Tuesday 1 March 2022

Pizza Night & Salad… Planting Fields Arboretum Trip

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

 50°F  🎶 Blue skies 🎵 Light breeze… a beautiful day to celebrate being alive…  sparrows chirping to one another in the trees… mockingbirds squawking across the yard… a pair of cardinals callin to one another… mama squirrel out munching acorns 🌰 keeping her brood full

Breakfast for three… hot coffee ☕️ and oatmeal for the hubs… iced coffee 🧋and a banana 🍌 for yours truly… kibble for Mr Sam 😽 A chance to relax and catch up over a leisurely meal…. make a couple of mini wraps for lunch… grab an apple… trail mix… a bottle of water… and out the door 🚪 

Off to the planting fields arboretum… a historical state park a half hour drive…  a beautiful park with walking trails…  fabulous plantings…  glorious rose trellis…  best of all two stupendous greenhouses.   Camellias and Clivia in one…  blooms beginning in mid February…  Orchids… Cacti… succulents…  and tropical plants in the main greenhouse…  a local paradise 🌺 

Spending a few hours strolling amongst astonishing beauty…  photographing the flowers…  enjoying the solitude of few visitors midweek…  lunch in the main greenhouse…  sandwiches among the bromeliads and orchids… the cacao tree loaded with pods… a few ripe… many still yellow… aaaaaah… chooocooolate… mmmmm 😋 

Supper tonite… NYTimes cheesy pan pizza and tomato cucumber red onion salad with balsamic vinaigrette… a glass of Sauvignon Blanc alongside… Mr Sam enjoying his beef and liver pâté

Grateful to be alive… our thoughts and conversation flowing back to the people of Ukraine 🇺🇦 as we walked among the gardens… admiring the flowers…  appreciative of the leadership and democracy of the United States at this time of catastrophe #peaceforukraine

Do your part to end the scourge of covid #GetYourJabOn

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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