Thursday 24 February 2022

Kasha Grain Bowl with Roasted Veggies

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Wild weather here in the Big Icy Apple 🍎 Wednesday 68°F and balmy…  enjoying coffee out on the deck… Thursday night… Ice Storm… whaaaat?   Beginning around 11pm the pitter patter of sleet against the roof and windows… by early morning 1/4” of ice accumulating on lawns… sidewalks… roads… and cars 🚘  9am a cold rain slowly melting the frozen ground… early afternoon bright sunshine… temps in the low 40’s… most of the ice disappearing 🤷🏼‍♀️

The hubs and Colorado son left Friday mid morning… post ice storm… driving sons newly acquired vehicle back to his home in Colorado Springs... packed up sandwiches for the road…  green apples… bag of trail mix… water… juice… waving goodbye as they drove off into the rain.  Hubs and son will be on the road three days stopping in Columbus Ohio first night… Kansas City Missouri second night and onto the Springs by Sunday evening.  Three long road trip days…  plenty of time to chat and enjoy each other’s company…  share a few meals…  and arrive safely.  Hubs will spend a couple of days with his DIL and grandkids before flying home Tuesday evening. 

Breakfast with Mr Sam today… 🧋for yours truly…  kibble for Mr Sam… spending the day in the office… sun shining through the windows warming Mr Sam on his perch nearby…  dashing off between calls to drop in laundry 🧺 house unusually quiet post visit 

Our last meal together Thursday evening… roasted chicken thighs… baked russet potatoes… roasted mini sweet peppers… baked acorn squash and sautéed broccoli rabe (not pictured) crisp green leaf lettuce salad with cucumber, avocado, red onion, tomato and avocado… a delicious end to a two week visit 🥰

Tonites supper… kasha grain bowl with roasted veggies… mini sweet peppers… tomato… zucchini… asparagus and brussel sprouts…  smashed avocado with lime juice and sour cream on the side…  glass of Sauvignon Blanc… simple and fresh… Mr Sam enjoying his Fancy Feast Chicken and Beef pâté nearby 😻

Our hearts break for the Ukrainian people… tonite we are all Ukrainian 🇺🇦💔

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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