Thursday 10 March 2022

Turkey Meatloaf, Pasta and Roasted Tomatoes & Chocolate Orange Scone

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

🎵 Lovely day 🎶 temps in the low 50’s… migrating birds returning to the Big Apple 🍎  robins... starlings… grackles… all making appearances… our sparrows… mockingbirds… cardinals and blue jays now sharing their landscape with returning flocks… mama squirrels 🐿 babies bigger than in the fall… gobbling up every acorn 🌰 they can find… digging little round holes in the garden and lawn as spring fast approaches 🌿 

Breakfast for three… the hubs enjoying his coffee ☕️ with oatmeal, craisins and walnuts… Mr Sam munching kibble… iced coffee🧋all of us busy bees as we each venture forth to the day… Hubs in his shop working on a new project… Mr Sam snoozing on his window perch enjoying the rays… yours truly out for a few errands following the days calls and appointments… a chance to escape into the warm afternoon for a respite ☀️ 

Excitement at 4pm… a knock at the door… package from Butter Moon Bake Co in Colorado… Chocolate Orange Scones from Ava Truckey have arrived… tea time as the box is carefully opened revealing eight perfect scones… one disappearing shared between the hubs and moi…  a true afternoon  delight 😋

Supper tonite… cucumber, red onion and tomato salad with hydroponic basil and balsamic vinaigrette… turkey meatloaf with lemon and olive oil dressed pasta… roasted tomatoes atop… an Orange Lime Blossom preceding the meal 🥘 

As the siege in Ukraine continues we are horrified by the murder of innocents… maternity wards… schools… hospitals… apartment buildings  bombed… citizens forced to flee their homes and country… watching their hopes and dreams dashed 😢  Hoping to see karma for all those who continue to perpetrate this horrific war 😡 #peaceforukraine 🇺🇦 

As inflation heats up raising prices on everything from gas to food we are grateful… living in a safe space here in America… seeing covid infections fall… having life saving vaccines available #GetYourJabOn be part of the solution 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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