps… low 70’s…   mid afternoon… clouds gather… humidity ramps up… cocktail hour… rains begin ☔️ a pitter pattering on the windows and awnings… by nightfall a cloudburst… winds picking up… another cloudburst late night…  it’s over for now… a break in the action until tomorrow mornings next round 🌧☔️

Breakfast for three… egg and cheese on an English muffin for the hubs along with his hot java ☕️ iced coffeeπŸ§‹and banana 🍌 as per usual… Mr Sam scarfing up his kibble… hungry boy today 😻😽

Babied the babies today… greenhouse tending and watering… flowers beginning to sprout 🌱 zinnias and morning glories… still waiting for nasturtiums to show their gorgeous faces… tomatoes πŸ… cucumbers πŸ₯’ chard and beets doing extremely well… parsley leafing out…  peas and radishes on track πŸ₯¬

Tending to houseplants… rains pouring down… removing dead leaves… trimming and shaping…  in the kitchen sink for a good soak  πŸ› 

Received a delicious treat from our neighbor Luis… Magnolia Bakery’s Banana Pudding… gifted him some of our homemade mango sorbet in return… a dessert swap if you will…  both of us delighted with the outcome… this famous pudding actually a trifle… banana pudding folded with whipped cream layered with vanilla wafers and fresh banana slices… can’t wait to taste it πŸ˜‹

Supper tonite… home made vichyssoises (made from a bag of leeks snagged at the market for $2) served hot…  roasted salmon served alongside haricots verts… roasted broccoli & carrots… buttered kasha with roasted tomatoes atop… a glass of Sauvignon Blanc πŸ₯‚and… wait for it…  Magnolia Bakery’s banana pudding… so incredibly delicious πŸ˜‹ Thank you Luis πŸ’›

Haven’t posted since the shooting of 19 babies at the elementary school in Uvalde Texas…  What kind of society allows their babies to be slaughtered?  We stop folks from eating tainted food with emergency recalls… why to we do nothing to stop this carnage?  We beg folks to get vaccinated against covid #GetYourJabOn but we allow our babies to be murdered in their schools 🏫 

There have been 229 school shootings since Columbine in 1999…

My heart is broken πŸ’”

How was your day?   Whats on your plate?   Thoughts?

Sunday 22 May 2022

Kielbasa with Spinach, Corn, Roasted Tomatoes, Black Beans & Brown Rice and Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookie

Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Stunning day in the Big Apple 🍎 temps in the mid 70’s… low humidity… bright blue skies with puffy clouds… so appreciated after two days of sweltering in 90+ heat and stifling humidity… beyond grateful πŸ₯°

Baby cardinal landing noisily in the oak tree… calling out to its parents for a bit then furiously flapping its wings… practicing for a flight back to the nest… hearing it’s folks calling back… off it goes… it’s red feathers a splash of color against the green oak leaves πŸƒ

Breakfast on the run… hubs off early for a check up at the doctors…  back in the kitchen Mr Sam snoozing in the corner of the half bath… he was so uncomfortable in the heat… catching up on z’s… a late brunch of coffee ☕️ and a turkey salami sandwich on dark rye bread for the hubs… banana 🍌 and iced coffeeπŸ§‹for yours truly… by mid afternoon deciding to wake up the fur ball… encouraging him to have some water and kibble… he reluctantly obliged… what a tired puss 😽

Spending the day outside enjoying the weather… hubs finishing off the deck scrubbing… giving him an assist with the hose to wash off all the dust and pollen for tomorrows sealant application...  looking fabulous ✨

Globe basil seeds arriving in the mail today… 1000 seeds… that should hold us for a while 🀣 planted two groupings of about eight each… love those sweet leaves… zinnias popped today… tiny little green leaves poking out through the soil…  so happy to see them 🌺

Supper tonite… sautΓ©ed kielbasa with spinach… corn… roasted tomatoes… black beans and brown rice… so delicious… forgot to take a photo… served alongside a chilled glass of Sauvignon Blanc πŸ₯‚

Dessert… Neiman Marcus Chcoclate Chip Cookies… the last of the frozen dough from our holiday cookie bakes… a treat πŸͺ 

Baby formula shortages continue to impact families across the US…  if you have any formula or mothers milk to donate… please contact your pediatrician… so many are in need πŸ₯°

Covid infections causing NYC to increase alert status to High… practice self care and #GetYourJabOn  mask up and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts? 

Saturday 21 May 2022

Ground Turkey with Roasted Tomatoes , Asparagus Coins, and Crimini Mushrooms… Home Fries and Roasted Asparagus

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Wowza… what a weekend… heat blast in the Big Baked Apple 🍎 Two days at  90°F πŸ”₯ in a row… in May!!  Meanwhile Colorado recorded 12+” of snow ❄️ in the mountains πŸ”  One of you delightful ladies once said that we women don’t perspire… we glow… well… this gal spent the weekend glowing πŸ˜₯ 

Breakfast for three… Mr Sam barely interested in his kibble… too hot for food… lots of cool water though… the hubs appetite unaffected by any weather patterns… cottage cheese with black pepper and roasted tomatoes followed by a turkey salami wrap and hot tea πŸ«– the usual πŸ§‹for yours truly… with extra ice 🧊 

Spending the day in the greenhouse…  watering all the babies… planting a few flower seeds…  nasturtium seeds in with each tomato plant…  zinnias in seedling pots…  morning glory seeds soaked overnight… planting in larger seedling pots… keeping the seeds moist… spraying the top of the soil as temps rise throughout the day… Mint looking healthy… ready for a trim… Swiss chard and beets perky in their new digs… waiting for basil seeds to arrive 🌱 

Supper tonite… fridge clean out… ground turkey sautΓ©ed with crimini mushrooms… roasted tomatoes… roasted asparagus stem coins… a bit of leftover eggplant tomato sauce… served alongside roasted asparagus and leftover home fries gifted to us by Mariya after Saturdays combined barbecue dinner πŸ₯˜  Served with a crisp cold Sauvignon Blanc πŸ₯‚

Baby formula shortages continue to plague parents as Abbotts factory remains shuttered… if you have formula or mothers milk to share please let your local pediatrician know ☺️

Covid infections and hospitalizations rising across America #GetYourJabOn and help end the scourge… meanwhile… mask up and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Chicken Tenders… Roasted Red Potatoes… Vegetable Medley

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC?..

Another stunning day… delightful temperature 73°F… low humidity… bright sun… azure skies… neighbors outside planting spring flowers… the buzz of weed whackers and lawnmowers in the distance… robins hopping about in the grass snatching insects… mockingbirds squawking in the trees… sparrows taking a dust bath at the bottom of the drive ☀️ 

Breakfast on the run… hubs outside scrubbing the deck… coffee ☕️ and leftover pasta 🍝 in tomato cream… Mr Sam snoozing in his box πŸ“¦ just outside the back door on the dry boards cleaned yesterday… kibble and water nearby… yours truly taking iced coffeeπŸ§‹to go…

Off to the market… picking up provisions for Mom… a few bits and bobs for us…  thank goodness for the bargain produce bags making budgets work!  No longer 5 lbs… now 3 lbs… but still an excellent value πŸ†πŸ…πŸ§…  Stopping off at our local nursery… picking up vegetables and herbs for the greenhouse…  chard… beets and parsley… seeds for nasturtiums, morning glory and zinnias 🌺 

Supper tonite… baked chicken tenders… roasted red potatoes and vegetable medley of sautΓ©ed crimini mushrooms and zucchini with roasted peppers and onions… served alongside a crisp Sauvignon Blanc πŸ₯‚ Bon Appetit πŸ˜‹

NYC’s covid alert level has been raised to High as transmission of the virus ramps up #GetYourJabOn and practice self care… makes up and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Sunday 15 May 2022

Baked Turkey Meatballs with Penne in Tomato Cream

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

The day begins… warm… delightful… bright… sunny… light breeze… afternoon wanes… clouds gather…  winds picks up… by 4pm dark clouds appear… suddenly a crack of thunder… a bolt of lightening… a few large drops on the sidewalk and deck… not 15 seconds later… cloudburst… pouring rain… rivulets running from the gutters…  rainwater rising…  covering curbs…  a river of water crashing into storm drains… folks running for cover… chaos… 20 minutes later… rains ends… sun returns… clouds dissipate… 

7pm a repeat as a second cell passes over the neighborhood… humidity climbs bringing the swamp of muggy air hanging overnight 

Breakfast on the run… the hubs outside beginning the process of cleaning and sealing the deck for the season… munching a hamburger πŸ” fries 🍟 and a πŸ₯—  Mr Sam unhappy 😾 limited to being inside… sulking under the kitchen table… nibbling kibble… yours truly catching up on paperwork and filing… iced coffeeπŸ§‹in hand

Supper tonite… baked turkey meatballs with penne in a tomato cream sauce… served in the kitchen to the thrum of steady rainfall… Mr Sam still annoyed… tuning his nose up at his meatball and stalking off to sit near the fridge… far away from us 🀣  The hubs enjoying a coffee ☕️ and chocolate chip cookie πŸͺ for dessert… mint chip ice cream for the chef 🍦

Heartbroken πŸ’” over the shooting in Buffalo and California…  unnecessary violence becoming a scourge across America 😒

As Omicron variants spread NYC is expected to raise its alert level in the coming days… please take precautions and #GetYourJabOn 

Mask up and wash those germy hands  πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?    Thoughts?

Saturday 14 May 2022

Salmon, Asparagus, Carrots and Chremsels

 Vaccinated supper tonite…. live from NYC…

What a day!  Out on the deck… bright sunshine…  light dusting of oak flowers everywhere… cacophony of birdsong greeting the day…  neighbors out walking… no jackets required… light breeze… finally feeling like spring 🌷🌺🌸

Breakfast on the deck… greenhouse open for fresh air… Mr Sam sunning himself on the warm boards… hubs sipping hot java ☕️ his egg and cheese on an English muffin long gone… iced coffeeπŸ§‹and mini turkey wrap keeping the suns warmth at bay ☀️ 

Supper tonite… roasted salmon with old bay seasoning… asparagus spears and coins roasted in olive oil salt and pepper… carrots roasted with salt and red pepper flake… chremsels… delightful matzo meal pancakes stuffed with chopped prune, walnut and orange marmalade… all served alongside a crisp Vinho Verde πŸ₯‚ 

As Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ continues battling against the onslaught of aggression our hearts are with them… we continue to support organizations in their ongoing efforts to feed hungry displaced families #peaceforukraine

Covid infections continuing to rise as Omicron variants spread throughout America and the world adding to the disastrous supply shortages and price increases… we need folks worldwide to participate in vaccination putting an end to variants and ending the pandemic #GetYourJabOn  Mask up and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Veggie Cheese & Fruit Board and Grilled Pork Chops… Grilled Red Pepper… Roasted Potatoes and Butternut Squash

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

A stellar day… bright blue skies…  72°F on the thermometer 🌑 light warm breeze… a pleasure to be outside… birds making the most of the day… robins snagging insects in the lawn… mockingbirds squawking in the trees… our pair of cardinals busily selecting nesting materials… found a small pile of acorn 🌰 shells on the deck today… mama squirrel back on the hunt… will probably see her babies soon 🐿  always so cute when small… hopping about in the grass 🌾

Breakfast for three… Mr Sam lounging on the warm boards with kibble and water available… us sitting nearby sipping coffee… hot for him ☕️ with cottage cheese… iced for herπŸ§‹with a banana 🍌 

Very important appointment today… mammogram time… not the favorite exam… but vital for continued health…  get those ladies checked every year πŸ©ΊπŸ‘©‍⚕️

Off to the market for Mom’s groceries… picking up a few items for us as well… caught a couple of good sales on pork chops, ground turkey and chicken… as prices soar really watching the budget πŸ’° sales make the difference πŸ‘πŸΌ

Supper tonite… finally got the hubs to fire up the grill… grilled pork chops and a red pepper on the grates… with roasted potatoes and butternut squash… love the smokey flavor of the grill πŸ˜‹

Mother’s Day was a delight… had the family over for brunch… quiche… bagels… smoked salmon… variety of cream cheeses… whitefish salad… sliced cheeses… coffee… tea… desserts:  tiramisu… cream puffs… sacher torte & ice cream 🍦 By supper time not really very hungry… made a veggie fruit and cheese board to satisfy our appetite πŸ§€πŸ₯­

Watching the reaction of women to the SCOTUS draft opinion… feeling very concerned about the future of personal liberties in America… hoping the court remembers we are not a theocracy πŸ₯Ί

Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ suffering under the wrath of an ineffective onslaught… our hearts ache for the people of Ukraine as they battle for their very existence #peaceforukraine

Covid cases rising again… got our 2nd boosters this week… over 50?  Work in healthcare?  You’re eligible…  be proactive… practice self care and #GetYourJabOn  Mask up and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Sunday 8 May 2022

Mothers Day

 A poem for Mothers Day for all the Mom’s we love and appreciate πŸ’–πŸ’–

Especially to New Mom’s… figuring their way…

And to more experienced Mom’s… giving everyday…

To GrandMom’s spoiling little ones… enjoying all the fun…

And GreatGrandMom’s wise words to share… before the day is done…

To Aunties, Sisters, Cousins, friends… who fill the days with joy…

For family that’s there to love a little girl or boy…

For neighbors who make luscious treats to celebrate in May…

This community of love who keeps us strong each day πŸ’–πŸ’–

Thursday 5 May 2022

Burritos… Happy Cinco de Mayo 🌯

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…


Weather winner!!  72°F  bright skies… low humidity… light breeze… perfect day to be outdoors…  pair of cardinals swooping over the backyard… grackles and starlings squawking in the trees…  sparrows twittering in the side yard bushes… a few bees visible in flight… neighbors out raking… mowing… tending gardens… planting flowers… azaleas and lilacs in bloom… peony buds fattening up… bridal veil buds getting bigger…  bluebells bursting forth 🌷🌺πŸͺ·

Breakfast for three… Mr Sam snoozing outside on the warm boards  πŸ’€ snuggled under a chair… drinking our coffee ☕️πŸ§‹out on the deck in the warmth… glorious… hubs oatmeal and strawberries πŸ“ a hearty breakfast… 

Spending the day in the greenhouse moving small seedlings 🌱 into larger pots… giving them room to grow… since initial planting in early March… eight weeks ago… tomatoes reaching over 8” in height… cucumbers beginning to flower… turnip leaves growing well… will be harvest ready soon… radishes plumping up under the soil… chili peppers and mini sweet peppers growing beautifully 🌢 

Finally coming inside at dusk… happily tired after a full day of gardening… a quick supper of burritos… inside… vegetarian refried beans… jasmine rice… roasted peppers and onions… avocado and pepper Jack for him (gouda for her) alongside a cold Modelo Negro 🍺 A satisfying meal after a good days work… and to celebrate Mexican heritage on Cinco de Mayo πŸ‡²πŸ‡½  Dessert… vanilla ice cream and a spoon πŸ₯„ 

Covid infections rising rapidly across the US once again as another wave crashes across America #GetYourJabOn  get boosted… practice self care πŸ’‰ 

SCOTUS poised to overturn Roe… make your voice heard… get informed and vote πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Pork Tenderloin, Baked Potato, Brussel Sprouts, Corn Maque Choux & Chicken with Roasted Veggies and Pasta & Great Grandma meets Princess V

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC… 

An all weather day… morning beginning with wind and rain… temps in the high 40’s… drizzly afternoon… late afternoon skies clearing… bright sun… blue skies… temps into the mid 60’s…  birds are returning to the area as spring blooms… yellow bellied flycatchers… cardinals… grackles… red winged blackbirds… robins… doves and of course the ever present pigeons and sparrows… circling on air currents hawks and falcons search for prey their wings outstretched as they float high above the treetops πŸ¦… 

Breakfast for three… Mr Sam crunching his kibble… the hubs with his hot java ☕️  yours truly… iced coffeeπŸ§‹in hand… a delightful breakfast gift from our uber talented next door neighbor Athina… homemade tsoureki (Greek Easter bread) topped with sliced almonds and sesame seeds… each small loaf just enough for two… a delightful sweet brioche scented with almond… and there’s another loaf for tomorrow… we are so grateful… she is such a talented baked and cook πŸ˜‹

Scooted over to the market picking up Moms groceries for the week… zooming over for a visit and delivery…  Mom looking snappy in a deep green shirt and pants… chatting for a bit then… SURPRISE… a visit from her brand new great granddaughter, grandson and granddaughter-in law… what a delight… Mom glowing with joy to meet this new little Princess πŸ‘ΈπŸ»πŸ’–

Couple of recent suppers… leftover mustard marinated pork tenderloin with baked buttered red potato, brussel sprouts and corn maque choux… delicious πŸ˜‹ 

Chicken breast cubes marinated in olive oil with salt, pepper, garlic, onion, turmeric, smoked paprika and thyme for about 20 minutes… sautΓ©ed in the pan while tomatoes, red peppers, broccoli florets and broccoli coins (stems sliced into thin rounds) roasted in olive oil in the oven and pasta boiled in salted water on the cooktop…  when the chicken was almost cooked through added in the roasted tomatoes and broccoli coins… simmered for a few moments then added in the pasta with a bit of pasta water and the remainder of the roasted veggies… the zest and juice of one small lemon…  tossing to thoroughly coat… bright flavor thanks to the roasted oil and lemon πŸ‹ 

Last night JosΓ© Andres appeared on Colbert… World Central Kitchen… one of the finest charities doing the work to feed the hungry wherever disaster strikes… currently in Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ #peaceforukraine

Omicron variants spreading rapidly across the US… Some Americans may be done with the pandemic… but it’s surely not done with us #GetYourJabOn  get boosted… mask up and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?