Tuesday 19 April 2022

Chili Night

 Vaccinated supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Improving weather… temps creeping up into the mid 50’s… sun peeking out from between the clouds now and then…  blustery winds… spent the afternoon helping the hubs sop up the small amount of rainwater accumulating on the unfinished basement floor… couple of small puddles… few folks out in the chill… head ducked down into their jackets against the breeze… spring recess from school here in the Big Apple 🍎 Quieter streets without teacher and parents on the road 🚗 

Breakfast for three… Mr Sam gobbling up his kibble and side of whey… the hubs enjoying yogurt and the last banana (hitting the market tomorrow) with his hot coffee ☕️  iced java🧋on the menu with a turkey mini wrap… the hubs appetite much improved… scarfing a mini wrap as well 😁

Mr Sam spending the afternoon snoozing 💤 under the couch… no steady sun for him to enjoy… post puddle clearing tackling a craft project with the hubs before scooting off to prepare supper 

Chili night… red and white chili with ground turkey… 1/2 vidalia onion.. sautée till soft… adding in garlic… salt… pepper… sautéing a bit longer… ground turkey… cumin, chili powder, ground oregano, ground coriander, smoked paprika, Cajun spice mix and red pepper flake… browning the turkey… drained and rinsed can each of dark red kidney beans and cannellini beans… mix well… add in one 28 oz can of tomato purée and finally a beer… stir… bring to a boil… reduce to simmer… adding in one allspice leaf (thanks Nance Fowler) and simmer uncovered for about 30-40 minutes till thickened… best chili recipe yet… got it from a movie review for The Mexican… years ago… reviewer said, “don’t go see this move… stay home and make chili instead... hers a recipe” Delicious served alongside a Modelo Negro 🍻

Sad news… finally caught the hubs cold… drippy nose… post nasal drip irritating the throat… no fever… feel fine otherwise… no visit with Mom this week 😕 don’t want to get her sick 🤧 Will drop off her needs with the concierge instead 🤷🏼‍♀️ stinks… but we will get past it in a few days 

Russia’s bombardment of Ukraine 🇺🇦 continues day and night… heat aching for the people of both countries… none want this war #peaceforukraine

BA-2 variants spreading rapidly in large cities… mask up and wash those germy hands… not vaxxed yet #GetYourJabOn and practice self care 😷💕

How was your day?   Whats on your plate?   Thoughts?

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