Saturday 5 February 2022

Turkey Meatloaf, Fried Rice, Roasted Peppers and Haricots Verts and Hydroponic Lettuce and Basil Salad

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Lazy Sunday…  staying home… too cold out for activities… no birds or squirrels out… ineffective sunshine…  great day for a nap (wish I could 😩) 

Breakfast… coffee for two ☕️cottage cheese and a peanut butter and banana sammie for the hubs… hungry guy today

Mr Sam snoozing on his window perch enjoying a few rays…  organizing paperwork post bill paying… a few calls… touching base with family and friends… tax season rapidly approaching… not looking forward to that looming task 😳😕

Supper tonite… turkey meatloaf… oven roasted mini peppers and haricots verts…  fried rice… crisp green salad with hydroponic romaine… cucumber… grape tomatoes… hydroponic basil… red onion and avocado… a glass of Chardonnay alongside 🥂

Omicron infections below 4% in NYC for the first time in months… our high vaccination rate and the high infection rate of this variant swept through the population rapidly…  enjoying the lull between surges… feeling glad to be fully vaxxed and boosted #GetYourJabOn before the next surge and protect your health… mask up… limit interactions… skate through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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