Wednesday 29 June 2022

Sautéed Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, Roasted Veggies & Mango, Tomato, Cucumber Salad

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Getting hotter each day as summer progresses… temps up to 88°F… luckily humidity low so warmth tolerable…  backyard nest getting larger… the male robin sitting on it for a bit yesterday… no attention today… not sure why robins would be nesting now… a bit late in the season… curiouser and curiouser… lots of mockingbirds, sparrows, starlings about… pair of hawks circling on overhead thermals… Mr Sam eyeing them all from the comfort of the warm deck boards 😽

Breakfast for three… coffee for two ☕️🧋salami and jalapeño jack wrap for the hubs… banana for yours truly… no appetite in the heat… Mr Sam watching the birds alongside his kibble and cool water in the shade 💦 

Greenhouse duties on the daily chore list…  topping tomatoes… checking cucumbers… peeking at peppers… backfilling basil… tying up wiggly stems… admiring nasturtiums… waiting for blooms on the morning glories, gardenia, marigolds  and zinnias… lots of buds holding promises of flowers to come… lemon tree showing loads of new growth… rosemary and thyme full and healthy 🪴 

Supper tonite… a platter of room temp roasted veggies (asparagus, tomatoes, peppers and haricots vert)  bruschetta on toast, roasted red potatoes and sautéed chicken thighs with lemon pan sauce and mango cucumber tomato salad 🥭 Gatao Vinho Verde alongside 🥂

Excited to finally have a new washer and gas dryer… waited six months for the washer and dryer to arrive (supply chain issues) The last washer was 34 years old (and leaking a bit)  the gas dryer almost 55 years old (and running too hot…eeek) Having fun trying all the different cycles… enjoying the scent of freshly washed clothes once again!  Grateful to be able to wash at home instead of a laundromat ☺️  It’s the little things that make life joyful 💛

Covid still around folks… couple of friends diagnosed in the last week with Omicron… mild symptoms… still no fun to be sick in the summer ☹️

#GetYourJabOn  Mask up in public settings and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 27 June 2022

Ground Turkey, Penne, Veggie Sauté… Pork Chop with Asparagus, Carrots, Ciabatta and Bruschetta & Sliced Mango with Mint

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Stunning day… temps in the high 70’s… low humidity… bright azure skies… energizing after days of sticky heat… no occupants of our backyard nest resulting in it being removed last week… today two robins have seemingly decided to adopt the same spot… nest building beginning once again over the garage lights facing the house… hoping these two lovelies decide to move it 🤞with their pretty blue eggs 🪺 

Breakfast for three out on the deck…  coffee ☕️🧋for two… with turkey and salami mini wraps… Mr Sam lying on the warm boards snoozing nest to to his kibble and water 😽

Hubs hanging in his workshop… yours truly out in the greenhouse… fussing over plants… giving the morning glories a larger pot in their corner spot near the back door…  tomatoes 🍅 looking fabulous... lots of itty bitty tomatoes getting larger each day 😁 Planting mini sweet peppers this year…  lots of teeny peppers growing… green so far… cucumbers quite prolific… harvesting two good size Kirby’s thus far… plan has many more to come 🥒 

Supper tonite… fridge clean out...  ground turkey sautéed with olive oil, onion, garlic, thyme, salt, pepper, red pepper flake… a bit of leftover juices from a recent pernil… a small can of unsalted tomato sauce… a bit of white wine… about 6 ounces of uncooked penne… brought it all to a boil… covered and simmered for about 12 minutes… added in roasted tomatoes and onions from the oven… some chiffonade parsley leaves and voilá… dinner is served… alongside… a crisp bright Vinho Verde... El Gatao 🥂

Couple of past suppers… grilled pork chops with roasted asparagus and carrots… ciabatta with bruschetta alongside… crunchy… adding a zing to the meal… sliced mango 🥭 with fresh greenhouse mint 🪴 

Went to the movies for the first time in 2+ years yesterday to see Maverick… highly recommend… excellent entertaining film… extremely well done… a needed break from all the drama of daily life 🎥 

Watching the Jan 6 hearing today… need time to process all the information received… a bit overwhelming for sure…  still simmering regarding recent SCOTUS decisions relative to personal autonomy and gun rights in NY 🤨

Getting your booster? #GetYourJabOn and stay healthy as covid continues to decline in America… mask up when needed and wash those germy hands  😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 22 June 2022

Crisp Skin Striped Bass, Asparagus & Curly Fries and Mango Salsa

 Vaccinated supper tonite... Live from NYC…

Rainy day in the Big Wet Apple 🍎 long slow drizzle keeping the skies overcast… temps in the high 60’s… robins hopping about in the lawn gobbling up insects and worms…  coming up for air in the soggy grass… caught a quick glimpse of our new tenant in the early morning light… too dim for identification thus far…  afternoon break in the waterworks giving parents and kids a chance to get home without umbrellas or slickers ☔️

Breakfast for three on the fly… coffee ☕️ and oatmeal for the hubs… iced coffee🧋to go for yours truly… a few errands and a stop at the market for Moms groceries before our usual Wednesday visit… Mr Sam on the deck… awning extended giving him cover against the drizzle… snuggled in his box 📦 snoozing… kibble and water adjacent 😽

Hubs working in his shop enjoying the cool temps… off to the market 🏪 amidst misty afternoon skies… Mom looking comfortable in sweat pants and matching sweatshirt… her apartment comfortably chilly on this cool day… brought her a new load of books 📚 for her enjoyment 👵 Sat chatting for a while… listening to her discussing her latest novel… her interest peaked… suddenly it was time for her supper… snatched a couple of hugs and quick kisses… off to cook for the hubs 🥘

Supper tonite…  crispy skin striped bass in a lime butter sauce… courtesy of our son Mark’s recent catch… with roasted asparagus spears and sliced stems… seasoned curly fries… mango salsa and ciabatta toasts… crisp green salad and a lovely dry Vinho Verde alongside 🥂

FBI delivering grand jury subpoenas to many involved in the fake electors attempt at overturning the Presidential election Wednesday…  

Jan 6 committee members now requiring security details due to sharp increases in threats of violence and death against them and their families 😢 Next hearing Thursday at 3pm 

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 20 June 2022

Roasted Chicken Thighs, Oven Roasted Potatoes & Mango Salsa

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

A string of lovely days here in the Big Apple 🍎 Moderate temps 🌡 low humidity… energizing weather… a new tenant arriving in the backyard… not sure who the new resident is yet… large nest atop the garage exterior lights… too late for a robin… most birds have already fledged… a dove maybe?  One has been around often as of late… We shall see 🕊 

Breakfast on the deck… coffee for two ☕️🧋egg and cheese sandwich for the hubs… banana for yours truly… still don’t understand the “hot coffee on a hot day cools him down” 🤷🏼‍♀️  Each to his own 🥰 Mr Sam stretched out on the warm boards taking a nap 💤 

Spending time in the greenhouse… topping the cherry tomato plants… trying a new plan this year… shorter plants… higher yields...  time will tell if the results work well… last years forest was a bit unmanageable 😂 So far it’s working well 🤞

Supper tonite… roasted chicken thighs with oven roasted potatoes and mango salsa… crisp green salad… split a beer with the hubs… a gift from our son and DIL… Schwartzbier… a delightful dark ale… delicious 🍻 Ice cream for dessert 🍦

Watching the January 6 Hearings… massive amounts of evidence… painfully apparent… America came too close to losing our democracy… a planned widespread attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power… the basis of our democracy… attempting to overturn the will of the people to elect our own representation… and it hasn’t stopped yet 😢

We must not be silent… we must not let this pass without consequence 😐how was your day?  What’s on your plate?   Thoughts? 😷💕

Friday 17 June 2022

Eight Foot Bench

 Braggin’ on the hubs work once again… proud of his carpentry skills 🥰

8’ bench completed… 

Made from repurposed wood… 

Final waterproofed and sealing done…

Came out stunning… so pleased ♥️♥️

Meatballs Anyone?

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Today was a  hot one… 91°F… thankfully low humidity and a stiff breeze… making the temp tolerable.  New addition to our bird population arriving today… pair of gray catbirds nesting in the area… spent much of the day hopping about on the garage roof and in the bushes nibbling insects and enjoying the breeze.  Slightly larger than a sparrow… grey body with a cute black cap and upright black tail… related to mockingbirds and thrashers… pleased to meet a new resident 🪶

Breakfast today… light… no real appetite in the heat… coffee ☕️🧋for two… kibble for one 😽 hubs having his scrambled eggs and cheese in a wrap… just a banana for yours truly… Mr Sam snoozing under the couch in the air conditioning 😻 💤 

Hubs spending the day sorting wood… his recent acquisitions giving him a good load of pallets to disassemble… plus some donated boards by a local group… he is happy to be stocked up and ready to create 🪵 

Spending the day working in the greenhouse… glass of cool water on hand keeping the heat at bay… repotting a few seedlings 🌱 needing larger quarters…  several pots of new flowers needing larger pots… vinca… geranium… giving hubs new planters a flash of color and cheer 🪷

A few meals made recently… baked turkey meatballs with penne and fresh roasted tomatoes and Parmesan… ground turkey sauté with caramelized onions, cannellini beans and roasted tomatoes… sliced mango with fresh greenhouse mint… cucumber red onion and tomato salad… and finally… a favorite from cooking shop in middle school… tuna noodle casserole 🥘 

Been absorbed baby sitting for Princess Veronica 👸🏻 and watching the January 6th hearings…  leaving little time for Facebook… feeling overwhelmed with sadness at the divisions in our nation… respect decidedly missing in conversations on both sides…  folks forgetting the rules of disagreeing without being disagreeable…

1. Stick to the topic… don’t bring up the past…

2. No name calling… insults or threats…

3. No yelling… raising voices or violence…

4. If tempers flare... take a break to cool down…

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Three Planters 🌱♥️

 So proud… taking a moment to brag on the hubs…

Hubs completed projects thus far… two stunning small planters and one long planter… all three built from upcycled pallets… profesional level craftsmanship 💚💚💚

Saturday 11 June 2022

Porterhouse, Rice, Potatoes, Roasted Asparagus & Carrots, Watermelon Salad and Perch with Rice and Sautéed Chard/Beet Greens

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Cloudy skies… moderate humidity… temps in the mid 70’s… enjoying the last days of spring before summers heat and mugginess arrive… lots of birds out and about… hopping in the grass pecking insects and worms… sparrows… robins… mockingbirds… cardinals… our local borer bee 🐝 a fierce defender of her territory… out patrolling… pleased to see a honey bee drinking from the rosemary flowers… scoping out the garden… neighbors out mowing… weeding… waving hello as they pass by walking their puppers… stopping to chat 💬 

Breakfast for three out on the deck… coffees for two ☕️🧋cottage cheese for the hubs with banana and blueberries… turkey and salami wraps to follow for both… Mr Sam napping in the warmth his kibble and water nearby 😽

Spent time in the greenhouse…  topping tomato plants and pinching suckers… putting up a net behind the cucumber frame for added climbing space… repotting basil seedlings 🌱 and zinnias now grown enough to venture outdoors into new deck planters…  morning glories happily climbing their stake at the end of the deck amidst gardenias, rosemary and lemon tree all showing new growth and flower buds 

Supper last night… perch in a lemon butter sauce with brown rice, chard and sautéed beet greens freshly snipped from the greenhouse… light and delicious…

Supper tonite… grilled porterhouse… rare please… shared with the hubs… his with potatoes roasted on the grill… roasted asparagus spears… roasted asparagus stalks and carrots slices… hers with brown rice topped with roasted asparagus stalk and carrot slices… and roasted tomatoes… roasted asparagus spears on the side… Sharing a watermelon, feta, red onion & fresh garden mint salad with balsamic glaze… served alongside vodka tonic and lime cocktails 🍸 

Still processing the massive information provided by the Jan 6th Committee Hearings… more to come Monday morning 10am on CNN

Covid infections slowing as vaccination and prior infection begin to give herd immunity here in America #GetYourJabOn and be part of the end to this pandemic… mask up when needed and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 8 June 2022

Chicken with Roasted Tomatoes, Broccolini and Red Potatoes with Watermelon Feta Red Onion Mint Salad in Balsamic Glaze

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Overnight rain morphing into bright skies and low humidity… temps in the low 80’s… light breeze keeping it cool… pair of cardinals zipping tree to tree… two red tailed hawks riding thermals overhead… mockingbird swooping down low squawking at sparrows and robins resting in the branches at dusk 🦜 

Breakfast on the run… hubs off to his check up early… back to share coffee ☕️🧋cottage cheese, blueberries 🫐 and banana 🍌 Mr Sam stretched out on the deck cooling himself in the shade ☂ 

Hubs trimming bushes… replacing an electrical socket… changing lightbulbs 💡 Yours truly dealing with the deluge of never ending paperwork and calls… finally taking a good long walk before supper with Mariya… perfect way to de-stress after a busy work day 🏃🏻‍♀️

Supper tonite… chicken with roasted tomatoes,  broccolini and red potatoes a side of ciabatta toast with olive oil salt and pepper… served alongside a refreshing gin and tonic with lots of lime and ice 🧊 Watermelon salad with feta, red onion, fresh garden mint and balsamic glaze…  dessert… ice cream… vanilla for him… mint chip for her 🍦

Investing a couple of hours tonite watching the January 6 Committee Report… the complexity of the plan to subvert the election results in 2020… amazing… so many moving parts… the threat that continues now and into the future… democracy is fragile… we are at a tipping point… can we get through this divisive in fighting to see clearly and act responsibly?  Do our elected officials have the capacity to put aside their own agendas and prioritize the country? Time will tell… we can only hope 🥺

Next hearing Monday June 13  10am  on CNN

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts? 😷💕

Friday 3 June 2022

Crispy Skin Striped Bass with Asparagus and Zucchini Pancakes in a Lemon Butter Sauce

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Gorgeous day… high 70’s… how humidity… bright azure skies… folks out walking puppers… waving hello…  big smiles on this lovely day…  mama squirrel leaving her little pile of acorn shells on the deck rail once again… spotting one of her littles hopping across the street… fledgling sparrows  flapping madly flying tentatively branch to branch…  buzzing of landscapers…  neighbor giving the car a wash…  sounds of spring 🧽🧹🌱

Breakfast for three… out on the deck… the hubs enjoying cottage cheese with berries and coffee ☕️ iced coffee🧋and banana 🍌 for yours truly… Mr Sam relaxing on the deck taking in the sunshine… kibble nearby 😽

Hubs working in his shop… built a new new workbench for himself… looking very sturdy… planters coming along beautifully… repurposing scrap wood collected from used pallets…  staining on the horizon 🪑

Supper tonite… a delightful treat gifted to us from our son Mark… took a few clients out fishing yesterday and caught a couple of striped bass… each  about three feet long… his share made six gorgeous fillets… one became tonite’s dinner 🥘 

Crispy skin striped bass in a lemon butter sauce with zucchini pancakes and roasted asparagus and crisp green salad… served alongside bubbly Vinho Verde by Casual Garcia 🥂 scrumptious 😋

Special mention…  Out of the Darkness Walk began tonite in NYC raising fund for suicide prevention… the 18 mile walk beginning at sundown ending at sunrise… where it began… the Intrepid Sea Air and Space Museum 🌚🌝

Covid cases climbing in California as the risk level in NYC remains High… #GetYourJabOn and remember to mask up and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Mushroom and Ricotta Ravioli, Roasted Tomatoes with Sliced Asparagus Stems and Spears

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Active weather day… mixed sun and clouds early… thundershowers mid-afternoon morphing into steady rain through early evening… robins hopping about in the grass plucking worms as they come up for air…  cardinal couple flitting back and forth between the oaks… a young sparrow landing on the deck rail under the awning escaping the rain… the thwap thwap of wiper blades punctuating the splash of tires as cars pass… a straggly runner on the sidewalk caught In the deluge dripping wet… her sneakers squish squashing on by ☔️ 

Breakfast for three… coffee ☕️ 🧋out on the deck… enjoying the speckled sunshine… Mr Sam lounging on the warm boards… early afternoon… awning extended as the rains begin in earnest… keeping Mr Sam dry… as well as a passing young sparrow brave enough to alight near the cat 🐈 

Supper tonite… mushroom and ricotta ravioli with roasted tomatoes…sliced asparagus stems… roasted spears and crumbled Parmesan… served alongside the last of the delicious Claret… banana trifle for dessert 😋

Watched the Presidents address to the nation earlier… hoping that the senators working on bi-partisan legislation will DO SOMETHING to break the cycle of violence plaguing our country 🥺😢

Covid risk level in NYC continues to be High… kids 6 months and up will  likely be able to be vaccinated against covid beginning  in the next few weeks #GetYourJabOn   Mask up and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?