Wednesday 8 June 2022

Chicken with Roasted Tomatoes, Broccolini and Red Potatoes with Watermelon Feta Red Onion Mint Salad in Balsamic Glaze

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Overnight rain morphing into bright skies and low humidity… temps in the low 80’s… light breeze keeping it cool… pair of cardinals zipping tree to tree… two red tailed hawks riding thermals overhead… mockingbird swooping down low squawking at sparrows and robins resting in the branches at dusk 🦜 

Breakfast on the run… hubs off to his check up early… back to share coffee ☕️🧋cottage cheese, blueberries 🫐 and banana 🍌 Mr Sam stretched out on the deck cooling himself in the shade ☂ 

Hubs trimming bushes… replacing an electrical socket… changing lightbulbs 💡 Yours truly dealing with the deluge of never ending paperwork and calls… finally taking a good long walk before supper with Mariya… perfect way to de-stress after a busy work day 🏃🏻‍♀️

Supper tonite… chicken with roasted tomatoes,  broccolini and red potatoes a side of ciabatta toast with olive oil salt and pepper… served alongside a refreshing gin and tonic with lots of lime and ice 🧊 Watermelon salad with feta, red onion, fresh garden mint and balsamic glaze…  dessert… ice cream… vanilla for him… mint chip for her 🍦

Investing a couple of hours tonite watching the January 6 Committee Report… the complexity of the plan to subvert the election results in 2020… amazing… so many moving parts… the threat that continues now and into the future… democracy is fragile… we are at a tipping point… can we get through this divisive in fighting to see clearly and act responsibly?  Do our elected officials have the capacity to put aside their own agendas and prioritize the country? Time will tell… we can only hope 🥺

Next hearing Monday June 13  10am  on CNN

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts? 😷💕

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